Chapter 21; And So The Battle Begins

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Liam's POV

Today is the 2nd day of school.

I think, personally, that school absolutely sucks. It would be so much better if Niall and Louis were on team Sea.

Now I'm stuck with Harry who won't stop talking about Louis nonstop. It's like Louis is famous and Harry is just an obsessive fan.

To make matters better, I have every single class with him. So I get to hear about Louis a lot.

Believe me, I love Louis and Harry, but you get to the point where enough is enough. Sure they are romantic but I don't need to hear about them 24/7. Well, at least they are happy with each other, that's all that really matters.

"Do you remember the time me and Louis-" Harry began before I corrected his improper grammar.

"Louis and I." I corrected.

"What?" Harry asked, he was confused.

"Proper grammar my friend, it's Louis and I." I explain to the confused boy.

"Okay, alright, anyways. Do you remember the time Louis and I," his voice got louder when he corrected his grammar, "were eating ice cream and Louis ate hot sauce?" Harry laughed.

"Ah, yep." I sighed, with no emotion whatsoever.

"Liam, save the chatting for lunch?" Our science teacher, Mrs. Langdon asked.

"What?! That absolutely was not me!" I whispered silently to myself, knowing that if I actually did say it I would probably get sent to the office.

"Sorry." Harry whispered to me once the teacher turned away.

I told him it was alright with a big sigh.

Niall's POV

Lunch, finally.

I walked down the almost never ending hallway.

I held on tightly to the brown paper bag my mom had packed my lunch in.

The hallways had been completely empty, I was late to lunch because the teacher had let us out late and I had to use the bathroom after class.

I had a sudden jump when I heard the door to the stairways open.

There appeared 2 boys, my age. I have seen them joking around school a lot.

"Woah." The boys stop, looking at me, "what's up with your face?" They both laughed.

I turned to the next hallway, avoiding their question. They followed.

"Are you going to answer me?" He questioned me.

I sighed, deciding not to respond.

"Grab him." One of the boys stated simply.

I turned in confusion, but soon got slammed into the stone wall.

I was much smaller then the boys.

My eyes looked up at his before his mighty fist interrupted it. I went to give him a hit back, although the other boy held my wrists. I was pinned by a wall. I had absolutely nothing I could do to defend myself in this situation. He spat verbal words at me before striking his fist at me each time. I whimpered at the swelling pain.

"Let's go." The boy holding me back insisted.

Both boys backed away from my bruising body, before making a run for it.

What just happened..?

I slid down the wall, trying to process the burning in my body.

I was too scared to do anything, I feel trapped.

I started shaking with fear as a group of girls started to walk towards the hallway I was in.

I quickly grabbed my lunch bag and rushed off the wall, running down the hallway to the lunch room.

Once I arrived I walked over to our lunch table, hiding my face in my hood.

"Hey Ni!" Louis smirked at me.

"Ni, why are you so late?" Harry asked. I looked down at their lunch trays which were empty.

"I-" I started, before being shoved into a emotional hug by Liam.

"Niall," He pulled away looking at my bruising face, "Niall. Your face is blotching. Your bruising. Your eyes are tearful. What happened?" Liam questioned me, pulling me over to a chair in the lunch room.

I knew in that moment what has the right thing to do, to tell someone. I just couldn't allow the words to escape from my lips. I decided to keep it a secret.

"Nothing. Just really awful day... Going to tell the nurse I don't feel well. Gonna go home." I stood up and walked off before anyone could say anything.

Accept me please.

*chapter inspired by the song Hopeful by Bars and Melody*

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