Chapter 3 Why?

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A.N I seriously love this picture! Here's chapter 3, ENJOY
Ravens POV
I was reading a new book in my room when I got a knock on my door. I opened it a bit, to see the face of Starfire. She was smiling.

Starfire: Hello dear friend Raven.
R: Hi Starfire.
Starfire: Will you join me at the mall of shopping?
R: No star. I'm reading a really good book.
Starfire: Then you must do the painting of the toe nails!

She laughed. I huffed.

R: Sorry Starfire.
Starfire: No! My apologies friend Raven, but you must. I am most lonely. Friend Robin is gone, and friend Beast boy, and Cyborg are playing the video games.

I sighed. Painting nails, or shopping? No painting nails.

R: Fine. We could, uhhh, go shopping.
Starfire: Yeah! Thank you friend Raven!

She pulled my door open, and dragged my out, causing me to drop my book on the floor. Great. No I have to find my page. She kept dragging me till we got to the common room.

Starfire: Are you ready?
R: Yeah, I'm ready.

Beast boys attention went to us, causing him to loose his game.

Cyborg: Boo yah!
Beast boy: We're are you guys going?
Starfire: We are traveling to the mall of shopping!

He looked at us. Then me.

Beast boy: You got Raven out of her room? Congrats.

I quickly butted in.

R: She threatened me!
Starfire: He- He.

She blushed.

Beast boy: Do you guys have to go?
Starfire: Yes! You will not stop us!

Starfires grip tightened. She was determined to go. Why did Beast boy care anyways?

Beast boy: Oh, okay. Bye then.
Cyborg: Bye!

We left.************* Once we got to the mall, Starfire forced me to go to Urban planet. She bought herself some really nice accessories.

R: Okay. Can we go to Chapters now?
Starfire: Sure.

She cheered. Chapters was one floor below so we had to go on the escalator.

Starfire: I love these moving stairs!
R: There called escalators.

I said in my monotone voice.

R: Okay, the stores this way.

I said leading. I bought the third book in the series I was reading. Currently I was on the second. I also bought a cute pen. Star got two cute pens. After we went to a few more of her stores before buying fries and a drink. We finally left at six. ********* When we got back they were all very happy to see us. And Beast boy has been randomly excited to see me, more then Starfire. Why?! It was creepy! We all new that Robin and Starfire had some type of special relationship. Don't believe me, she gave the second pen to Robin. I quickly escaped to my room. I had to find my page quickly. Once I did I started to read.

" It's your destiny!" " The portal must be opened!" " Witch!" " Are you just jealous that they liked me more then you?!" " He told me all about your freak outs!" " Raven! Stop!"
( Bang, bang, bang!) I woke up on the ground with my book spread across my stomach.

Robin: Are you okay Raven?

I heard his voice behind the door.

Robin: you've been in your room for hours.

I stood up, causing me to become dizzy. I held the wall, a nightmare of all the things people said to me.

R: Yeah! I'm good.

I said not opening the door. I put the book mark in.

Robin: You sure?
R: Yeah.

I opened the door. This surprised him, and he jumped back.

Robin: You scared me.
R: Sorry.

We walked to the common room. It was nine now. I entered the common room. Starfire was feeding silkie, are weird mutated pet that BEAST BOY brought into are house. It's practically her pet though. I clearly told him "Don't even think about it" but he never listens. Cyborg is no were to be seen, and Beast boy was listening to music. To loud for my liking.

R: Do I have to be here?

I asked Robin. He gave me a "sorry, I no there annoying, but please stay." Look.

Robin: It would be nice.

I sighed.

R: Fine.
Beast boy: Hi Raven.
R: Hi.
Starfire: Hello, friend.
R: Hi.

I said a bit annoyed.

Starfire: Would you like to feed Silkie?
R: Not really.
Starfire: okay.
Beast boy: Hey Raven!

I turned to look at him. He was smiling. Oh gosh. I dared to myself to respond.

R: What?
Beast boy: Why did the weapons not go to school?
R: Uhhhh. Why?

I got prepared for the humiliating Answer.

Beast boy: Cause they have sick moves!

He started laughing historically. I got to admit, one of his better ones.

R: Whatever.

I said then sitting on the couch. He got up quickly.

Beast boy: That was funny! Why don't you laugh?
R: It wasn't funny enough for me to laugh.

I crossed my arms.

Beast boy:Your boring,you know that?
R: Your stupid, you know that?

I credited myself on that one.

Beast boy: Your plan out mean. And only to me!
R: There's a reason for that.

He scoffed, I laughed.

Beast boy: Reasons, three.
R: Okay. Your annoying, not funny, and your sixteen and only one inch taller then me.
Beast boy: Wow. Truth bomb to my face. Your cold. I try to make you laugh and you just sit there looking at me like there's something wrong with my face. I'm just gonna go.

He left the room. I didn't realise, but Robin and Starfire were watching the whole time. Starfire looked horrified and Robin looked I don't even know.

Robin: You should apologise to him.
Starfire: why were you guys saying the mean things to each other?

I was caught at my tongue. I felt bad. He was right, just trying to make me laugh. To make me happy. I'm a horrible person.

R: I'll go apologise.

The last thing I want is to make my friends hurt. I've succeeded at just that. I went to his door. I knocked 3 times lightly. He opened it half way.

Beast boy: Oh, it's you. Hi Raven.
R: Ahhh, hi.

I had no idea of how to do this. He didn't look upset or mad, but just a " I don't care look".

R: Listen, I'm sorry for saying that back there.

He crossed his arms.

R: You do make me happy, just I don't show it. I'm not good at apologies.
Beast boy: Thanks Raven. Have a nice night.

With that he closed his door. Eshh. Was he that mad? I had to go sleep. To tired to make any sense of my thoughts. Good night Jump City. Good night Beast boy.
A.N Okay, a little more BBRae. I hoped you liked this chapter, and have a nice sleep tonight. Love, Sinead.

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