Chapter 36 Back

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A.N Halla! How you? Good I hope. If you're not then maybe this will make you feel better, I lost a 800 meter race and cried! There you go, your life is not as disappointing as mine! ENJOY.

Did she finally forgive him? Was he truthful? They WERE insecure... The others are anxious. They simply don't know what to do. Understandable. Yes,very. We shall see.

Ravens POV
I was in my room. My fingers were scrambled in Beast boys yesterday. Yay! But nothing more ever happened. We simply parted ways. He was very different now. You see, he is no longer that little boy. Not short. Not scrawny. Not immature. He made less jokes, or when he did they were actually the slightest bit funny. Him and Cy defiantly played less and less video games by the day. Seconds you could even say. It is like he is a entirely new person. Not Beast boy from Doom Patrol or Teen Titans. He is tall, muscular, mature, smart and NOT LAZY. But that's not all I can say. We can blame the rest of us as well. I'm different. I don't really speak in monotone anymore. I show emotion. My hood stays down now. I DON'T meditate anymore. I mean, why would I need to? I can show emotion and I'm more powerful then I have ever been. But most of all, I fell in love with Beast boy.

Beast boys POV
I can't believe I haven't kissed Raven in forever. All we did was hold hands. Ughhhhhhh.
I miss her so much! I would die for her. Die to be back in her arms. Just the thought of her grabbing that knife and even trying to end her life, made me sick. After that happened, when I went to my room, I literally broke down. I couldn't stop crying. I just missed Rae so much. I honestly felt pain due to loneliness. Everything about that girl was to die for! I don't understand how Robin and Cyborg could even like anyone else other than Raven! Very unlucky for me, Jump city has like ZERO villains which makes it impossible to to even see my little birdie! And it just leaves me sitting here, wearing masks in front of the Titans and I can only suffer the thoughts of Raven Roth! Now that we are on good terms... Literally means like nothing to me! She just seems happy so I guess I'm happy! I want to be her boy again! I miss her touch!

Just then there was a knock on my door. My face brightened up as it was a possibility it was Raven. I had a smile bigger then my face right now as I ran to my door. I opened the door, feeling my heart skip like a little girl jump roping. As I saw who it was, was the exact same time a log hit my face causing my smile to transform into a frown then the frown to leak off my face.

Beast boy: Oh. Hey Cyborg.

I said his name like it was a swear word. He looked at me confused and slightly hurt.

Cyborg: Boy, what's the matter with you? It's not like I'm the pound or animal welfare! Titans are having a meeting right now. And last I checked, you're a Titan.
Beast boy: Smart ass...

I murmured. I followed the Cyborg to the common room. Then we entered the door. First thing that happened to me was my eyes being drawn to the prettiest person in the world. Raven! Right! I forgot she's also a Titan. I held back a smile as blush formed on my cheeks. Raven then noticed me too. Instead of blushing or smiling, she bit her lip and looked down. Gosh that's a turn on... I was interrupted in my thoughts by Robins scruffy voice.

Robin: Okay Titans! We have a bit of a mix up. There has been an error in the police department and are information and status has been erased from our files. Police said we'll need three people to go to the police department. I'm pretty sure none of us want to do that boring work so we will just do a draw.

We nodded in agreement.

Robin: I'll choose two names and those two names will be left at the tower.

I hate you I love you ( A BBRae fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now