Chapter 18 Have you seen him?

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A.N I seriously love that picture! Please Enjoy this Chapter.

Ravens POV
Yesterday was weird. Starfire was having a nightmare and plenty of things happened to me after she woke up. Cyborg said his computers were acting weird too. Nothing happened to Beast boy. And I felt very off. It's unusual for Star to have nightmares...  I had shivers all day. Even when I was comforted by Beast boy. He was worried. And I still love his touch. Every time his body touches me, my heart skips a beat and shivers go down my spin. Worst part is that he knows it which makes me so annoyed. Then he laughs at me! Grrrrrrrr! I wish I could wipe that cu- I mean annoying smile off his face! Huh, I have a lot of thinking to do. Still have to get my finger rapped around things. Yes were dating, but I still feel weird about it.
Cyborg was in his room fixing his computers. Beast boy, Starfire, and I were tracking Robin down.

Beast boy: There!

Beast boy pointed to a vibrating dot. Starfire stumbled to zoom in. She was shacking a bit.

Starfire: You are the sure this is Robin?

She asked quickly.

Beast boy: Yeah, that's his communicator.

Starfire looked at me.

R: He's right. That's Robin.
Starfire: Alright, we must go there, now!

She yelled the word now. Beast boy crossed his arms.

Beast boy: And why couldn't you listen to me?!

He said following us out of the room. We went to Cyborgs room. He was working on his computers still.

Starfire: Friend! We are going to find friend Robin.

She urged. Cyborg looked at us.

Cyborg: Alright, alright. I'm coming Star.

He said putting his things away. We rushed out of the tower. Starfire was holding Cyborg while we flew. According to the computer in the tower, Robin was last in the south side. We made our way there with haste. Starfire put Cyborg down once we arrived.

Cyborg: Okiedokie. My tracker says he is just about 15 steps away.

He said looking at his arm. Starfire giggled with glee. Cyborgs expression changed though.

Cyborg: And 20 feet down...

He said quietly. Starfire looked at him. Rage in her eyes.

Starfire: We WILL retrieve Robin now!

She yelled.

Beast boy: Chillax Star, we're here and we'll find him soon.

Beast boy said calmly.

Starfire: Soon is not soon enough.

She said after looking at were his communicator dot was. She then started to walk away. We exchanged looks, but then followed her. Beast boy slyly took my hand. I smiled feeling the heat rise onto my cheeks. Starfire kept leading us to Robin.

Beast boys POV
We went down streets and around corners. She was one angry Star. I couldn't really focus on Starfire and the whole mission thing... I'm just thinking about Raven. I wish I wasn't such a creep. I'm literally freaking out about touching her hand. Her soft skin that's nice and pale... I didn't even intend on liking the half demon girl. But she got me good. I honestly have no clue how! She's just so... I don't know, wonderful. I was cut off in my thoughts when I heard gasps and Starfire scream. I drew all my attention to the team.

Beast boy: Oh my gosh.

I too gasped when I saw what was ahead of me.

R: You don't suppose...

I smiled internally when Ravens voice soared through the sky.

Starfire: No, no I will not believe it. That is not true!

Starfire said covering her mouth.

Cyborg: Star, my tracker says he's 20 feet down...
B: Is the hole 20 feet deep?

I asked. Cy looked down the few yards long hole.

Cyborg: I'm assuming so. My tracker says he's right here. Below are feet...

He said quietly. Starfire looked as if she was going to cry.

Starfire: Very well.

She swallowed. We all felt bad for her.

Ravens POV
Beast boy: Plan?

We looked at him.

Beast boy: Huuu, something I said?

He slouched into himself. I smiled at his stupidity. He was so cute.

Cyborg: We will all go in since this is like a battle field of a hole.

We all nodded in agreement. Starfire picked up cyborg then flew down the hole. Beast boy and I went down after. It was a weird trip. There were street lights and broken buildings laying around. It was just like an exploded city. This was depressing. I looked
at Beast boy. He looked around helplessly for Robin. It was a orangey light in this "hole"
Thing. Starfire walked around with her green energy covering her hand. No one said a thing. We all went our separate ways. While we were walking we heard a child cry. I turned around to find the echoing voice. I ran to the cries. There I met the other Titans. Cyborg was lifting a broken piece of concrete of a, a 13-15 year old girl.

Cyborg: Your safe now. Are you okay?

The girl was all scratched up.

Girl: Mhm.

She nodded shyly.

Beast boy: Where are your parents?
Girl: I, I don't know... I... I don't know!

She started to cry.

R: Easy, we need to know what happened.

I said in my most comforting voice.

Girl: Well, I was up one morning then we all heard banging and screams. My, my father told us to run... Then, um we fell into a huge well... Huge,... This.

She finished. Starfire rose.

Starfire: Have you seen a man named Robin who has an R shape on his chest area and the green pants who wears an mysterious mask who is the quite handsome.

She said all at once. We looked at her weirded out and the child looked a little scared.

Cyborg: What she meant to sa,

He said putting a hand on Starfires shoulder.

Cyborg: was have you seen Robin the "boy wonder"?

The girl looked up in realisation.

Girl: You mean Dick Grayson? I love him! But no, I have not seen him.

We laughed a bit that she had a crush on our stern leader, but were low key depressed that we had no clues in finding Robin.

Starfire: Oh...
R: I'll fly her back out of the hole. You keep looking for Robin.

They nodded and I took the girl. We started our journey up.

A.N Shorter, but I hoped you liked it. Bye! Love, Sinead.

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