Chapter 17 Yes and guess

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A.N Hey! I love this picture so much!!! The only problem, I ship flinx not cyjinx. Ah well. Anyways, ENJOY
Ravens POV
It was 5:00 AM and I was up early. I wrote a letter agreeing to Beast boys question. I wasn't entirely sure about this, but I decided to listen to Bee. If I don't like it, I'll dump him. Yeah, I'll dump him. I moved swiftly through the hall of Titan tower. I gulped when I got to his door. I taped the letter on it. I put a spell over it so only he can open it. After I did that I went and made myself some waffles and herbal tea. I went to the roof were I meditated and nibbled on my waffles. Meditation was so peaceful. Now that I do it for relaxation and not to keep my powers from exploding, it's so much more enjoyable. ************************************************************************

Beast boys POV
It was 7:00 AM. I got up. There was a letter on my door when I walked out of my room. I ran to Cyborgs room.

B: She said YES!

Cyborg turned from his computer.

Cyborg: She did what?!
Beast boy: Ah huh!
Cyborg: Dude that's great!

He said bro hugging me.

Beast boy: I know!

I backed away rubbing my head, amazed RAVEN agreed. I mean RAVEN. What?!

Cyborg: So what ya gonna do first?

He asked raising his eye brows. I gawked.

Beast boy: Dude, you're so wrong! I'll only do what she allows me to!
Cyborg: Good. Testing you BB.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Cyborg: Are you going to tell Star and Robin?
Beast boy: I don't know. They'll probably find out themselves.
Cyborg: Yeah because Star apparently knew from the start that something was up with you two. Robin also, but I think he's more clueless to the situation.

I blushed embarrassed and sunk into myself. Cyborg slapped my back.

Cyborg: Now how did 17 year old Beast boy get 17 year old Raven? How did you even get RAVEN in the first place?
Beast boy: It's not that weird...

I replied even though I could barely understand myself. Cyborg laughed at me.

Cyborg: Hahaha!! It's SOOO weird.

He said wiping a tear.

Beast boy: I'll just make my way out of here...

I said slipping through the door while he was having a laugh attack. I bumped into Star. Raven was behind her. We smiled to each other but then looked at Star.

Starfire: Friend Beast boy! Have you seen Robin!?

I thought about it.

Beast boy: No, why?

Starfire started pulling her hair a bit.

Starfire: He has not returned from the mission!
Beast boy: What? But I thought you went with him?
Raven: She did. He said she could go back to the tower when he was confirming that he got rid of the last of D.T.T.

I gave a worried face.
Starfire rushed into Cyborgs room asking him the same thing. This couldn't be good.

Ravens POV
This was bad. There has been multiple times were Robin has had problems and Starfire freaks. I mean when Robin was seeing Slade, Starfire literally ripped the floor open...
She paced out of the room.

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