Chapter 23 Soulmates

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A.N Love that picture! Please ENJOY this chapter I am looking forward to!
Ravens POV
Us Titans FINALLY have the time to be ourselves! I've been waiting for this! It's been two weeks since Robin became Robin.I walked out of my room with a grin on my face. Something that doesn't happen often. When I got to the common room, everyone was already there. I was going to make myself some tea, but it's scent was strong. I walked into the kitchen area of the room. Beast boy was leaning on the counter speaking with Cyborg. He glanced at me.

Beast boy: Made you herbal tea and waffles.

He said as he casually continued his conversation with Cyborg. I smiled even bigger. I served myself, then observed everything that was happening.
Starfire was still talking to Robin about old missions and how heroic he was. It was kind of cute how her eyes would sparkle when they met Robins. He would usually get a little pink on his cheeks and across his nose. They were falling in love all over again. Cyborg and Beast boy were chatting about something I gave no interest to. Silkie was sleeping. I sipped my tea with pleasure. This is what I wanted. But most of all, I missed Beast boy. I hated missing people, fact I still hate that I have feelings for him and it's been a month of dating already. I turned to look at him. He was definitely toned now. I looked down at my body.
I did have abs, but they were just visible. I looked back at BB. I couldn't help but smile. For some reason I thought something was going to explode. I covered my face, but nothing happened. Feeling stupid, I went to the window. I gazed out it. Jump city looked so peaceful. I loved it. I placed my hands flat on the glass. A few minutes later I felt someones hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. Beast boy.

R: Hi.
Beast boy: Hi, liked the tea?
R: Yeah. It was good, for you.

He looked at me.

Beast boy: Now what's that supposed to mean?

I laughed.

R: Well I mean, for someone with an unstable DNA.

He blushed then looked outside.

Beast boy: Isn't Jump beautiful?

He said as his eyes flickered around the city. I looked out at the streets.

R: Yeah. It is.

His hand slipped into mine. I happily took it.

Beast boy: I missed you.
R: How could you miss me if I live with you?

He smiled.

Beast boy: Your a very likeable person that even if I live with you, I still miss you, I still need you.

I blushed lightly. It made him smile.

Beast boy: I missed everything about you.

We were speaking quietly. Even though Cyborg was on the phone with who I think is Bee and Robin and Starfire are in a deep conversation, I wouldn't want them overhearing.

R: I missed you too.

I smiled. We made eye contact. I knew what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking. He squeezed my hand. I looked around to see if anyone was looking than opened a portal. I jumped into it pulling Beast boy in after me. We than appeared in my room. He looked around.

Beast boy: You got a nice room.
R: Thanks.

I liked my room a lot. We locked eyes again. No one spoke. It was dead silent. We kept eye contact through the whole thing. The tension was a lot to handle. I think he felt it too.

Beast boy: This is too much for me to handle.

With that he pushed his body onto mine. We started kissing. It lasted until we needed air. We attached are lips together again. He then pushed me back onto the wall. He kissed my neck causing me to smile a bit. I was ticklish. He lifted me up. My thighs were around him. I rubbed my hands through his hair. He than bit my lip lightly. We kept kissing for a little. Our eyes met.

Beast boy: I missed you too much.

His face was so close to mine that I felt his breathing. He made sure I couldn't move from in between him and the wall.

R: I can take it.

I smirked. He smiled than pushed my hands back on the wall so I couldn't move them.

Beast boy: Can you?

Now he smirked. He started to kiss my neck up and down. I started to laugh. He kept kissing my neck, but switched to sucking. My hands were held up and he made sure I couldn't move. I tried not to turn red at the feeling of his mouth on my skin. After a bit he pulled off me. I smiled.

Beast boy: You can't take it. I'm too much to handle for Rae Rae.
R: Shut up. If you ask me, I'm too much to handle.

I said as my eyes made there way down his body. He looked down and turned red. I started to laugh.

R: Wanna go fix that before Cyborg and Robin see?

I said smirking. He was still red.

Beast boy: Now you know how I really feel about you. Raven.

He said than left. It seemed too easy to control guys. I smiled to myself. Why did I like green bean so much?********************

The Titans were having a movie night due to their celebration of having no crime.

Starfire: Fellow Titans! I have choose a movie I believe is appropriate for this occasion.

Starfire held out a romance movie. Everyone made eye contact feeling a little awkward.

Starfire: "When you combine us" is perfect, yes?

She cheered shaking the movie.

Cyborg: ...Sure...
Starfire: Glorious!

She inserted the disc then hopped onto the couch. Cyborg was at the end, than Beast boy, than me, than Stafire and Robin. We were all randomly squished even though this couch was big enough for us to all have are own space. Starfires shoulder was against mine. Robin was real close to Starfire. BB and I had a bit of space away from each other. Cyborg was close to Beast boy as well.
The movie started. It was basically about two people who hate each other, then when the odds force them to be together, they end up having feelings for each other. I actually love the name for this movie, because at the beginning Steph, the main character says to the teacher "Never combine us." And at the end Jonah, the boy, says "They should know to never combine lovers." I'm not going to lie, I've watched this movie like seven times...  Everything was mostly good until like the ONE romance part came. We gave each other are more than personal space. During that romantic scene, unwillingly my eyes traveled to the person beside me. To my surprise, his eyes happened to travel to mine. We blushed than quickly looked away. Shoot! Cyborg saw! I hope I could count on him to not bring it up after this movie. *******************************************

The movie was finally done. We all got up and stretched.

Starfire: Glorious! That film was most enjoyable!

She squealed while floating in the air.

Robin: Yeah, that was um, a good film Star...

He said loosing his collar. Robin still had to remember a few things, but he already was very similar to the way he was.

Cyborg: I got some good memories out of it.

Cyborg said with a hint of  silliness in his voice. Beast boy and I  death starred him.

Cyborg: Heh heh, nothing worth sharing though...

He added.

Beast boy: Star, you said it was appropriate for this occasion?

Beast boy asked. Star turned a bit red.

Starfire: Umm, well yes. On Tamaran today is national meckforg day. The day of love!...
Robin: Well, if it's national meckforg day, than yeah it's appropriate.

Robin said.

Cyborg: Oh jeez, it's late. I'm gonna crash now.

We checked the time. 12:59 AM. Oh it is late. We all slowly made are way out of the commons room. I was the last one out. I couldn't stop thinking. Starfires on my page.

R: The day of love eh?

A.N Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Do you have a special someone for meckforg? (And no I don't mean the next Valentine's Day. ) Love, Sinead.

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