Chapter 13 Cybee ( The big fight )

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A.N Hey guys! Please enjoy this chapter!
Ravens POV
Robin: Trouble! It's them!

It's them. The gnome mans boss. They know we are trying to find them out somehow. We all rushed to the crime scene.

Beast boy: Oh my gosh.
R: Wow.
Starfire: Haaaaaa!

We all gasped at the sight we saw. Down the hill was a field, or used to be a field. Now it was an exploded mud field. There stood a huge group of people in the same gnome suits. In the middle was the boss, I'm assuming. He was not in a gnome suit, but in heavy protection.

Robin: Titans east, report.

Robin yelled in his communicator. A voice muffled on.

Bee: Titans east, Bumblebee here. Report.

She greeted.

Robin: Bee! We need the Titans east to hurry over to sector 8 of Jump City.
Bee: Okay, we'll be there soon!

She tuned out.

Robin: Titans! Right now all we need to do is get that man!

He pointed to the "boss" or whatever. We all studied what we were up against.

Robin: Is that clear?!

We looked unsure, but soon excepted.

Cyborg: Yah man, dat's cool.
Robin: Titans GO!

We all scurried over to the main man. He noticed us and pointed all his men towards us. This is not good. They all came rushing to us.

Beast boy: Ahh, guys!
Robin: Do not retreat! Do not retreat! Get that man!

We kept going, doing as told. The "boss" slowly was slipping out of the fight. Gnomes went flying at us, coming from all directions.

Starfire: Ah, huh-

Starfire fell to the ground. Gnomes and gnomes flew on top of her.

Robin: Starfire!!!

Robin rushed to her side, kicking gnomes off her. We looked back at him.

Robin: Keep going!

I put a shield around me and flew towards the man. Cyborg was shooting the gnomes coming toward him, Beast boy was almost always successfully dogging them. The man disappeared behind a wall. I flew over the corner and watched him.

R: Azarath, metrion, zinthos!

I screamed throwing all my black magic towards him. Right as it was about to hit him, he disappeared into the ground.
Damnit! He's wearing one of the Orange cards!

R: Rrrrrrrrr!

He was gone, and his army defiantly wasn't! They came around the corner and started throwing gnomes at me.

R: Aaaaaaa!

I screamed in agony. I was slowly going down. They kept hitting me.

R: Aaaaaaa!

Right as I was about to be completely covered in gnomes a huge wave of water knocked all the gnomes off me. I breathed in relief. Aqualad stood there. I was sooooo thankful.

Aqaulad: You okay Raven?
R: Yah I'm good. Thanks.

I said levitating. I was bruised all over. I hurt a lot but I had to get back to work. Beast boy returned to his human form and was fighting with cyborg. I joined the fight. I started to hit the colourful flying gnomes. They were starting to pound down on Beast boy. Cyborg was all bruised to. Beast boy wasn't down enough to stop talking, cause then he called out to me.

Beast boy: Raven! Behind you!

I turned around and thousands of gnomes came for me.

R: Azarath metrion zinthos!!

I screamed out of fear. All the gnomes on Beast boy and on cyborg shattered and same with the ones that were coming for me. Beast boy and cyborg got up.

Beast boy: Go Rave!

I didn't have time to correct him. Mas and Menos flashed by us taking out gnomes. Starfire and Robin were back up and fighting. Beast boy ran in a different direction with speedy. Bee came up to us. We kept fighting the gnomes.

Bee: Hey sparky.

She said while zapping gnomes.

Cyborg: Hey.

Cyborg said threw gritted teeth.

Bee: I... Know this is a bad time,

She said exploding gnomes.

Bee: But I really like you.

Cyborg kept shooting the gnomes. I was listening the whole time.

Bee: I enjoy your company. I mean I'm not a miracle or anything, but I can be something special. What do you say? Be my boyfriend?

She asked. Cyborg looked at her.

Cyborg: Shut up.

My eyes widened.

Bee: What?!

She stopped fighting and was buzzing in his face.

Bee: Don't tell me I went through all of that-

She screamed.

Cyborg: So I can kiss you.

Cyborg grabbed Bees waist and kissed her passionately. Bee wrapped her arms around him. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I saw the incoming gnomes and purposely coughed loud. They pulled apart and kept fighting. All the Titans were fighting in a huge circle. We started to defeat the army. The population was going down fast.

Aqaulad: I got this!

He sent a wave crashing threw the people. They all fell to the ground unconscious.

Robin: Titans we only defeated the army. We still need to find the main man. We will search for him later. We need a break now.

We all applauded each other. I missed someone a lot. The people moved to the side a bit revealing him. He stood tall, looking thin and muscular, dirt on his face and in his hair. He looked directly at me. A smirk spread on his face. That was it for me. I started to walk towards him. He came to me. We hugged each other tightly. Our faces buried in each others neck. He lifted me slightly off the ground. I laughed a bit. We pulled apart. Luckily nobody payed attention to us. They were caught up in whoever they were hugging.

Beast boy: Hey mama.
A.N I'm sorry!! Couldn't resist! I had to think so hard if I should add that or not!

I blushed so hard.

R: Hey.

I said in a flirty tone.

Starfire was in Robins arms. Cyborg and Bee were smooching. I loved my friends so much. We were gonna relax, take a break. Starfire and Bee have a man, and I have mine.

A.N Hey! A shorter one, but I liked this chapter. I hope you did to! See you later! Love, Sinead.

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