Chapter 15 D.T.T

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A.N Hey! I hope you like this chapter. ENJOY.
Ravens POV

R: Hrrrr.

I groaned while rubbing my head. Where am I? The ground was shacking and voices were echoing through the area. I was no longer tired, but had a huge headache. I must have been sleeping for a long time. The echoing voices got louder. I didn't know who they belonged to until the group came into view.

Cyborg: Yo, Raven's awake.

Bumblebee and Starfire came running to me. Of course, it was just my friends... I didn't know that?

Starfire: Friend Raven! It is glorious to see you out of the "deep" sleep.
Bee: Hey.

Bee grabbed my arms and helped me up. The room was rather green. Oh wait, Starfire was holding up her hand with her laser.

R: What happened?
Robin: We were looking for the gnome leader dude, and um, we found a hole... Then you somehow fell in it.
Aqaulad: You were supposed to watch the hole with Speedy and Beast boy. Remember?

Beast boy. Were was he? Was he still looking for the hole? Has he fallen asleep on the road while looking?

R: Where are they?
Cyborg: They're  sleeping still.

Phew. A little flash went bye.

Mas and Menos: Hola Raven!

Their loud voices cheered.

R: H- Hi. So we're in a hole right now?

They all nodded their heads.

R: Sorry guys, that I let this happen...

Robin came up to me.

Robin: If you remember, what happened?

All my momentarily thoughts vanished and in came the memories. Speedy sleeping, me and Beast boy...

R: Umm, I can't... I can't remember.

I said looking down embarrassed as if he could read my thoughts.

Robin: Okay...

I think he knew that I knew perfectly well what happened.

Robin: Your sure?
R: Yep.

I looked up at him smiling.

R: So how do we get out of here?
Bee: That's the problem. We were relying on you.

I broke a sweat. Moral of the story, don't love a teammate. Ever.

Robin: If I'm right, we're in the leader right now. If so, he'll have to turn back into a human sooner or later. We have to know what D.T.T is.

I forgot all about D.T.T the thingy used to create the Orange card. The Titans started talking again. I slipped out of their soul taking conversation. I walked over to where Beast boy laid. He was a dog right now, huddled up in himself. It was cute. I pet the sleeping dogs head then went back to the other Titans.

Starfire: Yes, but this hole is endless, is it not?
Robin: Doesn't mean we still can't try.
Bee: The girl has a point though.

Mas and Menos agreed.

Aqaulad: Look, I say we all try breaking out of this hole with are powers.
R: I agree. We should wake up Beast boy and Speedy then try breaking out of here.

Robin looked at me and Aqaulad a little frustrated. Starfire was in the background smiling, happy that she won against him.

Robin: ... Fine...

He said gruffly.

Cyborg: Beast boy!

He grabbed the dog up in the air shacking him. This looked so abusive... Beast boy returned to his human form and started screaming.

Beast boy: Ahhh! Yo dude! What the hell?!

He got out of Cyborgs grip and brushed his body getting cyborgs "germs" off himself. Aqaulad walked over to Speedy and splashed water on his face.

Speedy: What the heck! Aqaulad!!!

He slapped his shoulder.

Speedy: You could of just shaken me!
Aqaulad: That's not funny though.

He said blandly. We told Beast boy and Speedy about our plan and they agreed. All of us set out into different spots, then used our powers to break through. It worked! Everyone felt their butts smash to the hard concrete.

Titans: OW!

We looked around and saw the gnome man sitting on the ground holding his stomach.

Gnome leader: Curse you Titans!

He yelled trying to get up.

Robin: Oh no you don't.

He shot one of his freezing gadgets towards the man and he froze. I took this into my advantage.

R: Azarath metrion zinthos.

I lifted the man in the air with my black magic.

Robin: To the tower.
We were back in the tower with the man being questioned. Robin did it in private. Everyone sat in the common room. We waited there patiently. Bee held Cyborgs hand. The clock ticked away, consuming our sanity. The doors flew open, giving all of us heart attacks.

Robin: I'm done!

He had the man in cuffs behind him.

Robin: Already called the police.

We nodded not knowing what to say.

Gnome leader: Pathetic teenagers. You think you're-
Aqaulad: Just shut up.

He said filling his mouth with water. We laughed. The police came to the tower.

Officer: Thank you Teen Titans.

He took the gnome leader. Robin came up to us.

Robin: D.T.T was actually invented by this guy. That's why it didn't come up on the Internet. It's pretty deadly. Tomorrow I will go out and destroy what's left of it. You may come if you want, but it's optional.

Thank god it's optional. I could tell every one was proud to hear that as well.

Robin: Thank you everyone. This was a long and difficult mission. Titans East, you are free to go.

He said gesturing to the door.

Bee: The Titans East are glad to help. See ya sparky.

She said leaving the tower.

Cyborg: I will gladly go charge now. I've been living on my fists now and I'd like to return to my gun.

He said leaving the room.

Starfire: I shall feed silkie!

She said floating away.

Robin: I'm gonna crash. Goodnight.

Beast boy: Night Roby.
Robin: Never say that again.

He left the room. Beast boy stood up and I looked at him.

Beast boy: I'm tired. Night gorgeous.

When he said that I blushed. He was so attractive.

R: Good night.

He smiled to me than left the room, leaving me to watch Starfire feed a gross worm thing.

Starfire: Would you like to join me?

She said cheerfully.

R: Ummmm-

A.N Hey guys! Hoped you liked this one. Love, Sinead.

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