Chapter 24 Your love

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A.N Hey! I published early, I'm like 5 chapters ahead though!I hope you like this one!

Beast boy woke that day in shock. It was the day after "meckforg". He let out a little yell.
His clothes and bed were drenched. He had dreams that night...

Beast boy: Shit.

It was early in the morning. Robin and Raven were probably up though. He striped the sheets and the blanket. He then got into the shower. He cleaned himself harshly to make sure he was completely clean. His animal side of him was released in those dreams... Don't get me wrong, he loved his dream. He put his clothes and sheets in his personal washing machine. He got into his uniform. He was embarrassed to leave his room. He felt like the others knew about it. When he opened the door he awkwardly walked through the halls. Before the door to the common room opens he uncomfortable pulled his pants fixing them a bit.
He was right, Robin and Raven were sitting in the common room chatting. Robin didn't know about Raven and Beast boys relationship... Raven looked at Beast boy than smiled to him. He turned red thinking of his dream when he saw her. He forced a smile on trying to hide his discomfort.

Beast boys POV

Raven: Hello Beast boy.

She cheered. Damn! She looked so cute! ERR babe your not making this easier. I thought to myself.

Robin: Hey Beast boy.

Robin said casually. I grinned.

Beast boy: Hey guys.

I said looking through the fridge. I grabbed corn. I sat down at the table. I picked at my food. While I looked at the unappealing cold corn I felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw beautiful dark blue eyes looking into mine. She looked worried for me. Shit. Shit. Shit. I know she can sense how people feel and if she wanted, read their mind! I hope she doesn't know why I'm like this. I smiled to her. She didn't smile back and went back to her conversation with Robin.
I continued eating. A few minutes later I felt her hand on my shoulder. I looked up and sorta broke a sweat. She sat down next to me.

Raven: Is everything alright?
Beast boy: Yep. Everything's good. Good in the hood.

I said with enthusiasm. She raised a brow.

R: Tell me.

She surprisingly said with no force. She put her hand on my leg. Damnit! Somebody was starting to pay a visit...

Beast boy: No seriously Raven, I'm fine.
Raven: Don't lie to me, I can sense it. There's something OFF with you.

She said starring deep into my soul. Off? I'm more on... Said my thoughts. I looked at her. I gave her a look saying "please don't make me say it."

Raven: Can you tell me then later?
Beast boy: If I'm ready, yes.
Raven: Okay.

She rubbed my leg for a second then left. I looked down at my buddy boy and covered myself. This was so humiliating.

Ravens POV

I really wanted to know what was troubling Beast boy. Is he hurt? Probably not... I was inpatient. He means more to me than I wished. I cared about him so much. I care about the weirdo of the group. I decided to give it time. I went to my room. Bee! I completely forgot to tell her how my relationship with BB is going! I picked up my cell phone. I then dialled her number. After a few rings she answered.

Bee: Hello?
R: Hey Bee. Its Raven.

I said in monotone.

Bee: Oh, hey Raven!

I hate you I love you ( A BBRae fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now