Chapter 14 Interrupted romance

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A.N Hi! I hope you like that BBRae picture I drew! Please ENJOY.
Ravens POV
We've been searching for the gnome leader for about, almost a full 24 hours. I'm exhausted. And trust me, you don't want to know an exhausted Speedy. Bee was whining and Cyborg was hungry. (Like always) Robin was yelling at them to shut up and look faster to get it over with. Starfire was practically in tears about everyone's mood and Beast boy and I stood silently next to each other. Mas and Menos were SO ANNOYING, they'd sing these Spanish sentences every minute! Aqaulad was tearing his hair out. We kept walking until we came to a dark corner.

Robin: Everyone Shut up!!! LOOK.

Everyone surprisingly listened and looked. It was a huge dark hole. It was silent.

Bee: What the hell!

We all turned irritated to Bee. She sunk down into herself. We returned our gazes to the hole.

Robin: This must be it.

He whisper yelled. We all had huge bags under our eyes. It was sorta funny, but also disturbing. Yep, this is my squad. Want to join?

Speedy: No duh.
Robin: We should go check it out. Just to be safe though, two or three teammates should stay up here. Volunteers?

I was quick to raise my hand.

R: Me!

My tired scratchy voice made my face go blood red. Beast boy looked at me then to Robin.

Beast boy: I'll stay too.

He said calmly.

Speedy: Dibs!
Aqaulad: Oh, come on!
Robin: Let's go.

Robin said gruffly. Starfire flew him into the hole. Aqaulad jumped in with Mos and Menos. Cyborg grabbed Bees hand then they also jumped in. We all looked at each other.

Speedy: I call taking a nap first. Wake me up in 25 minutes.

Beast boy and I shrugged as we watched Speedy make his way to the sidewalk. He laid down.

Speedy: I'm doing you two a favour! I'm making this cold ground warm for whoever is next!

He said adjusting to the concrete. I sat down on the ground. Damn! It was freezing! I put my cape under my but. Beast boy sat next to me. It was silent for a good three minuets. Speedy was out cold. We looked at him. He laid there with no sleeves or anything. He was defiantly asleep though. It was 4:00 AM, anyone could sleep on the ground right now.

Beast boy: Speedy?

No reply.

Beast boy: This whole mission is stupid.
R: Agree.

We looked at each other. He looked so good right now, even with the bags under his eyes.

Beast boy: I don't get it.

He started.

Beast boy: Everyone looks like crap right now, but you still look amazing.

I was taken aback by his comment, that's what I was literally just thinking.

R: I thought the same about you.

I say quietly. He smiled, which made me smile. I still had a hard time knowing that I liked him. More like  need him.

Beast boy: That black hole, what are we supposed to watch?

I looked at it. It swirled in circles like before.

R: I don't know, don't care.

He smiled.

Beast boy: I seriously love your attitude Raven.

I gave him a devilish grin.

R: Thanks.

I scooted closer to him. I could tell he liked that.

Beast boy: Hey, you got something on your face.

He smiled.

R: What-

He cut me off by kissing my lips. At first it gave me a mini heart attack, but when he put his hands on my back pushing me against him, I adjusted. I kissed him back. We were right against each other, our body heat blocking out the cold.

R: We would be toast if Speedy woke up.

I say against his lips. I feel a smile form on his mouth.

Beast boy: I don't give a damn. I'm with you that's all that matters to me.

I blushed. He kissed my check. I smiled. We were still against each other and without me even noticing, I was on his lap with my legs around him. When we both noticed, we blushed. I didn't move though. Just stayed there gazing in his eyes.
After a bit Speedy woke up. I flung myself off Beast boy as quick as possible. We sat a huge distance away from each other. Speedy stood up. His eyed widened.

Speedy: Ahhh, guys. Where's the hole?

We looked to were the hole was. It's gone!

Beast boy: Uhhh...
Speedy: You guys lost the hole?! Better yet, you lost the team!!!!

He screeched. We hid our faces in embarrassment.

Speedy: How on earth did you lose sight of it?! You know, I don't even care! Let's go find the Titans! He pulled us up. I could barely walk cause of how tired I was. Beast boy the same.

Beast boy: Spread out?

He yawned.

Speedy: Yah, go.

We flew off while he checked ground. I flew west and BB flew east. I scanned the west side of Jumpcity the best I could. I almost fell out of the sky twice. Every thing was blurry and in the dark. I came to the richer side of the west area. There near an insurance building, was a huge hole sucking things into itself. I flew down to get a better look. While I did so, it started to suck me in.

R: Ahhhh!!

I was way to weak to fly away. I slowly got sucked into a nightmare. My fingernails scraped the cement before all my vision of the earth was gone. Down and down I went.

Right now, I am falling and falling endlessly. Every thing flew by my face so quick it was all blurry. I'm limp and beaten with sleep. My hands are being scraped on the "wall". I'm going down with a simple frown.

I hit the ground then laid there limp, as I slowly closed my eyes. Everything was drowned out, but one voice. Then black.

Starfire: Friend Raven?!

A.N Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter. Keep reading to find out what happens to Rae Rae. Love, Sinead.

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