Chapter 4 Sweat

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A.N Shock 777, I love you! Almost all of my favourite BBRae pictures, are made by Shock 777. Please, ENJOY.
Ravens POV
It was the next day. I was working out in the training room. I was on the treadmill running, with it slightly slanted up while watching tv. I was pretty good at running, so this wasn't a struggle. I would usually be practicing using my magic, but Robin said we Titans should practice other things in case we loose are powers. So I was. Starfire was currently doing stretches. Cyborg was upgrading the t-car, and Robin was just relaxing, I think.

Starfire: 47,48,49,50!
R: Good job!
Starfire: Thank you Raven. I shall do 50 of the sit ups!
R: Good luck with that.
Starfire: Good luck with the running friend Raven!

She got into the sit up position, and started counting. I kept running and I was almost at my goal!

Beast boy: Hey dudes.

He walked in smiling.

Starfire: 23,24, Hello friend Beast boy. 25,26,27...
R: Hi.

I said with my monotone voice. He walked over to me.

Beast boy: Your doing good Rae.
R: Raven, and thanks.
Starfire: Am I not doing well? 34,35,36,37...
Beast boy: No your doing well too.

Beast boy walked over to the weights. I watched him get into position. He lifted them pretty easily. He took the second heaviest and lifted it with a minor struggle. I didn't know his noodle arms were that strong. The treadmill beeped and I past my high score.
I got off and almost fell to the ground. I sat down for a bit letting my legs adjust. Star fire finally finished. She sat down beside me.

Starfire: My arms are feeling sore. Friend Raven, do your legs feel the same way as my arms?

I laughed at the way she put things.

R: Yes Starfire, my legs are very sore.
Starfire: I see. Friend Robin wouldn't have the sore limbs.

When she said this her eyes sparkled. It was sweet. Even though we can't see Robins eyes, his voice changes when he's with her. It's cute.

R: Maybe not Star, maybe not.

I said this while observing Beast boy. He was dodging objects coming toward him. Starfire must have noticed me looking at him cause she said something I wish she didn't .

Starfire: Do you have the feelings for friend Beast boy?

My eyes widened. I almost burst into tears of laughter.

R: You think I have feelings for Beast boy? That's hilarious. I'll never have feelings for him... Or anyone...

I muttered the last part.

Starfire: You do not?
R: No.
Starfire: I think it would be cute. Sometimes when friend Beast boy is sad, you come in the room and he is no longer feeling the down.

I blushed a bit. Did he do that?

R: He does that?

She giggled

Starfire: He does a lot of things.
Cyborg: Starfire! I could use some help!

With that she left the room to find Cyborg. I started to sweat a bit. I got back to exercising. All I could think about were Starfires chilling words. I hated the thought of it all. Beast boy was now doing the treadmill. Every thing was silent till a voice stirred the "silence" of the room.

Beast boy: Do you ever think about that whole incident?

I looked at him. He was not looking at me, but I knew he wasn't talking to nobody.

R: When we fell in like 7 different holes then a red room?

I asked knowing the answer.

Beast boy: Yeah, that one.
R: Not really.
Beast Boy: What was the point of it? You easily exploded the room. The room that took like ten holes to get to even though the ground was level.

His talking distracted me from working out.

R: I don't no.
Beast boy: You fell on me!

He started laughing his laugh that sounded more like a cackle. I did not find this amusing.

R: Then you almost died.

I said with slight amusement.

Beast boy: Was that your plan?

I didn't respond. He looked at me.

Beast boy: I always knew you were creepy, but I didn't know you were a murderer too.

I stayed silent.

Beast boy: Just joking with you.
R: Funniest joke yet.

I said sarcastically. ***************************************************************

Robin: Raven! Now!

Robin yelled. I sliced the flying objects. I successfully cut the huge box in half before it hit them. Starfire shot her star bolts multiple times. Beast boy turned into a dinosaur,
Robin was exploding things.

Cyborg: There he goes!

We all ran after this mystery man. It was chaotic. The man or thing, kept getting away.
We all came to a stop.

Starfire: We're did he go?
Robin: Wait, I think-
R: Ahhhhhh!

Just then something hit me from behind and I fell, or thought I did.

Beast boy: Raven!

I fell into his arms. The last thing I saw was his face. I then shut my eyes and I couldn't hear anything. **********
I woke on the cement. There were simple outdoor noises.

R: Huh?
Beast boy: Raven?

He said in a soft matter. He came into view.

R: Where are th-

I stopped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I was sitting now and he held me up.

R: The others?
Beast boy: They are still doing the mission. I stayed here to keep watch on you.
R: What happened to me?
Beast boy: We're not really sure. Something hit you and then flew away. They went to find it. Are you okay?
R: Yeah I'm okay.
Beast boy: Good

He said quietly. He let go of my shoulders and sat on the ground holding his legs. I blushed lightly. I didn't like it at all. I stood up and brushed all the dust off of me.

Beast boy: What are you doing?

He said lightly.

R: I don't know. Just going. I don't like this place.
Beast boy: You can't, I told them we'd stay here.
R: Just tell them were heading back to the Titan tower.

I flew off. While I was flying he came next to me as a bird. We flew together back home, then didn't really talk for the rest of the day. Why did he stay? It could of easily been Starfire. And he caught me. Not Robin or Cyborg, Beast boy. WHY?

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