Chapter 7 - Nothing Is Working...

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We tried getting rid of my ears and soft, bushy tail but nothing was working. The Goblin refused to give us the formula he used so I've been stuck like this. 

It's not fun, especially when I go out to fight crime. All the villains make fun of me and I have trouble fighting when my tail gets in the way. 

When they grab it, it's the worst. I am sick and tired of this and I've almost decided to quit but Sam brings me back. Recently, I have been having a new problem...



"THERE YOU ARE!" Deadpool captured me in a bone crushing hug. I struggled out of his grip as quickly as I could and ran off to find Sam. 

Deadpool followed me of course... I hate my life right now.

I web slinged to the helicarrier where I met up with Sam. Looked like I lost Deadpool for now. He won't follow me on the helicarrier. I don't think he will at least... 

Sam hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. 

"Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. It's best if he doesn't know about him... Right?

"Nope. Everything's fine. Just missed you." I said, burying my face into his chest. 

"I missed you, too." Sam said gently. We held each other for a few minutes before we were rudely interrupted by Nick Fury, of course.

"Spider-man! Nova! Would you quit spooning and start training like you're supposed to? I don't want to have to separate you two love birds, but I will if it interferes with your job!" I sighed and let go of Nova, backing away as slowly as I could. I really didn't want to let him go. 


When we finished training, I was exhausted. I web-slung back to my Aunt May's with Nova trailing behind me. Aunt May knew about all of my Spider-man stuff and she was okay with it. She also knew about Nova/Sam and she was cool with that too. I was surprised that she took the news of my first boyfriend so well. Sam was also the first person I dated, like, ever. 

I jumped into my room through the window and quickly changed into some night clothes. I didn't notice Sam had followed until I heard him wolf whistling. 

"Sam?! What the-" 

"Language, Babe!" Sam said, putting a finger to his lips, shushing me. 

"How long were you watching me?" I asked, furious. 

"Since you started changing. I didn't come in through the window until now and I must say... Your ass looks amazing!" Sam said, laughing. I threw my pillow at him and growled in frustration. 

"Perv!" I hissed, trying to be quiet, knowing my Aunt May was asleep. 

"Only for you!" He said, hugging me close. 

"Well you change too. I want to sleep." I said, yawning loudly. 

"Okay. I won't be mad if you peek." Sam said, winking at me. 

"NOPE. You're going to the bathroom right now!" I yelped. Sam laughed, shaking his head. 

"Whatever you say, Babe." He finished changing in ten seconds, jumping under the covers with me. "Goodnight..." He said softly, kissing my lips. I kissed back and soon it escalated to a make out session. Oops... That was as far as it got, one of our moans must have woken Aunt May and she was knocking on the door within minutes. 

"You boys better go to bed or Sam you will sleep on the couch! You can do the whole nine yards when I'm not here." She called through the door. 

"S-sorry Mrs. Parker!" Sam yelled, blushing fiercely. I quickly turned off the lights and snuggled close to Sam. He held me close and fell asleep quickly. I laid awake for a while until I finally drifted off into the dream world, the last thing I saw being Sam's blissful face. 

Maybe we can get this fixed somehow. I won't give up though. I will get rid of these accursed fox ears and fox tail. Then maybe things can be as normal as they could ever be. And maybe I could finally see Harry and MJ. They're pretty worried but I can't let them see me like this. Sam still loves me either way so I am going to be fine. 

Something will work...



Hell yeah! 723 words! I surpassed my goal of 500 words! I am working my way up to 1000 words and going up from there with my chapters. Please leave a comment below, telling me what you think! I would be glad to know! :D 

Anyways, that's all for now! Bye!


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