Chapter 8 - No Powers

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Hey guys. Just little author's note here. I wanted to say, thanks for all the votes and stuff. It's great to see all the people who add it to their reading lists, too. 

I also wanted to say, It'd be nice to see some comments talking about what I could do to improve or any feedback and ideas about what direction this story could take. 

I would love to hear what you guys have to say about it. 

Positive feedback is always very appreciated and I am very open to constructive criticism. 


Back to the story!


I woke up one morning and started trying to climb the wall for whatever reason. But... I couldn't do it. I tried testing out my Spidey Sense but that wasn't working either. What's going on? My webs still worked of course but I no longer had my amazing strength either. I was scared. I lost my powers! 

Immediately, I called Sam, sobbing. He quickly came over to comfort me, bringing along Nick Fury and the rest of the team. Lovely... 

"If you don't have your powers, you can't be Spider-man. You also can't leave your house looking like that." Nick said loudly. 

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." I said sarcastically. 

"Hey, Babe, calm down." Sam said quickly. He hugged me. 

"We have to go but I will call you as soon as I can. And visit too!" Sam said, kissing my cheek. 

"Okay..." I said with a sigh. I didn't want him to leave... 

After everyone was gone, I called Harry. He seemed elated that I was talking to him. 

"Hey, Peter!" He basically shouted. 

"Hey, Harry." I replied, with a laugh. 

"I haven't seen you in forever! I was worried sick." Harry's voice seemed off. I didn't know I had worried him that much. Oops...

"I am so sorry, Harry. It's just... A lot is going on right now and I can't exactly let you see me the way I am at the moment." I said, almost choking on my words. I could hear a chuckle.

"I know, Pete... I know... Hey, did you see Spider-Man on the news the other day? He has fox ears and a fox tail! He's so cute!" Harry wasn't acting like his normal self. Cute? Spider-Man? That's insane...

I brushed it off as some sort of Spidey- love phase he was having. It wouldn't last long. 

"So what are you doing this weekend? I wanted to hang out." Harry said, suddenly. 

"I don't know but I think I'll be busy. I promise that I will make time for you as soon as I possibly can, Harry but I really just needed to talk to someone right now. I'm really lonely..." My voice slowly became a whisper. 

Love or Faking It (SpideyNova) ~BEING REWRITTEN~Where stories live. Discover now