Chapter 9 - I Like You...

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I gaped at Harry, wondering if he really just said that. 

"Do you really mean that?" I asked quietly. Harry nodded.

"I missed out on my chance obviously but... I love you, Peter. I really want to be with you." He said, gently caressing my cheeks. I blushed and turned away. 

"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm with Sam... He's great, I mean he does have his flaws but... He's just great..." I said, with a dreamy sigh. Harry snorts. "What?" I asked, rudely.

"Nothing. Well... If you and Sam ever break it off and you need someone to comfort you, you always know where to find me." Harry said, kissing my cheek. I nodded, blushing. 

"So you're okay with just staying friends?" I asked. I didn't want to ruin anything between us. 

"Yeah, of course!" Harry said, hugging me and giggling like a teenage girl. Wait... We are teenagers... Whatever. 

"Okay so movie night?" I asked, excitedly. 

"Oh hell yeah!" Harry shouted, pumping his fist in the air. I laughed loudly and we rushed down the stairs to dive onto the couch and under the blankets. 

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked. 

"I think... Star Wars? All night marathon?" He smiled slyly at me. 

"You know I will never say no to a marathon with you!" I said, grabbing the remote and putting on Star Wars. I quickly snuggled close to Harry for warmth. Did someone turn the ice setting on or something?

To me, there wasn't anything wrong with this since it was cold and we were just best friends. That's what we always did during movies. Though, I will admit that was before Sam and I became a thing. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with it.




I woke up to Harry spooning me and someone knocking on the door. What time is it even? I checked the clock on the microwave and saw it was 2 in the morning. Who the hell is here at 2 in the morning?!

I moaned and held Harry closer, wanting the person to go away. Soon enough, I hear the scrape of a key and the lock clicking open. 

"Peter?" SHIT IT'S SAM!

I moaned loudly, cursing under my breath. 

"Go away... I'm tired..." I whined. Sam came in and stood in front of the couch, staring at the sight of Harry and I cuddling. 

Love or Faking It (SpideyNova) ~BEING REWRITTEN~Where stories live. Discover now