Chapter 15 - Tony's Practice?

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The next day when I came into the lab, only Tony was there. 

"Hey, Peter..." Tony mumbled awkwardly. "I need to tell you something..." 

"Oh?" I was confused. "What do you need to tell me?" Tony blushed and took a deep breath. 

"I've kinda been using you as um... Flirting practice since I'm kinda... Well... In love with Steve so please don't hate me, I'm sorry!" Tony spoke rapidly so it took a moment for me to piece together what he was saying. 

"Ah, I see..." I said softly. Then I froze. "WAIT WHAT?! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH STEVE?!" I yelped. Tony nodded, shushing him. 

"He doesn't need to know that yet!" Tony said nervously. I laughed. 

"Oops, sorry." I said. 

"So yeah... That's why I was flirting with you. Practice..." Tony said. He was being unusually quiet. It was somewhat unnerving. 

"Okay, do you want some tips?" I asked, excited to get the two men together. 

"Would you really do that, kid?" Tony asked. I nodded. 

"Of course!" We spent most of the morning going over effective and non-embarrassing ways to ask Steve on a date and flirt with him. It wasn't until Bruce came in that we decided to do something productive. 

An hour later, Steve came down into the lab and told us that lunch was ready. 

"Tony, are you okay? You look a little red..." Steve said softly. He put his hand to Tony's forehead. "You're a bit warm. Do you have a fever?" Tony blushed a deeper red and shook his head, moving Steve's hand away. 

"Uh, no. I'm perfectly fine..." He squeaked. Steve sighed but nodded anyway. 

"Okay, whatever you say." Everyone was in the kitchen. I conversed with Thor, Clint, and Natasha since I didn't see them very often. I quickly turned around and whispered something to Tony, covering my mouth so the two assassins couldn't read my lips. Tony nodded and walked over to Steve. 

"Hey, Cap..." He said softly. Captain America looked up from his empty plate, staring at the billionaire. 

"Hey, Tony. Do you need something?" He asked. Tony nodded. 

"Can I talk to you... Alone...?" He asked. Steve nodded. 

"Sure." I excused myself, saying I needed to use the bathroom and used my spider powers to crawl on the ceiling, so I could hear Tony's conversation. 

"What is it that you needed, Tony?" Steve asked. 

"Well, I needed to tell you something important..." Tony replied. 

"Which is...?" 

"Steve Rogers... I am in love with you." He said, hiding his face. Steve looked shocked for a moment then smiled. He lifted Tony's chin and kissed him passionately. When they pulled away, they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"I love you, too." He whispered, bringing the billionaire into a tight hug. They walked back to the kitchen and I quickly followed, unsticking myself from the ceiling. 

Everyone cheered when they saw the two men kiss, as to announce it to the team. They were congratulated and hugged multiple times from all the team members, me included. 

Later in the lab, Tony thanked me many times, while I only laughed and told him it was no problem. 

"So, do you think you can help me plan a date with Steve?" Tony asked, eagerly. 

"Yeah, I think I can do that. Here's my number." I answered, handing Tony a slip of paper. Tony took it, immediately. 

We planned only a little, then got to work when Bruce came in. The rest of the day was uneventful and when I went home, he got to hang out with Sam a little. I told him all the details of what had happened that day, squealing like a little girl when on a rant of how cute Tony and Steve were together. Eventually, Sam had to go home and I had to sleep. 

'Man this was one hell of a day...' I thought. I felt sleep overtake me quickly and I smiled, thinking of how great everything was right now... I could only hope that it wouldn't end so soon...



What do you guys think? By the way, have you seen my new story that I just started yesterday? 

I'm sorry this chapter is so short. I don't want to spoil everything that's happening in the next chapters. 

I think only a few more chapters of stuff will happen and then the ending! :D I hope you guys will stick with me through the end! 

If prompted enough... I will make a sequel! How does that sound? 

Anyways, that's all for now! Don't forget to comment below! 

Thanks for reading my Gaybies! Bye!


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