-10: Awaking Thoughts-

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Why she was still asleep, I don't know. Why won't she wake up? It's 12:30pm. She is still tossing and turning, whining to herself. Every now and then she breaks out into a sweat and wave of heat. Why is this happening? Isn't this too long?

The events from earlier comes to mind.

"No.... No.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"It's my fault, It's my fault!"

Did she see something? Why was she...

The door flies open. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Suddenly, Simi barges into the room and pushes me aside. "What happened? Is she okay? What did you do?"

"Wait a minute. First, I didn't do anything! Second, what makes you think I did? And why did you barge in like?!"

She turns to me furiously. "Because my friend is hurt! And I don't know why! And I care about her!"

"I CARE ABOUT HER AS WELL, YOU KNOW!" I shout. She falters back a bit. "Why else do you think I am here, Simi?! Why else would be in her room at this time?! Do you think I'm here for fun? Because I want to see her this?!" Everything looks more darker, anger building up quickly. She has done it now. I have been holding back everything but now...

"You always go around assuming it is my fault! Do you even understand that you are not only hurting me every time you say it, but you are showing me you don't trust me? Do you not even care about me? What do you think I am? What kind of-"

That's enough! He appears in front of us both.
I thought I saw Simi slip but she seemed to recover too quickly to notice.

If I hear the smallest from both of you, I'm telling you now, not only will you not be happy. You will regret it. It was almost like he holding fire, with his fists so tight.

"Alright, Lusiel..." Simi move to sit next to Scarlet. For now, that is the name we had given him. He refuse to say what it really is.

"Fine, but I don't know what her problem is anyway..."

Both of you need to stop. You guys are so odd! I don't whether I like it now better than when I was still half controlling-

"Shut up, Lusiel." He couldn't have possibly been thinking of saying that, right? And if he was, I can't let him say that so easily, especially now. We both know the damage. It's only been some months s "Anyway, do you know when she might wake up?"

He smirks at me. That information is classified at the moment. Please try again later. He signals a peace sign and vanishes.

"What the heck, man! I just want an answer!" I scream. "Can't you just give me that for once?! For once?!"

"An answer to what?" Slowly, I turn my head to see Scarlet, her eyes slightly opened. For the first time in a while, I felt so relieved. She looked alright mostly. Worn out a bit and weak, but she was there. She was good enough. I almost felt a tear come down my eyes. "What are you looking at?" She asks.

"What do you mean, "what are you looking at"? What do you think I'm looking at?!" I rush over and check her temperature. A bit warm but not too bad. Her skin is paler than usual. There isn't a hint of emotion in her eyes, though.

"Move," she says as she adjusts herself to sits on the side of the bed, her feet lightly touching the floor. Tired she looks. Pained she looks. Emotionless she seems. Why does she look this way...

"I'm so happy you're awake!" Simi almost jumps on her and hugs her.

"You barely even knew me so why so concerned?"

"I know but still, you seem so cool and I wanted to be your friend even though you didn't seem to want to be that way. I thought we were going to lose you though!" Simi fakes a cry.

"In what world would that even happen..." Scarlet mumbles. "I'm fine. Just leave me alone for now."

"Yeah but we were so scared though." Simi embrace becomes tighter on her.

"Let go, Simi." She shakes her off and stands up. "And why do you keep saying 'we'?" She questions while looking at me. "Are you referring to him? He doesn't care, does he?" Eyes similar to empty and dead glare at me.

"Why do you keep saying that? Have I done anything wrong to you?" I don't know why she thinks that.

She walk into the closet and comes out wearing jeans and a jacket. "Because, you don't," she says. With that, she walks out of the room without a glance back, leaving behind "Just like everyone else."


I don't understand though. What is wrong with her? Why is she doing this? This attitude and the responses. Acting so cold. This doesn't seem like something she would do, from what I've seen so far. Did something happen?

You dumb. Of course something happened.

I meant while she was asleep or when I was gone. I haven't done anything to her, have I?

"What have you-"

"Simi, if you finish that sentence, you won't see me for another year. Stop blaming me for everything I haven't done anything! All I have done is try to let her do what she wants, keep an eye on her and watch over her. Can't a guy just try to be nice and help?"

"Maybe that is the problem, Gemini."

Scarlet's POV

I am worthless, so I shouldn't bother them... I shouldn't be here. If I'm not needed here, why would I be needed back come? Should I just end it here? But what if-

"People are so untrustworthy sometimes." Memories begin to cloud my thoughts as I put on my shoes. It's best that I leave this place for now before I do something.

Opening the front door, I take one last look behind me. "This house." I step out and close the door behind me.

Where I am going for now, I don't know. Will I come back I don't know. I just need to think.


I find myself in a nearby forest path. Fireflies dance from one point to another. The cold breeze brings fresh air all around. Others walk out as I walk inwards. At the end of path is a large opening surrounded by the trees. A pond sits quietly in the center, under the moonlight.

I sit at the bank, pondering on my memories.

"It's your fault." "If it wasn't for me, he would still be..."

Yeah, he would. If he hadn't tried to help you, if only you kept your mouth shut, if only there was a way, another way...

It taunts more with "if onlies". If only this, if only that, what ifs.

Why can't I just be at peace? What have I done wrong in this life? Why was I put where I was? Why was I the victim? Why wasn't there anyone else there to help me? Those who were just watched and shot daggers. All they could do was talk. Talk amongst themselves, but to the police. In an effort to help myself, not only was I the victim, I hurt someone while trying to pull myself out of trouble. Someone who was there by me. To help me. They fell beyond the deep, dark pot I was in. He was gone, no longer to found or heard of again.

"It truly was my fault, wasn't it?" I laugh quietly to myself, only to have them turn to soft cries. Tears drop into the pond, making ripples from corner to corner.

What is wrong with me?

Hope things aren't getting too odd or weird...

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