-11: Look-

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"What do you mean? What problem?"

"Maybe it's the fact that you are being nice to her." Simi moves to sit on the bed and rests her head in her palm. "Maybe she doesn't like it or she isn't used to it."

That doesn't even... "How is that possible? Isn't that what is right to do? Treat people nicely? Are you saying we shouldn't do that?" I don't understand why my being nice to her is such a problem. "Fine, let's just go check on her.

We both head downstairs to talk to her, but she isn't there. We both split up.

"Where is she?!" I frantically run from one room to another, but she isn't in any where to be found. Although she took her jacket, I didn't think she was going to leave. I thought she was going to sit outside or something.

"Where do you think she could have a went?" Simi runs downstairs with a jacket. "Do you know where?"

"No, the only place she has been to is the isle. Other than that, she hasn't really left the house." I open the closet and grab my jacket as well. "But we might as well start looking anyway." There has to be a place for her to go. Could she just be wandering?

"But where are you going to look, idiot?" She gives me a you-so-dumb-idiot look.

"Simi, we live in a special part of a city: the forest." I smirked.

This community is a big off the main city, about 10-15 miles and is the middle of a very big forest. There are only about three roads to get here since the government doesn't want to cut down anymore trees to make more. Everyone wants it to stay as the most natural community in the area.

"Yeah, but she can't still get hurt, or lost." She pushes past me and pauses outside the door. "If you care about yourself, or you care about her, you better get your stuff together and go looking for her. Because something is wrong somewhere. And I'll blame you if something happens." Without turning back, Simi runs off to look for Scarlet.

"Ugh! Why does she do this to me?! I didn't even do anything!" Somewhat reluctantly, I close the door and run in the opposite direction Simi did.

What if something really is wrong? What if there is something missing we don't about? Why does she act so cold to kindness? In fact, why is she even her at my house exactly?

Shut up and go look for her. It's for her own good, before you get yourself in trouble. Something might repeat and we don't want that.

What might repeat?

An event. Happened to her and involves you. Now, go look for her before I make you.


I reach the corner of the community and look around. A path in to woods comes into vision.

"She wouldn't... Would she?" I run towards the path and through the trees. Fireflies light the way, the occasional leaf falls down and blows by.

"Scarlet!! Scarlet! Scar, are you out here?" There is no response. "Why am I wasting my time..." Almost running out breath, I pause to look around me. "Why would she even be here? She would've run somewhere else." I didn't believe my own words though. I had hope she would be here, I don't know why.

Continuing down the path, things grow darker as the fireflies begin to disappear. The faint streaks of moonlight provide enough to see. "I should I brought my phone..." I mutter.

A small opening appears on the distant And I head to it. Pushing a few branches out the way, I'm presented with a moonlit scenery and a clear blue pond in the center.

"Hmm... Beautiful..." I walk around a bit. "But she isn't here." I find a spot next to the water and sit quietly.


{What do you mean what?}

What's wrong? You don't usual sit like this and act all depressed.

{That's cause-}

You don't want to show. Just like she doesn't want to.

{Why do you keep saying this? Why do you keep saying things like that? If you want to say something-}

Something jumps on me from behind and I fall forward onto the ground.

"The fu-" I turn to see her over me. Anger, pain.

"What are you doing here?" She says, almost hovering over me. "Did you follow me? Were you not happy with just me leaving? You still want something? What else do you want?"

"What are you talking about?" I try to sit up, but she pushes me back.

"Why can't...." A tear escapes and a voice cracks. "Why won't you leave me be?" She falls back and uses her sleeve to cover her eyes. "What have I done..."

I'm almost dumbfounded. I still haven't done anything...

"It's okay... You haven't done anything." Yet.

She looks at me and stands up. "Why?"

"Why what?" I ask.

"Why are you here?"

"I was looking for you."



"Because what?"

Oh my god, can she just stop?

"Because," I say. "I-"

Because you care right? That what you would want to hear right?

"I care."

She doesn't say anything.

"You happy with that answer? I was honest." I smile to lighten the mood.

"You care?" Without another word, she walks off.

"Wait! Slow down!"

Scarlet's POV

"I care." Something I've always wanted to hear. I shed a tear earlier and I was trying so hard not to, but now I can't even control. Someone cares... even if he didn't really mean it, it still make me happy.

More tears begin to surface and I have to walk so he won't see.

"Wait! Slow down!" He says. His footsteps start to come in the same direction.

I pick up the pace and start running in attempt to get away, only to have my hand pulled back soon after.

"Where are you going again?!" He almost yells. Angry he looks. Frustrated as well. "Running away again? That won't do anything! Don't you get it? Simi and I have been looking for you everywhere! Why can't you-"

"Thank you." I give the biggest smile I can. "I'm sorry I made you worry."

He scratches his head. "Ah, i-it's fine. Just don't do it again."

"I can't promise that!" I start running away again.

"Hey!" He shouts as he follows in pursuit.


Hmm.... let's just watch this play out.....


Okay, I tried to catch up and write this. Hope you appreciate it!

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