-9: Shut down-

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Scarlet's POV

"Hmm~" Stepping our of the shower, I lightly dry my hair so it is still damp and wrap my towel. This had been one of the most relaxing moments I have had in such a long time. I only everyday was like this. It van never happen though.

It's almost 7am and I didn't hear anyone in the house. I'm all alone! Beautiful!

Quickly, I pull on some black socks, shorts, and a soft, oversized green long sleeves (and yes I really love long sleeves), and comb out my hair in a breeze. Soon, I'm sliding down the stair railing faster than ever.

I have this house all to myself! What to do first... There are so many things I can do. Simi seems to have left, J's out the house. Why they left me here, I don't need to know.

Maybe I could trash the place.... Nope, don't need to cause more problems.

Reaching the ground floor, I slide my way to the main room's couch and flop on it. So soft!

Laying for a few moments, I sit and look to the kitchen. "I wonder what is there to eat." A stereo sits on the corner counter. There is an mp3 player next to it. "Music time." I blast my favorite songs and open the fridge. There are the usual things for morning meals in it; eggs, bacon, milk, pancakes, whipped cream, etc. That is good enough.

With that, I roll up my sleeves and begin to prepare a nice homemade breakfast for myself, as well as listen to "Day and Night" by Taemin on repeat. Because, hey why not?


After eating, I return to couch to think and ponder. I don't have my laptop so I can't work on anything. Even if I had it though, what is there to work on, I finished everything.

"Taye must be worried though..." Oh well. I get to happily alone for once.

Alone. For the first time that word comes across with such beauty.

I suddenly hear a soft laugh.

Alone? It can also be such a dangerous thing. You can only imagine the worst when you are...

I jolt forward as an excruciating headache attacks. Why now? "This much pain should be bearable though, right..." I whisper to myself. "It's okay, it's bearable. It's nothing."

Liar. You can't stand it.

It appears in a blurry masked form. It is smiling. Its moving closer. "No...." This can't.... I attempt to run away only to see it in front of me again. I move back and look for another place to go, only for it to be there too. Attempt after attempt, running everywhere possible, but no matter where I turn, I see it. Everywhere around me. "GO AWAY!" I scream. The room begins to grow dark and empty.

You are nothing! You couldn't be somebody! It screams back.

You couldn't help anyone! You have no power.

You are so mean! You have no strength.

Annoying! Can't even make the right choice.

A burden to all!


The figure begins to take on faces of people. They all smile and point. They laugh. They cackle. Their venomous tongues spit words more painful than ever. "Stop..." I shrivel to the ground, gripping my head.

Why can't you be better, she says.

She isn't even pretty, he says.

She has no potential, they say.

She couldn't even save the one she cared for the most.

Even the kindest ones say things that I'd never heard before.

A figure steps forward slowly. "You let my down. You dreamt of me wrongly. Those dreams to form. You have power, but are wrong. You gave me no future, or perhaps the future of a lifetime. I will continue on, until you realize it. It is your fault..."

"No... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Heat absorbs me, tears feeling like needles and lava. The world is no longer visible.

"There is no need to see sorry." He smiles. "You gave me a new meaning. Let me give you one as well."

A cliff appears. The man slowly walks backwards to it. "You gave me a meaning..."

"No, you can't go like that! Don't go! Don't..." My words begin to drown out, voices can be heard except for mine.

One step away.

"NO! DON'T-" I run, but the ground drags me down. The pain is so strong. But I have to try, I need to.... this time. "Please!!" I reach out my hand.

He smiles. "I'm sorry."

He falls.

There is silence.

So Far Away,



Or maybe not....

Loud shrieks and metal clashes begin to ring from all corners. Chains... Blood... Water.

Acts of cruelty in every direction. Assault. Harassment. Murder. Rape. Theft. Abuse.

All of them





Why can't she just left leave?

Simi never want to leave.

"I don't wanna!!" She wines.

I have to drop her at her place and give a tight hug before she will lets me leave, saying "The hug will keep me warm and strong for the week!"

Seriously, she is almost like a younger sibling.

"Oh well." What else can I do?

Unfriend her. I laughed at the suggestion.

I open the front door to see Scarlet.

Sitting on the floor. She isn't moving at first.

But screaming and crying.

I narrowly slammed the door and crouch next to her, hands on her shoulders. "What happened? What is wrong?"

"No.... No.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...." She mumbles these to herself over and over. "It's my fault, It's my fault!" Thousands of more tears come down her face as she looks at me.

"It's my fault, right?"

Her eyes start to close slowly. "No, no it's not your fault Scarlet! Whatever it is, it is NOT your fault." Her temperature is unbelievable; from hot to cold.

"But isn't it...?" she says before going limp.



He appears. Never mind. But quick take her to her room and change her shirt.

"I can't do that!"

Do it unless you want her get hurt, never come back or do something dangerous.

"What do you mean by dangerous-"


Shook, I quickly carry and sprint to her room and do what he says.

I give her a light t-shirt and lay her in bed.

"This is going to be one long night..."


It has been 6 hours. She is still laying, whining and mumbling.

"What happened, Scarlett?" I lightly cup her face. This troubled and pained face.

If only.....

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