Stop it. Get some help.

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I am ashamed to say that this is yet another pillow room story. But this time, I am not a bad guy for once. (Haha... "for once"...) I was trying to save some poor kid's innocence, but it turned into a fire fight. Anyways, ol' chap,

Once upon a time, I walked into the Aldan pillow room. As you may know, I literally only go to the pillow room for one reason and one reason only: to troll people, I mean, uh, spice life up a bit. Anyway, I was hanging out in an empty pillow room except for 2 people: Me and this 6 year old who I was singing All Star to. In the middle of me doing this, some-BODY walked into the pillow room: A nonmember bunny. The sat down. I continued singing All Star, but had a bad feeling. After about 3 minutes later, I was about halfway finished with the song and the pillow room was getting full. ALL OF A SUDDENNNN THAT STINKIN' BUNNY THAT WAS SITTIN' THERE STARTED SPEWIN' SOME "suggestive content". Hundreds of stops signs were going up in my brain, as flashbacks of me losing my innocence watching various items flashed all around me, and I could not let it happen to any kids on this server. Not on my watch. I ran over to the bunny and wrote "Excuse me mam, this is a CHRISTIAN SERVER. I will have to ask you to leave." (You know. Based on that meme.) The person told me "BUT IM SO [bleep bleepbleep bleep uninnocent trash bleepbleep bleep]" and I said "MAMA, IM NOT ASKIN' YA, IM TELLIN' YA, LEAVE MAMA" and she said "why don't you leave" 

30 minutes later

"30 minutes later of firefight... I've been called "Old man" twice... The pillow room took sides... She had no supporters, and I had the entire server... I used memes to defend myself... she started in insult my personality... but I made through this argument. She eventually rage-quitted. I never give in for arguments, because I know that I'm always doing it for the best and I do not give in to small mishaps such as these. But, there is a downside to this ending. I fought for the innocence of children, but... turns out that the entire server was over the age of 13 so I didn't really have much to fight for... Ah well. Just my luck! Wink wink The end"

Oh by the way, I believe this is my 50th story. Hooley dooley diddlely doo.

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