Chapter One

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Hey, so first off I just want to say a couple things. So please, please, please read!

First of all, I want to say that in the prologue I spelled one of the character's names wrong. Instead of Kaytlyn, it should be Kaytlin. That's my bad! I will be spelling it correctly in chapter's to come.

Second of all, I will be starting something kinda fun (I guess? I'm actually a lame person so you can decide if it's fun or not lol). At the end of each chapter I'm going to quote a song. You have to tell me the name of the song and the artist. If you're the first to get it correcty, I will dedicate the next chapter to you and read your stories and give feedback if you wish me to.

Lastly, I want to thank those of you who practicipated in this contest (which were very few, but thank you, none the less). But I have a bad feeling that my story isn't going to get very many reads like I'll Be (my first fan fic). So if you could help me out in anyway possible, that would just make my life!

But anyway, I don't wish to leave you waiting any longer. So without further adeiu, here is the first chapter of Oblivion.

Oh, I almost forget to mention that I got the title from the song by Bastille.


Chapter One

Two Years Later

Taylor Tuom

It started out as a rainy day. There was nothing unordinary about it. It was a typical day in Seattle, Washington. I went to my classes at eight in the morning after getting my daily coffee at Café Fiora. Then at noon, I ate the lunch I packed while studying in the library. I then attended my last class of the day, which ended at one. It was when I arrived at my internship at So Teen! Magazine that my day started to take a not so ordinary turn.

"Taylor, I'm going to need you to clean up the board room. We have a band coming in that we need to interview for the new issue," my boss, Sheryl, stated as I walked into work (but can you describe an internship as work really?).

"On it, Sheryl," I reply, making my way to the blue board room.

If it was anything like it usually was, the mess wouldn't be much to clean up. In fact, there probably wouldn't be a mess at all. But just to make sure (and because I didn't want to lose my internship here), I opened the door to the room.

Basically, the chairs weren't aligned and there were a few stray pieces of copy paper lying about from a past interview or discussion. As soon as I cleaned up the small mess, I took a seat in one of the chairs. If Sheryl needed me, she wouldn't hesitate to text me. She's always somewhere opposite of me in the building, so we hardly spoke face to face throughout the work day.

I pull out my phone, taking advantage of the break I granted myself with. I open up my Facebook, only to close it 5 minutes later. The same goes for Twitter and Instagram. There were far too many memories in each app for me to endure all in one sitting.

Two Years Ago

I distinctively remember his fingers all over my body. The feeling was permanent, a never ending touch it seemed. I couldn't get him off my mind, not even two weeks later. Since then, I haven't seen him at school. He didn't show up to track practice (we were both on the team). His friends were even confused. I tried to shake the feeling that it had something to do with me, because let's be honest, I was just a random shag for the guy, but it still shook me to my core. Where the hell had Luke Hemmings disappeared to in the past two weeks?

Present Day

"Taylor, the boys being interviewed are on their way up. Can you go get us some waters?" Sheryl said, bringing me out of my reverie. I didn't even know I'd dozed off into such dreadful memories.

"Yeah, sure," I say, standing up from where I was sitting.

I put my Samsung Galaxy 4 into my back pocket and exited the room behind Sheryl (I was surprised we were on the same level of the building because, as aforementioned, we hardly were). I headed towards the break room, which was basically a kitchen of sorts, in search of bottled water.

"Hey, Tay," a voice I knew quite well greeted me as I entered the room.

"Hello, Evan," I responded with a smile as I opened the refrigerator door.

Evan was 22, which was four years older than I am. He's worked here for as long as I've interned here. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. I'd then be a compulsive liar if I said I didn't have a slight crush on the college graduate with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"How's it going?" he asks, the dimple in his cheek making an appearance.

"Good, thanks. You?" I answer.

"Same, yeah," he says, then gives me a little nod as he exited out of the room.

I collected six water bottles, unsure of how many boys were in this band because Sheryl failed to mention it. Then, with full hands, I managed to open the door and exit the break room. Upon exiting, though, I bump into another person and the waters collapse onto the floor. I look up to meet the culprit, only for my eyes to widen out of their sockets nearly.




Okay, so I realise this is super short and kinda shitty, but it will get 10000000 times better. I just wanted to give you a look at what's going on in Taylor's life now. As you can tell, she's a student in a school in Seattle, Washington (instead of being in her home of Sydney, Australia). She works for a magazine company (one that I made up... I think. It's not a real magazine I don't think.). Aaaaaaaand... you can pretty much decide the rest for yourself.

Okay, so here are the lyrics for you to guess this chapter:

"And hell yeah, I'm a dick girl -- addicted to you."

So tell me the title of the song and the artist(s).

And if you want to know who I picture some of the supporting roles in this fan fic to be (excluding Taylor and Kaytlin, who won my contest) then I'll post something after this with the entire cast list on it.


Oblivion // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now