Chapter Eight

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I have such bad writers block. Any form of help you could give me would be very much appreciated. This chapter is probably going to be awful, I'm sorry.

Anyway, here you are.

Chapter Eight

Taylor Tuom

"Carey?" I ask, astonished.

"Hello, Tara," my co-worker replied with a sickeningly fake, innocent look on her over-caked face.

"It's Taylor," I bite. "What are you doing here?"

"Lukey here invited me," she said, putting her hand on his thigh.

Oh, hell no.


I'd downed maybe three shots since we arrived at The Baltic Room. I wasn't drunk, nor buzzed; the alcohol didn't effect me as bad as it did some people (ahem, Kaytlin).

Ashton was dancing with a random brunette on the dancefloor, whereas Louis and Kaytlin were getting way too close for my eyes to bare.

Across from me was Luke and Carey, sitting too close for my comfort, much like Louis and Kaytlin. She kept whispering in his ear and giggling, making his cheeks flush.

To my right was Harry. He had been the only one to try and have a literate conversation with me. I realized that, no matter what any form of media may say about him or what I once though, Harry is a really down to earth guy.

Every other member of One Direction had dispersed to find a dance partner or head out (Liam had left ten minutes earlier, leaving Zayn and Niall to find a lucky gal grind).

The night was seriously a drag and I almost considered leaving. I didn't want to, though, because I wanted to make sure that, wherever she may end up, Kaytlin got somewhere safely. She had downed ten shots by the time I downed two.

"So, Taylor," Carey drawled out, "How do you know Luke exactly?"

Luke looked over at me, raising an eyebrow. He was obviously buzzed, having had six or so beers. I didn't really like him tonight because, well, I thought we had something and here he is with this wench.

"We knew each other from school," I answer vaguely, swirling my straw around in my barely finished orange juice and vodka.

"Oh, so he isn't your baby's father?"

My head snapped up. I immediately glared daggers into her skull. "Go to hell," I seethed.

"You first," she sardonically replied.

"I don't have a baby," I sneer.

"Oh, well, not anymore at least," she kept on.

"You better watch what you say next, bitch," I warn, reading to rip the dark extensions from her head.

I had no idea where she came up with this information. Only few people in my life knew of my past and this girl - this girl whom I barely knew, might I add - knew way too much.

"Taylor, what is she-"

"I'm sorry, Luke," I tell him, then add, "and Harry, but I have to be going."

I stood up, pulling my dress further down my legs, suddenly not caring to stay and wait for Kaytlin. I snatched my purse off the table, throwing a twenty on it to pay for my part of the drinks for the night.

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