Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Taylor Tuom

I wasn't much of an artist in high school, much less one out of it. But once I moved to Seattle I sort of got into art. Kaytlin and I went to this super cool art show when we first moved here and I'd been inspired to create different pictures ever since. Plus it helped ease my mind and keep myself level headed after Axl's birth and, coincidentally, his death. I mostly used pastel chalk, but I dabbled in painting and colored pencils.

I hadn't done many art pieces since Luke had come to town, which was odd because I usually found myself doing it once a week. But when Luke came around the day after the movies, it came up.

"Do you have any hidden talents?" he asked.

"Um, I can do things with pastel chalk," I answer, looking up at him.

"Really?" he replies in disbelief.

"Yeah." I nod. "Do you have any hidden talents?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I sing and play the guitar," he cheekily answers.

"No way!" I gasp with a fake tone of voice.

"Yes way," he says. "But seriously. I want you to make me something."

"Like what?" I ask, nuzzling my face into his neck and wrapping my arms around his waist as we sit on the couch.

"Anything that reminds you of me or us or Axl," Luke replies.

"Okay." I grin, kissing his neck tenderly.

"Will you have it done before I leave?"

"If I," I pause to kiss his jaw, "work on it," I kiss his jaw again, "enough."

"Babe," he giggles (yes, Luke Hemmings giggles).

"What?" I stop, looking up into his beautiful blue irises.

"Will you?"

"Yes, Luke," I sigh, "I will."

"Do you want to go see a movie?" he asks, jumping up from his spot on the leather couch.

"We just saw one yesterday, Luke," I groan, allowing my head to fall onto the back of the couch.

"Let's see another. Hercules is out right now and I-"

"Luke, c'mon," I sigh. "Why do you do this?"

"Do what?" he asks, taking a seat on the matching leather recliner across from me.

"Every time we start to get, you know, you stop us," I explain.

"I do not," Luke defends.

"I was just trying to get something going and you totally rejected me." I frown.

"Tay," he sighs, getting up and taking a seat beside me. "I'm not pushing you away deliberately."

I don't reply because, really, I was just surprised he knew the word deliberately. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest and steadily glare at him.

"I want to have sex with you, okay?" he says.

"So why won't you?" I question.

I don't know why I was arguing this. I wasn't even sure if I was ready to have sex. Luke was my first and last. I was just annoyed that he wasn't reacting to me kissing him.

"I just think we should wait," he replies.

"Like you waited with Carey?" I snidely remark.

"That's different and you know it," Luke defensively responds.

"How?" I ask.

"I don't like her like I like you," he says.

"Oh, and how do you like me?" I scoff.

Luke takes my hands in his, lacing my small fingers with his large ones. "I like you like the average teen likes internet."

"Okay. And?"

"I like you like Rodney Martin likes science," he says, referring to a guy we went to high school with that won the science fair every year.

I laugh, urging him to go on because I was really interested to hear what else he had to say.

"I like you the way you like really shitty top forty music and reality TV," he adds. "But, Tay?"


"I like you like a guy who really likes a girl that he would love to have sex with, but doesn't want to rush it," Luke states.

"Oh." My smile falters. "I get it."

"I just don't want to rush things. I want us to take it slow," he says. "I just found out I have a deceased son not too long ago and I don't want to just rush this."

"I understand, Luke," I say, squeezing his hands.

He smiles, bringing his hands up to my cheeks. "I really, really want to be with you, Taylor, but not like this; not right now."

I nod, putting my hands over his as he leans in and presses a lingering kiss to my lips. Shortly after, he pulls away and stands up.

"I should get going," Luke says.

"Why?" I pout.

He grins really wide. "I want you to get started on that pastel chalk picture."

"Okay." I laugh, standing up and leading him to the door.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" he asks.

I nod. "I'll answer."

"Maybe we can do something fun this week. What time do you get out of class?" he wonders.

"It varies," I say. "I'll just text you."


He opens the door, then turns around to face me again. We kiss one last time before he heads down the steps to exit my building.

Now, what do I draw?


Okay, comment something creative that you think Taylor should make Luke! I will pick one of your choices and give you credit! :)

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