Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Taylor Tuom

"Taylor, I need you to cancel my five o'clock meeting. I'm going to dinner with Tom," Sheryl said as I was busy cleaning up the board room for yet another meeting, which is evidently now cancelled.

"It's the 5SOS boys," I tell her. "Don't you need to interview them one last time?"

"Yeah, but I have Carey working on that for me," Sheryl replies. "You can take the rest of the day off if you want."

Normally I left around four-thirty, but I wasn't going to argue about her letting me leave thirty minutes early. And since the meeting wasn't literally cancelled, I decided not to tell whomever was coming in. Carey could take care of it, I assumed.

"Alright, thanks," I say as she lets the door close when she leaves.

I finish cleaning up the room, throwing away empty water bottles and stray copy paper.

"What are you doing in here?" a female voice questions with malice in her tone.

I whip around from pushing in a chair, finding Carey and all her apparent glory standing in the doorway with papers and a recorder in her hand.

"Cleaning up the room," I answer.

"Well, get out. I don't want you in here when that boy band arrives," she snarls.

I glare at her as I exit the room, glad to be somewhere else than near her blonde headed ignorance. I don't even know what her problem is with me, but she's always had one since I've gotten here. And I swear if one more person calls 5SOS a boy band I would scream.

"Taylor!" Someone calls.

I roll my eyes as his footsteps get nearer, waiting for the blonde boy to hurry up and speak his wistful mind.

"Hey, look, so I'm sorry about Saturday," he says.

"Save it, Evan," I snap, walking away from him.

"No, wait," Evan says, grabbing my arm tightly.

I wince as he leaves a red mark there. "Ow," I moan, rubbing my hand over the mark after he let go.

"Sorry," he says sheepishly.

"What do you want?" I sigh. "I want to get home before the afternoon traffic hits."

"I said I'm sorry about Saturday," he repeats himself.

"For?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"For dissing your friend. The, um, boy band one," he says.

"And?" I egg on, ignoring the fact that he'd called Luke's band a boy band like Carey had.

"And?" he questions.

I raise an eyebrow. "You basically acted as if you owned me."

"Well, you showed up to the party with me," he says, "but left super early with him."

"Yeah, and that makes it justifiable for you to be angry since I ditched you. But under no circumstances is it okay for you to get angry at me and act as if I am your property," I seethe. "I am an independent woman and I'll be damned if I let some clingy asshole render that."

Evan scoffed, "Okay. Just don't come crawling back to me when that boy band dude breaks your independent heart."

"Hey, fuck off," a new voice arrives.

I turn around to see Ashton there. The three other boys weren't with him, surprisingly. Ergo, I was thankful he showed up.

"Who are you?" Evan asks.

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