Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Luke Hemmings

The airport was crammed with fans in every corner. Security managed to hold them back, but the boys and I sign a few of their things and take some pictures. I wasn't really in the mood today, but I can't complain. Our fans mean everything to us.

"Luke, c'mon," Ashton says.

I look at him, not realizing I'd spaced out. We just went through security check and now we had to wait, like, forty-five minutes until the plane departed. So that meant we had to sit in uncomfortable plastic chairs for at least thirty minutes.

"Have you talked to Kaytlin?" Michael whispers to Ashton.

Kaytlin? Why would Ashton talk to her? Isn't she seeing Louis? Or, rather, wasn't she seeing Louis? I don't think Ashton would go after Louis' ex (or whatever she is), more so a pregnant girl. Yeah, word got around fast.

"She should be here soon," I hear Ashton reply.

I narrow my eyes at them as they sat across from me. "You guys are the worst whisperers ever," I tell them.

They exchange looks, knowing they'd been caught.

"Um..." Ashton says.

"Why is Kaytlin coming here?" I growl.

"She has to give you something," Michael answers.

"If it has to do with Taylor, I don't care," I monotonously reply.

"I'm here!" someone breathlessly speaks. "Shit. I'm here."

I stand up immediately, now actually curious as to what she's, apparently, brought for me, despite what I just said.

"Luke," she says, leaning over with her hands on her knees and breathing hard.

"Yeah?" I ask.

She regains her composure, standing up to face me. "I have something to give to you."

"Okay?" I questioningly reply.

She opens her large purse, pulling out a Wal-Mart photo envelope. I stare at it in her hands, accepting it when she hands it to me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I got some pictures copied," Kaytlin says. "Just look for yourself."

I open the envelope up, revealing two photos facing the other way. I take one out, turning it around. My stomach plummets.

"Why are you giving me this?" I ask with shaking hands.

"He's your son," Kaytlin says, "and you should have a part of him, no matter how infinitely small."

I was staring at an ultra sound photo. I trace my thumb over the growing baby image, feeling my heart shatter. I then take the second photo between my fingers, flipping it over.

I nearly cry out (God, I'm such a pussy) at the image before me. It's the one that lays beside Taylor's bed on her night stand. The one where she's in the hospital bed holding Axl's tiny, lifeless body.

"Why?" I ask again.

"She might not be ready to love now, Luke, but she will be soon. I swear. I've been best friends with her all my life. I know her inside out."

I nod. "Okay," is all I can think to say.

"Just give her time," she adds.

"I will," I promise. And I will.

The speakers overhead call out for our plane, "All passengers boarding Flight 809 to Sydney, Australia may begin boarding now. Have your passports ready."

"Goodbye, Luke," Kaytlin says, giving me a comforting hug.

She hugs the other three boys goodbye, then disappears back from where she came.

"Luke, let's go," Calum says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No, you don't understand!" Someone shouted from somewhere near in the airport. "The possible love of my life is getting on a plane to Australia and I have to go say goodbye!"

My head whips around as I recognize the voice. Her eyes are trained on a struggling security man, who is anything but supportive of the cheesy gesture Taylor's trying to make.

"I'm sorry, you can't," the man gruffly speaks.

"I promised him I'd have this picture done by time he left and I have to tell him I finished it! You don't understand, sir!" Taylor cries.

"Luke, let's g-"

I drop my carry on bag and shove the envelope Kaytlin gave me into Calum's chest. My feet carry me to the spot where I can see Taylor. None of the guys are even trying to stop me.

"Sir, please," Taylor begs.


She whips around, almost hitting me with her dark hair. She is makeup-less, but still beautiful as ever.

"Luke!" she yells, leaping past the guard successfully and into my arms. "I finished the picture, Luke," she cries (literally). "I finished it."

"I love you," I say, capturing her mouth with my own and not caring if she says it back or even feels the same way.

"Sir, I believe your flight is boarding. You may want to catch it," the man who was giving Taylor problems says.

"I'm sorry, Luke," Taylor says. "I'm so fucking sorry. I'm the worst girlfriend ever."

"No, you're not, baby." I shake my head.

Tears are spilling from her eyes as she holds onto me. "I love you, Luke. My God, do I love you. And I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Tay," I whisper as I hold her close to me.

"Last call for Flight 809 to Sydney, Australia."

"Go," Taylor says.

"No." I shake my head.

I turn around to see my bag where I dropped it. On top of it is the photo envelope I handed to Calum. My friends weren't where they were before; they were probably boarding the plane.

"No," I say again. "I'll take the flight you take when you go home."

Taylor laughs, kissing me again. "I love you so much, Luke."

"I love you," I reply, smiling down at her.

Thankfully, no one really stood around to watch us, so there was no awkward clapping.

I smile at the beautiful girl in my arms. "So, where's that picture you made me?"


I START SCHOOL TOMORROW OH MY GOD KMS. Seriously, being a junior is gonna suck.

IM ALSO GONNA BE 17 MONDAY WHOOP WHOOP. Going to Applebee's with some of my friends for dinner. Much excite. Applebee's follows me on Twitter, too. They're such bros.

So, I don't know when I'll update next. Hopefully this chapter will make up for it? It's super fluffy. I hope you guys don't think their relationship is moving too fast because I sure don't.


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