~Chapter 1~

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Shane Grey the sexiest badass in this school. He doesn't have a care in the world. Of course like every badass he had his minions. Well, actually roomer is there his guards. I mean Derek Smith is his best friend but the others are just there because they have to be. Shane has slept with most of the girls in the school and doesn't care. He wants one he gets them. But of course, every girl likes him. He has his charms but I know better than fall for his 'good guy' act. I stay as far away as I can. By that I mean I go to my locker when he's not around. Us sharing lockers sucks. I hear every one of his conversations with the girls in this school.

"Hey, Lola dreaming about Mr. hottie again I see?" My best friend Freya said. I glared at her as she sits next to me. We were in the second hour. Mrs. Eva's class. Of course Mr. badass has to have all of the same classes as me. Freya tells me I'm lucky because I'm the only girl in school with his matching classes. I say it's bad luck. I will rather be centuries away from him.

"Freya I wasn't dreaming about him I rather die," I said. She smiled. My body shivered.

"Hey, Derek." She said. I turned to see Derek hovering over me. Lucky Shane was flirting with a cheerleader to not hear what I said. I let out a breath of air.

"Hey, ladies. I have a message for you." Derek said. I thought he was talking to Freya but when I looked away she elbowed me. I looked at him.

"Me?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Yeah, you." He said.

"Which is?" I asked. My body kept telling me to walk away but my mind said it was rude.

"Shane wants you to meet up with him after school. Say at his locker." Derek said. I felt my anger boil.

"First of all I won't be there and second it's my locker too," I said. He didn't take that well.

"Did you just say no?" He asked. I looked away plugging headphones in. Thank goodness it's a computer class. I thought. I opened my computer and ignored his gaze. When the bell rang I haven't gotten up so fast in my life. I ran down the hall to my locker and grabbed out my other book putting my math one away. When I closed it Shane was there watching me.

"Excuse me," I said. But he blocked my way. My patience for these people was running slim. "Either speak or get out of my way." I barked. I gained a few gasps from our fellow students lingering in the hall. I rolled my eyes. A hand comes up and grabs my arm. I was then being pulled into an empty hallway. I was being pressed against a body. Not just anybody. Shane's body. My breathing went heavy.

"Don't ever speak to me in such a disrespecting tone. Am I understood?" He said. I felt myself nod. "You are going to meet me at our locker at the end of the day and you're going to tell people you are hanging out with Derek. Is that understood?" He asked. I went to nod again but I stopped myself. I brought my hands up to push him off me but he didn't even move. But he moved on his own.

"I can't even deal with you privilege people today. I have to get to class than the other ones and then go home where I am still grounded for doing your damn homework last week." I said. He looks angry.

"Privileged?" He said. I nod.

"Have all the teachers not marking you tardy or having them put those A's in. Never having to do the heavy work. All for a few $100's. To me, it seems childish." I said. He chuckles.

"You're jealous?" He said. I scuff.

"Whatever you want with me find some slut to do it because I ain't doing your dirty work or you," I said. I walked past him only to be pushed into the wall again. "Ughhh."

"See there's that disrespect again. Come on Lola I thought we were past that." He said. I rolled my eyes.

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