shakadera xander: symphony

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Hey guys. I'm NOT DEAD!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So, yeah. 'Gon be angsty.

I've been hearing symphonies before all I heard was silence

(Y/N) looked out at the river, almost melancholy. She remembered the good times as a child, with Xhaka, Shu, and Valt. She smiled as she remembered Xhaka's energy, Valt wanting to literally be him, and Shu's... Shu just kinda stood there (Shu: glares). (Y/N) looked up at the night, and it almost welcomed her. She looked up and saw Orion, Pegasus (HEHEHEHE reference), and Cassiopeia.

A Rhapsody for you and me and every melody is timeless.

"Nice night, huh?" Xhaka's usually happy voice rung out.

"Yeah. Sure is." You said.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asked. Xhaka's orange hair almost glowed in the bright moonlight.

"Nothing much. Hey, I was just thinking, Xhaka, remember when we were kids?" You asked, blushing

Life was stinging me along, then you came and you cut me loose

"Yeah. Why?" Xhaka asked, clearly confused.

"Remember when we said we were gonna get married when we grew up? When we were 6?" You asked, turning into a strawberry.

"Y-yeah... I know what you're going to say. No." He said, quite plainly.

"What?? Xhaka, C'mon! How can you not like me back!? We've been friends forever!" You said, getting angry

"IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY, (Y/N)!!!!!!" Xhaka yelled, surprising you.

Was solo singing on my own, now I can't find the key without you

"You're right. It doesn't" You said quite calmly, as you walked away.

"Hey... wait. (Y/N)? (Y/N)?! COME BACK!" Xhaka almost screamed, as you broke into a wild sprint.

The door of your apartment slammed in Xhaka's face.

And now your song is on repeat, and I'm dancing on to your heartbeat.

The speaker blasted the playlist you and Xhaka had made.

You lied on the bed, tissues surrounding you.

Every picutre from you childhood was on the floor, either it's frame was cracked or it was ripped.

The pounding on the door had stopped. You crept down the stairs, carefully, as if it were a horror movie.

And when you're gone I feel incomplete, so if you want the truth...

He wasn't there. You sighed and slid down the door.

Timeskip brought to you by Valt tripping on air every 2 minutes

You didn't visit the dojo anymore. You didn't talk to Xhaka anymore. Sure, you talked to Quon, Yugo, and Ukyo, but never went to the dojo to talk. You knew you were being stupid and childish, playing this game of Social Plauge.

I just wanna be part of your symphony. Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Another time skip brought to you by Xhaka breaking something every 2 minutes

"She's MOVING?!"

Xhaka's face filled up with horror.

"Yeah, dude. Sorry. We weren't happy either, but it was her and her family's decision." Quon awnsered, as he frowned.

"Turns out where she's been every weekend, was at her house packing. They're moving to Spain." Yugo said unhappily.

"Spain?! That's halfway around the world!"
Xhaka said, his eyes widening.

"Sure is, dude. Sure is.

Symphony , like your love song on the radio.

Last timeskip, I swear. We're in BBB God now.

"So,Valt. How's training with the best blade in the world?" Xhaka asked, not genuinely interested.

"Oh, yeah, it's great. Free's so cool. He even makes friends with animals!" Valt rambled on for what seemed like hours before they got to the quaint little village on a lake. In the two years he hadn't seen you (I don't know the time skip in the actual show, guys. Forgive meh.) , he hadn't realized you were right under his nose this entire time. Or, rather, under Valt's.

I'm sorry if it's all too much, but everyday you hear I'm healing.

Xhaka clutched the bouquet of roses so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"We're here!" Valt yelled, yanking Xhaka out of his thoughts. "Hey, is something wrong? You're super quiet."

Xhaka flashed one of his signature shark toothed smiles.

"Yeah, dude. Just kinda nervous about seen someone I rejected two years ago." Xhaka stated.

"Whelp, too bad. Like I said, we're already here." Valt said as he knocked.

And I was running out of luck. I never thought I'd find this feeling.

"Xhaka?! What are you doing here?" You almost yelled.

Before you could finish registering was haooened, he scooped you up bridal style, and carried you up the stairs to your room. He sat you down on your bed, and started.

"Listen, (Y/N), I'm really sorry for what happened. You are an amazing, beautiful, awesome person, and I can't believe it took me 13 years to realize that. I love you. More than anything. And I'm sorry. You probably don't love me back, and I understand. Just know that I love you and I'm sorry."

"Xhaka. If I didn't love you I would've stayed in Japan. I couldn't bear to be around seeing you there and still love you. When my parents told me we were moving, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to move on. It wasn't. I still love you." You stated, looking down to avoid eye contact.

He tilted you head upward and connected your lips in a chaste kiss. You stayed like that for 3 minutes before pulling apart for air. You foreheads rested on eachother.

"I love you." Xhaka said.
"I love you, too." You returned.

Whew. 911 words. Das alot. Please like comment, and vote. Still taking requests. I'm thinking next one gon be Lui. Peace, peeps.

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