kurenai shu: flowers and love poems

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This is a request by soappony. Hope you enjoy, love!

They first arrived on Saturday night, just after 10:00 PM. There was a ring of a doorbell, and a small rustling, which you assumed was nothing. You peeked out of the curtians, and the porch light illuminated nothing. You opened the door and saw no one. As you stepped out there was a small snap, and you looked down. Below one of your feet was a bouquet of the most beautiful red roses you had ever seen. You gasped and stepped off them quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step on you." You said to the roses. Shu smiled. How was he seeing this, you ask? Shu was hiding in the bushes. Such a sweet girl, you were.

"There's a note!" You exclaimed. Shu smiled wider. So you had found it. The note he had handwritten for you. It was one of his favorute love poems, signifying exactly how deeply he was in love. It read:

I love you without knowing
How, or when, or from where
I love you straightforwardly
Without complexities or pride;
So I love you because I know
Where I does not exist, nor you,
So close that your hand
On my chest is my hand
So close that your eyes close
As I fall asleep

Sonnet XVII
Pablo Neruda

"Oh, that's so sweet!" You exclaimed again. You looked around for a meseenger or the person who did all this. You smiled and blushed, before walking back inside.

Shu sighed and flopped down on the grass. He had fallen hard.


Every time you looked at the roses, you smiled. They smelled just as sweet as they looked, and the red provided a necessary pop of color in your house. You put the poem up in your room and went back to sleep. When you woke up for the last time in the morning, you realized something. The roses were almost as red as Shu's beautiful eyes. You smiled dreamily at the roses, thinking of Shu. The Spin Emperor who had stolen your heart. The beautiful, white-haired, red-eyed, kindhearted, lovely Spin Emperor. You looked away from the roses and stared at the clock.

"Gosh! It's already 7:00!" You said, rushing to get your clothed on and look presentable. As you ran to the school, you ran by a certain albino and backtracked.

"Hey, Shu!" You said, waving cutely.

"Hi, (Y/N). How are you today?" Shu asked, wanting to see if you remembered the roses.

"A little shaken up, actually. The weirdest thing happened last night." You said, looking to Shu. Shu raised his eyebrows in (very well-acted) surprise.

"Do tell." Shu said. You sighed.

"Well, around 10:00, this beautiful bouquet of roses showed up at my door. With the sweetest note, too! It was awesome!" You said exitedly. Shu blushed. So you did like them.



For the next two weeks, roses arrived every night, each with a different love poem, at he same time. Some of them, this mysterious admirer wrote themselves, and others were Shakespeare of Pablo Neruda. Tonight, you were going to find out who this person was. You arranged some flowers in a vase and waited. This was slow going. The minutes finally turned into hours. It was 10:00. The rustling of bushes, and the little sounds of something being placed on your door stoop. You opened the door. There stood an albino's red eyes boring into yours.

"Shu?!" You exclaimed.

"I-" Shu tried to explain, before you cut him off.

"You did all this?" You asked softly. Shu nodded, staring down at the roses. "Did you mean it?"

Shu nodded, still looking down at the ground. Your brought your fingers to his chin and lifted it up so that he looked at you. You pulled you fingers away, Shu's calloused hands chasing after yours. From your other hand you produced a bouquet of baby's breath and roses.

"It's for you." You said, (E/C) eyes boring into red ones. Shu put his hand on your hand. You swallowed hard. He gently guided your hands to let go of the thorns. Shu brought your fingers to his lips and kissed them, still maintaining eye contact. As he pulled away, tiny beads of blood remained on his lips, clinging to him like a lifeline. You brought your head forward to meet his, and pressed your mouth to his lips. The task of iron invaded your mouth and you kissed Shu harder. Shu ran his hand through your hair as you pulled away.

"I liked your poems." You whispered.

"Thank you."

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