shirasagi lui: cold nights

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Another requested by soappony. I hope it isn't too bad. I feel like I write too much for Lui. But, I'll never get enough of my smexy boy.

The night was cold and quiet. Lui awoke, panting heavily. The nightmare he had was horrible. He reached over to the nightstand that was usually next to his bed for water, then realized that he wasn't in his own room. The flower-printed comforter wasn't his. The sheer curtains around the white bed were something we would never, ever use. He stared at the small body next to him.

(Y/N) (L/N). The thin white sheets covered you. Lui looked harder, then realized you were wearing his shirt. It was a blue t-shirt he never wore. Lui must've given it to you to wear home after staying over at his house. It fit you nicely. The neck hung of your shoulder, exposing your collarbone.

At that moment, Lui wanted to touch you, to feel your skin under his fingertips, to know your soft lips against his so badly. You turned on your side, and crinkled your nose.

"You're so pretty, (Y/N)." Lui said softly. Your lips curved into a gentle smile.

"Really, Lui?" You asked, eyes still closed. His eyebrows furrowed into a glare. You opened your eyes and reached your hands to his head. Soft fingers pushed his eyebrows until they were in a neutral position. Lui sighed. He moved your hand to his cheek and held it there. Lui twisted his face so that his mouth was on the palm of you and he kissed it repeatedly. You moved your fingers to trace Lui's cheek, and made little shapes on his skin. He sighed.

"It's late, Lui. Let's go back to sleep." You demanded softly. Lui shook his head tiredly.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked. You smirked.

"Maybe." You said, snuggling back into the comforter before Lui tore it off you.

"Hey! Lui, I was comfy." You said as Lui smirked. "Evil boy."

"I'm not evil." Lui said. You sat up and kissed his chin, and he sighed again. You smiled against Lui's pale skin, before kissing it again. Lui moved his head down to that your lips traveled to his. He presses his mouth against yours for a split second, but kept his lips mere centimeters from yours. You pushed your lips to his once again, and held for a little bit longer.

"Of course you're not evil. You just need to be... nicer. Especially to Kyo. He's the cutest!" You whispered. Lui smiled against your mouth and pulled away. The baby-blue haired male moved his lips to your exposed collarbone, and bit it gently. You sighed. Over the months, you had become used to the feeling of Lui's mouth against you neck.

"Lui. It's too early." You said, running a hand through his baby blue locks. Lui let out a breath of disappointment, but pulled away.

"Let's just go back to sleep." Lui said, letting his head fall to a plush pillow. He pulled you to lay down, and pushed you into the crook of his neck. You smiled against his pale skin, before kissing it softly. Lui pulled the comforter over the both of you and you fell fast asleep.

Lui is fluffier at night.

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