shirasagi lui: carve your name into my bedpost

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Reader and Lui are basically best friends, but they're in love with each other and never tell eachother. They each have their own thoughts about the other, and different ways of dealing with the crush. They both think the love is unrequited. Mood Song: Sleepover (Hayley Kiyoko)

The whispers of his breath lingered in the air, long after he had gone. His familiar musk remained on your sheets, even after he went back home.

Shirasagi Lui. Your best friend. Your crush. Your everything. His teeth on your ear had left marks, red and obvious. Your remembered his soft skin pressed against yours, soft as his breath on the shell of your ear. He was stuck in your head, like a favorite song you've grown tired of. His skin on your body had grown meaningless, merely an act of hunger and wanting than romance or real feelings. In a way, he had begun to drift away. The touches and looks meant nothing to him, like a beautiful, classic painting whose paint had rotted, and whose canvas was grown old and started peeling. Lui had grown tired of feeling your hipbones under his fingers. He craved something more... emotional. All his life, his emotion had been pushed away by others, deemed too intimidating to love. 

But you were different. You let him turn friendly pecks in to long kisses. You let him growl his intentions into your ear, running his hands up your skin. Lui, in return, let you turn to him and kiss his jaw. He let you trace your teeth along his ear. He would lay you down in his lap and brush through your hair with his nimble hands. But, you had long since stopped these childish escapedes. Lui had long since stopped staying over. And you had long since stopped waiting for him to do so.

You moved on, focusing more on training your bey, than boys. More that kisses, or embraces, or skin-on-skin contact. More than Lui's kiss on your neck, on his teeth on your jaw, or the whispers of his intentions in your ear.


He came back, late at night. When the city was sleeping and the nightengales had stopped their songs. The quiet of the night was deafening. Lui breathed out alowly, before stepping in. He stared at you with half-lidded, hazy purple eyes. He was breathing heavy, like he he had ran a mile. He stuffed his face into the dip of your shoulder without warning. He gave the spot a lick, before biting down harshly.

"Ow-" Your words of protest were cut off by a single finger on your lips.

"Shhh." Lui shushed. "I don't want the neighbors hearing us."

He gave the spot and apologetic lick, before shifting your nightshirt and kissing your shoulder. Lui gently tugged on the bottom, signaling he wanted the garment off. You lifted it above your was and threw the shirt somewhere in a corner.

"Why?" You whispered. Lui looked up.

"I don't want you like a best friend." He whispered. You ran your hands through his hair as he kissed the tops of your breasts.

"Let's go upstairs." You whispered. Lui lofted you up so that your legs were on hi hips and carried you up.


You awoke to a half-dressed Lui staring deeply at you. When your eyelids fluttered open, he ran a gentle hand up your naked shoulder. He pressed his mouth to yours in a calming manner, like you were a flower, in need of delicate care. Lui loved the way you slept. It took him back.

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