nansui yugo: music tastes

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Whew. Yugo was kinda tough to wrote for. Enjoy!

"Explain to me again. Why are these guys so 'hot'?" Your boyfriend, Yugo, asked. You looked up from the computer screen and stared at him.

"Because, Yugo, their music is good and the guys are super good-looking." You said, motioning to the computer screen. On the screen was a picture of all five boys from the boy-band Why Don't We.

"Am I not good-looking?" Yugo asked, genuinely concerned. You kissed him sweetly and said:

"Yeah, but... they're just... good-looking in a different way." You said. You were right. The boys posed in trendy clothes in trendy locations, like Paris or LA. Yugo looked harder at the screen. He didn't see it. He dressed in kind of  trendy clothes. And, who doesn't want to hang out at a dojo in the mountains all day?!

"I don't see it." He said. You kissed his cheek and closed the browser tab. You opened Spotify and typed in 'Why Don't We'. You scrolled for a bit and found your favorite song. The song's upbeat bass and keyboard rang through his ears. He pursed his lips.

"Can we listen to someone else?" He asked. You nodded.

"How about Five Seconds of Summer?" You said, typing in their name. He didn't like that one, either.

"One Direction?"


"Backstreet Boys?" 




"Come on, Yugo. You gotta level with me, dude." You said. "I've tried every boy-band. You like none of them."

"What can I say? Boy-bands aren't my thing." You sighed, then gasped.

"Do you listen to any music? At all?" You asked, slightly horrified. Yugo shook his head. You got an idea.

"Why don't you go hang out with my friend, Gimba Orochi? He's got some really good taste in music. I'm sure he can find you something." You said. Yugo reluctantly agreed. This was for you. And, who knows? He might actually find something he likes.


"Alright. Don't come back until you find something you like. Orochi, find him something." You said. You kissed Yugo briefly and left.

"So, (Y/N) tells me you're a tough cookie." Orochi said, walking Yugo to his music room. The room was piled high with records, CDs, casettes, and even more.

"I mean, I'm just not very interested by music." Yugo said, looking around.

"Let's start with... pop. (Y/N) really likes this stuff. It's the kind of music that's always playing on the radio, and that everyone knows the lyrics to." Orochi said, putting on a CD of one of your favorite artists.

"Yeah, I've definitely heard all this before." Yugo said. Orochi nodded and changed the genre.

"How about rap? Most of it is about money and drugs, but I'll play the good stuff." Orochi placed a casette into a old-school radio and pressed play. Yugo bounced his head slightly to the beat, but remained his usual stoic self.

"It's OK. Can we try something else?" Yugo asked. This went on for hours. The 'Can we change it?' And the nodding and the new music every time. When it was finally done, Orochi returned your boyfriend.

"Did you find something?" You asked. Orochi nodded.

"80s pop-rock." Orochi said. You nodded again.

"Thanks, Orochi!" You yelled you you and your boyfriend walked off.

"Welcome!" He returned.

"And you said music wasn't your thing." You said, nudging his shoulder slightly.

"Shut up."

Can I say how much I love Yugo? Serioulsy. This cute little warrior is the most adorable thing. Other than Lui.

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