chakage gou: long day

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You yawned and stretched out. You looked at the room around you and squinted slightly at the light glaring through your window. When you looked to your left, the bed sunk down slightly to reveal a strong, well-built figure. His back was tanned and muscular, and so where his arms. He turned over on his side, revealing Chakage Gou's face. His face was peaceful and serene, like moonlight caught on your fingertips. You scooted over to where he slept and snuggled into his strong chest. Gou unconsciously snaked his arms around you and let out a breathy sigh. You trailed a line of sloppy kisses down his jawline, and ran your hands down his bare chest. He groaned slightly, and stirred. You stopped. You smiled against his jaw. Gou exhaled in your ear and you giggled.

"Mornin', sweetness." Gou said sleepily. His eyes were half-lidded and cloudy. He rubbed them and looked at you.

"Good morning, love." You whispered back. He kissed your lips gently and licked you bottom lip. You opened your mouth and started the battle for dominace. Your touches danced and pushed. Eventually, he won. Gou sucked on your tongue softly, and finally parted for oxygen. You both panted slightly, and stated deeply into each others eyes. The lip lock had left you breathless.

"Ugh, morning breath." You groaned, waving your hand playfully in front of your face. "And how did you become shirtless?"

"It was hot." He laughed. "Lui will be mad if I'm late. I'ma get going."

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" You smiled. He smiled back.

"I basically only have to put on my vest." Gou joked, reaching for the said article of clothing. You laughed. Gou loved that laugh. He smiled, and put on his vest. Gou walked out the door, and blew a kiss. You blew one back.


"Hey, kid. You know Gou, right?" You asked.

"Um, yeah, why?" The kid asked, raising one of his eyebrows at you.

"Bring this to him, please." You asked, handing him a lunchbox.

"OK." The kid said, running off to find your boyfriend.

You left the bey club and headed to your next class.


"Awwww! That's so sweet, she brought you lunch." One of Gou's teammates cooed, smiling at the small lunchbox. Gou grinned. He opened the lunchbox, and smelled his favorite food.

"Yum! My favorite!" He exclaimed, scarfing down his lunch. He walked to where he knew you were sitting and kissed you on the cheek. You smiled.

"So you liked your lunch?" You asked playfuly.

"Yeah." He stated.

"Love you." Gou said, and kissed you again.

"Love you too, baby." You said, giggling slightly.


You yawned. You stripped yourself of your day clothes, and changed into pyjamas. Gou walked in the front door and slammed it shut.

"Rough day?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Nah. Just really missed you." Gou smiled.

"Babe, you saw me at lunch." You stated sarcastically.

"Yeah, I missed you anyways." Gou said sweetly.

"C'mon. Let's sleep."

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