shirasagi lui: secret girlfriend

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This was requested by hidekihana. They even came up for the plot idea! Thanks for the great idea, hon! Hope you like it!! Bold italics is texting.


"Why can't you tell anyone we're dating?" You whined, getting annoyed. Your boyfriend, Shirasagi Lui, sighed and pulled you to where he was laying.

"Because, I don't want Aiga and Fubuki following us everywhere." Lui stated.

"But you make me follow you everywhere." You stated sarcastically.

"That's because I don't want some random creep flirting with you." Lui said.

"You think I want to see every other girl flirting with you everyday?" You fired back. He looked at you, then pulled you down to kiss him. You two had been dating for a year now. About 6 months in, he began to soften up to you. More kisses, more hugs, more sweetness.

"C'mon, get ready. We're going out." He said, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" You said, banging on his back and laughing. He showed a sharp-toothed grin. He placed you in your room and stated again,

"Get dressed."


You stood in the room be below the room where Aiga and Fubuki practiced. You knew that Lui occasionally came here to 'crush their dreams to bits!' or something like that. You sighed and double-tapped something else on Instagram. You texted Lui.

Annoying Girlfriend
Lui, I'm bored.

I don't care.

"Ooooh, who's that? Your girlfriend?" Fubuki and Aiga teased. Lui glared. He walked down the stairs to where you were standing. He took a hold of you hand and led you out of the door. Little did both of you know, Fubuki and Aiga followed you.

"Let's go to the beach." You suggested once you got in Lui's car.

"We'd have to go home and get ready and everything. You sure?" Lui askes, annoyed by having to drive all the back and then all the way to the beach.

"Fine. Let's just go home and cuddle." You said.

"M'kay." He said, before pulling off.

Aiga and Fubuki looked at eachother, then screamed,



"Ugh..." you groaned into Lui's neck. "Can you answer the door?"

"Maybe." Lui stated sarcastically. He got up from where you two were laying.

"Fubuki. Aiga. Why the hell are you here?" Lui asked, whilst glaring.

"Lui? Who's that?" You called from the bedroom (no no no no no not like that get your mind out of the gutter)

"Aha! So you do have a girlfriend!" Aiga yelled, and stomped to the bedroom.

"Oi! Oi! What do you think you're doing!?" Lui yelled, chasing after Aiga.

"Lui? Is that you?" A feminine voice called from the bedroom. When you looked over, it wasn't your boyfriend. It was a loud, quirky, obnoxious brunette standing in the doorway. Lui ran in and pushed Aiga out of the way.

"What happened?" Lui asked, bending down to your level. He glared a hole into Aiga.

"I'm sorry for rushing in and disturbing you. We were just surprised that Lui had a girlfriend." Aiga apologized.

"Where's the other one?" Lui asked, referring to Fubuki.

"Oh, he's still outside." Aiga said still in disbelief over what he had found.

"Leave." Lui said nonchalantly.

"OK. Got it." Aiga said before leaving.

"I'm sorry about that. Both of them are weirdos." Lui stated.

"S'okay. I thought the brunette was kinda cute." You said, meaning to tick Lui off. He pushed you into his chest to shut you up.

"I love you." You said sweetly.

"I hate you." Lui snapped back.

"No, you don't."

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