goushin suou: know no better

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Requested by: cottoncandyakira. Reader and Suou are friends, but kind of in a ¿relationship? It's not clarified. Like friends with.... kisses. I'm going to start to lost the song that inspired or I listened to for the chapter.  Mood song: Know No Better (Major Lazer, Quavo, Travis Scott, Camila Cabello)

Suou stared at your lips. His eyes were hazy and clouded, and appeared faded. His eyebrows were knit, and his chapped lips needed some form of hydration. Your angry face bore into him. Your eyes ablaze, still burning into his flesh and bone. Your words stabbed holes in him, but stiched him up at the same time.

"Why?! Suou, you can't just treat people like that!" You yelled. Suou nodded blankly. "Are you even listening?!"

"Probably not." Suou said. You sighed angrily.

"What am I going to do with you?" You said in all seriousness.

"Kiss me." Suou replied. You glared and picked up your beyblade and launcher. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah." You said to Suou. Suou glared. He grabbed your arm and whipped you around. He smashed his mouth against yours. Your lips didn't move against Suou's, though. Suou pulled back angirly.

"Leave! Fine! You don't control anything!" Suou yelled, pushing you away. You rushed out of the door of the training center.


Suou was desperate. The first time he showed up to your door, you let him in. He said something rude about an opponent, and you kicked him out. The second time, you didn't let him in.

He screamed and banged his fists against your closed door. He left after about fifteen minutes of that, and came back half an hour later. He had turned to pleading. Suou rested his head against the wood of your door gently and sobbed apologies. Suou bribed you with empty promises of ice cream and other treats. Every time you turned him away. Suou finally got tired and screamed again for you to open the door.

"JUST LET ME IN." Suou yelled. Even through the door, you could feel his glare.

"NO." You yelled back, peeking out from behind your couch. You knew from his battle with Aiga how he could get when he was agitated. You were honestly worried that he would eventually just break down your door and come in.

"I HATE YOU." Suou yelled.

"YOU'LL COME CRAWLING BACK, JUST YOU WATCH." You screamed. Suou stormed off and went back to his house.


Suou waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. He waited hours, expecting you to come over and apologize like you always did. You didn't. Suou called endlessy, leaving almost a dozen voice messages and many, many more texts.


Are you there?

I miss you

Come back

I'm sorry

I'll do anything


I love you

I hope you love me too

I didn't mean what I said

None of it

I hope you can forgive me

Suou never acted like this. He never admitted he was wrong, or especially that he loved you. You knew that he was just faking, just like he always did.


Suou sighed. He knew that you could see through his facade now, and he hated it. He hated how you would probably never trust him again. He hated how you wouldn't talk to him unless nescesarry. And Suou hated himself for doing this.


Suou saw you at school the next day, and walked up.

"Hi, (N/N)!" Suou greeted happily. You glared at him.

"Don't (N/N) me." You said, slamming your locker shut. Suou sighed, and leaned his towering form above yours.

"Did you get my texts?" Suou asked.

"Yes." You replied, "Now, get out of my way! I need to get to my class."

"Not until I apologize." Suou said. "I'm sorry. I know, I'm an asshole during battles. I'll try to work on that. I just want you to love me back, and I'd give up anything to have you by my side." Suou said softly, leaning in so that his forehead touched yours. You snaked your hands around his neck and pulled his lips to yours. His mouth moved in sync with yours. You pushed his neck so that his lips were pressed even more to eachother, and so your bodies were pressed closer.

So he wasn't faking.

Ughhdgsvsudveuwsjdbjdbdjrbrhjdhdjdjrbrvrjrhhehdjfhhdiejsjdkdiskkskdkdkfkjrvrhwhhwhqhwhhd. I had this idea but never got it out there. enjoy my lovelies.

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