trad vasquez: fifteen

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Requested by OtakuAndBTS_Geek. Enjoy! Mood Song: Seventeen (Charlotte Lawrence). Enjoy!

Being 15, you stayed on 2-hour long phone calls, deep into the night. You waited until the last minute to study, and had a very strong sense in fashion. You talked about crushes with friends, texted nonstop, and got lovesick. A particular boy was on a phone call with you at 5:00 AM.

"Trad! Cone on, you and I both know that Valt is lying." You whisper-yelled.

"I dunno, (Y/N). He seems like he's telling the truth." Trad Vasquez stated, shooting down your idea.

"There's no way that he battled Lui, much less he almost won." You said back, doing the same thing to Trad.

"What? It's already 5! Sorry, (Y/N), I gotta go do my work." Trad exclaimed.

"Aww. Can't you just skip today? It's Saturday! Nobody manages an entire team on an Saturday." You whined

"A., I can't skip. B., I don't do this alone. Chris helps." Trad said, and you could hear him getting his tablet to put something down on his tablet. "How about this: I'll take the day off tomorrow and we can... you know... do normal teen stuff."

"Alright, see you tomorrow." You said.

"You too. Bye." Trad said.

"Bye-bye, Trad." You said, before  hanging up.

You sent a text not 2 minutes after.

Best Friend (y/n)
Can't wait for tomorrow 😄


"Trad, get your butt over here!" You exclaimed.

"This stupid hoodie! I never agreed for you to pick out what I wear!" Trad complained from inside  your room.

"Come on! If you wanna hang out with normal teens, you gotta look like a normal teen." You said.

"Fine." Trad said, opening the door. "How do I look?"

Trad was wearing some retro concert tee, with some black skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie to match. His long brown had put up into a curly brown pony tail.

"Normal." You said. Trad raised an eyebrow. "That's a compliment."


"(Y/N), I don't think we're supposed to do this." Trad said nervously as you hopped the pool fence.

"Come on, Trad! Don't be such a wuss!" You exclaimed, hopping down the other side. Trad climbed over and jumped down. You took off the crop top and short shorts you had been wearing, revealing an one piece. Trad rushed to a corner and changed. You slipped into the dark pool, Trad following. You swam gently to the deep end. Trad watched you swim, infatuated as he had been when he met you. You turned around, and Trad    waded gently to you. He pinned you against the pool wall, his lips mere inches from your own.


"Hmm?" Trad hummed.

"What are you doing?" You asked softly. Trad sighed.

"You really are oblivious, aren't you?" Trad retorted a small smirk gracing his lips, the lips that soon graced your own. Trad pressed his mouth against your lips, wet hair mingling with the other's. He pulled away for air, seeing your face.

"You have no idea how many times I've kept myself from doing that." Trad whispered.

"You have no idea how many times I've kept myself from letting you." You whispered back, putting your arms around Trad's neck.

"Let's go home."

"Yeah, it's getting kindof late."

Urghhhhhh j had to listen to so many playlists to ge

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