shirasagi lui: drunk

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Hmmmmmm...... just a little bit........ ...... ....... suggestive. (Alcohol) CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP TO 21

Bass pounding. People screaming. Giant crowd. All you could focus on was him. You felt him. The backup dancers synced perfectly to your movements. You never took your eyes off him. The words flowed effortlessly out of your mouth.

Shirosagi Lui.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! We love you!" The masses screamed. Lui had his arms crossed, looking back up at you. You flashed a small smile. So did he. The fact that he smiled put some more skip in your step. The racy outfit your manager had set you up with was uncomfortable. The air smelled of sweat.

This is for you, Lui. You thought.


"The concert was a success! Great job, (Y/N)." Your manager stated, patting your bare shoulder. You hadn't been given enough time to change, so the revealing costume remained on. You looked around the room. Executives for your record label, rich fans, and most of the stage crew were there. You had decided to throw a party for all the hard work the crew had put in. Then there was Lui. He was your plus one. He stood, leaning against the wall opposite of you, arms crossed. You could practically felt his stare, hot on your back.

Naturally, Zac's British accent pierced the warbled chatter as he arrived.

"Why, hello everyone! I'm here to congratulate (Y/N) on her sucsess! Great job!" Zac said loudly. You winced slightly.

Lui never took his eyes of you. You smirked at him. He glared.

"A drink for the blue-nette over there." You told the bartender.

"Noting for you?" The man behind the counter asked.

"Nah. Not thirsty." You awnsered.

You watched from the counter as someone brought him his drink. He looked at you, then at the glass in his hand. Your smirk widened.

He finally managed to tear his eyes away from you.


"Lui, how do you get drunk in two hours?" You asked, clearly annoyed.

"I don't knowwww~ baby...." Lui slurred, leaning on your shoulder, breath reeking of alcohol.

"Ugh, you're such a dork." You stated.

"I'mmmmmmmm~ your dork!" He stated, holding the 'M' in 'I'm'.

The poor Uber driver. He had to deal with an annoyed idol and her drunk best friend.

"When are we getting hommmmme~" Lui laying a sloppy kiss on you neck.

You blushed heavily, then remembered Lui was drunk. He kissed the side of your mouth, and moaned unhappily.

"You're so meannn~, (Y/N). Kiss me!" Lui stated.

"I'm not mean, you're just drunk." You said, groaning and paying the Uber the fee due.

You almost carried him into the house. He removed his scarf and laid himself down on you bed. You washed up for the night, and returned to your room.

"I'll take the pullout couch." You said, grabbing a pillow and a sheet from the closet.

"Noooooo! Stay~" Lui whined. You turned around and groaned.

"Fine." You put the pillow back, and laid down. Lui then proceeded to wrap his arms arms around your waist. You gasped slightly, then relaxed and whispered,

"I love you, Shirosagi."

"I love you too." Lui whispered back, surprising you.


"Ugh." Lui groaned as he woke up with a pounding in his brain. He looked around and saw that he wasn't in his room. Lui looked next to him and saw you.

"Idiot. Idiot. Idiot! Wake up!" Lui yelled.

"Lui, shut up. That's not a nice thing to say to someone you tried to make out with last night." You retorted sarcastically.

"I did that?!" He asked in horror.

"You also confessed your undying love for yours truly." You said, enjoying the reaction you were getting out of him.

This was going to be a long day for him.

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