kimidori quon: concert confessions

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HE WAS A BOY SHE WAS A GIRL CAN MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS! I'm sorry every time I see Quon I think of Avril Lavigne. Can you guess why?

"Hey, Quon. You going to Fuji Rock this year?" You asked, placing your self next to him on the bench.

"No. I told you, I didn't have enough to pay for a ticket." Quon said sadly. You had known he had been wanting to go to an upcoming music festival. So, as a surprise, you bought yourself and him tickets to the festival.

"Well, I just found this on the ground and...." you trailed off, holding up the ticket for him in your hand. He gasped.

"Yes! Thank you so much, (Y/N)! You're the best!" Quon practically yelled, pouncing on you.

"Cool it, skater boy." You laughed, using the affectionate nickname you had given him. He laughed with you. He grabbed you hand and dragged you your room to pack. As you packed, Quon stole little glances at you adorable focused face. Your tongue stuck out of your lips slightly, and your eyebrows were furrowed.

"Why are your drawers so messy?" Quon asked sarcastically.

"Oh, come on. You know yours are just as bad!" You said, playfully punching his shoulder. Was Quon really falling for his best friend? He blushed slightly at the contact. "Alright, back to packing, skater boy."


The plane ride was awkward, to say the least. You and Quon sat next to each other on the plane, and you two had gotten so many comments. The flight attendant passing out snacks spoke up first. Seeing you rock band t-shirts, she said this:

"Aww! You're another couple heading to the festival, aren't you? I've seen so many, but you two are definitely the cutest!" You two blushed like roses and looked at each other.

"Actually, ma'am..." you began, looking again to Quon for help.

"Yeah, isn't she the cutest? I'm so lucky I  have her." Quon said boldly. You opened your mouth and stated at him, eyes wide. He mouthed 'just roll with it' before looking back at the uniformed woman and smiling. The woman next to you two reminisced:

"I remember being young and rebellious. Actually, I remember going to that very festival with my boyfriend. Crazy, isn't it?" Quon took a hold of you hand again and squeezed it. The skin-on-skin contact made you blush heavily. The woman returned her magazine. The couple in front of you was going to the same festival and they said:

"Aww! Jamie, (I don't know) they're so much cuter than us! Come on, man. You gotta up your boyfriend game!" The girl said, mocking anger.

"Oh, shut up. You're the one killing our cute factor!" Jamie returned, playfully punching his girlfriend's shoulder, as you did to Quon.

"So, you guys just a couple, or you have company?" Quon asked. Another boy popped his head out of the crack between the seats.

"Yeah, I'm kind of the third whe-e-el. Well, hey there, baby. How you doin'?" The boy said, looking directly at you.

"Blythe! She has a boyfriend." The girl said, glaring at Blythe. Quon's grip on your hand tightened.

"Oh, lighten up, Julia. Jamie flirts with lots of other girls, and you're fine with it." Blythe said, looking at Jamie.

"Yeah, that might be the case with them, but I don't like other guys flirting with her. So, dude, can you respect that?" Quon stated, eerily calm. You could tell he was frustrated, though. He gripped your hand so tightly that it was turning white.

"Yeah, dude. I can totally respect that. Sorry. If I were you, I wouldn't like other guys flirting with her either." Blythe said, raising his hands in defeat.

"Yeah, thanks." Quon said, finally loosening his grip on your hand. You looked at him. He never acted like this.

"Alright, passengers. We'll be hitting some turbulence, so please fasten your seat belts." The pilot's easy voice said. You snuggled into Quon's shoulder. You had been afraid of turbulence since you were little. He kissed your hairline gently.

"S'okay, baby." Quon comforted. Pet names now?! He was getting serious.

Baby, huh? I kinda like that... You thought.


"Alright, Quon. What's with that stuff you pulled on the plane?" You asked as soon as you got to the shared hotel room.

"What stuff?" He asked, raising his hands in an 'I don't know' motion.

"Oh, you know what stuff. That boyfriend-girlfriend stuff." You said, flopping down on the clean sheets.

"Come on, you know you liked it." Quon said, staring deeply into your eyes.

"S-shut u-up. You know I didn't." You said, blushing furiously.

"Whatever you say, baby." He said. Shoot! He had seen that blush after he called you that. He walked over to his bed.

"Lay with me." He said. You shook your head.

"I'll play Friends on the TV." He said. He knew how much you loved cheesy sitcoms. You walked over to his bed and laid in his arms. You inhaled the scent of sweat and deoderant. Quon closed his eyes and sighed. 


"Alright. Quon, you got everything?" You asked, looking over at the blond.

"Yeah." He said.

"Alright, let's go." You said, dragging him out of the hotel room. He smiled at your strength. So, Xhaka really had taught you something other than beyblade.

The music started. The drums pounding, the guitars screaming, the lead singer singing beautiful lines. You jumped up and down, screaming along to the lyrics. Quon smiled widely and copied your actions. The closing song of the set was a slow, heart-wrenching love song. Quon looked at you, then listened to the lyrics.

"I love you!" He yelled over the screaming crowds.

"W-what? I mean, I love you too, but, why now?" You asked still jumping up and down.

"Because that's exactly how I feel about you!" Quon yelled, pointing his hand at the stage.

"Really?!" You asked.

"Yes!" He answered. He reached out and grabbed the back of your head. He pulled you in closer and kissed you, right as the song ended.

"Quon? You asked after you broke apart.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You know that was cheesy, right?"

"But you love cheesy things."

Whoa 1069 words. Dang.

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