shirasagi lui: if i could turn back time

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This world needs more Lui angst... so I did it.

Shirosagi Lui was feared. That's a fact. Because he was feared, people hung out with him. They wanted to be feared. He became even more feared. Lui was slipping through your fingers. You two had been Los dos amìgos.

"Hey, Lui! How are you? Good, I hope." You said, walking up to him.

"Shut up, nerd." He said, gently pushing you away. "Get otta my way."

"I just want to talk!" You said, still pursuing him.

"I said get out of my way!" Lui said as he pushed you into a locker.

"Fine. Fine. You're too far gone, anyways. You've been talking to those guys, huh? It shows. Be proud of yourself. You just lost your only real friend." You said as you walked away.


You walked out of English, holding your books closely to your chest.

"Hey." Lui stated, leaning against the doorframe.

"Go away. I won't talk to someone who's so... out of my league." You said, laughing bitterly.

"Just because I have some people hang out with doesn't mean you have to be a bitch about it." Lui said,

"So, I'm the bitch here? I'm the one in the wrong?" You said, rage in your eyes.

"Yeah! I'm not in the wrong here! You're the one getting upset over me not hanging out with you!" Lui yelled. Thank God school was over.

"What about me? What about Gou? What about your real friends? Not those phonies! They're using you! Just how blind are you?!" You screamed back. Your voice was beginning to cry. Tears flowed down your face violently, falling on the ground and leaving drops.

"Fine! Cry! I don't care!" Lui screamed, balling his fists at his sides, and banging one again a nearby locker

You ran off, sobbing and leaving gentle drops on the floor.


"Ugh! He makes me sick now! We used to be friends... I can't believe this. He just dumped us for some posers. They're just using him!" You ranted. You were currently pouring out your broken heart to Gou, who was understandably upset.

"That's a jerk move." Gou stated, glaring at the floor. Lui walked in.

"Get out. Now. You're not welcome here. Not anymore." Gou said, eerily calm.

"Tch. You can't do that. You can't isolate a team member from the practice room. You can't do this. Unless you kick me out." Lui laughed coldly. "And you wouldn't do that. You're not half as good as me. She's barely better than that porcupine kid. She means so little, compared to you and me. You're too good to be hanging out with a loser like her."

Your eyes widened. Vakt was your friend. But, even he admitted that you were almost as good as Lui.

You reached under you shirt and pulled out a necklace. On that necklace was a small, beat-up bracelet. It was a friendship bracelet from 1st grade. You tore it off your neck, and held in your hands gingerly. You stormed over to where the boys were yelling, and stood in front of Lui.

"If I mean so little, then you'll have no problem taking this back. So go on. Take it." You said, holding the necklace out to him in your hand.

"-I... can't take this." Lui stammered for once in his life.

"I was right. You don't care until it involves you. Until it will affect you. Until it involves emotions." You stated. You dropped the necklace on the floor and walked away.

"(Y/N)!" Gou yelled as he ran after you.


Knocking. Doorbell. Knowcking. Doorbell.

"(Y/N)? Open up! Lui has something for you!" Gou yelled through the door.

"I don't want anything to do with Lui!" You retorted.

"I brought movies." Lui stated.

"What kind?" You asked suspiciously.

Lui sighed.

"Romance." He said begrudgingly.

"Fine. You know where the key is." You stated with reluctance. Lui peeked under the welcome mat. There was his spare key, right where he left it.

"Just come in, set up the movie, get something to lay on, and sit down. Don't look at me." You said.

He obeyed everything but the last part. Lui stared right at you. He sat down right next to you, and pulled you into his lap. He laid his head on your shoulder. His hot breath fanned over you neck and he snaked his hands around your waist.

"I'm sorry. You were the best thing that had appeared in my life. Ever. I was on high from all that attention and didn't realize what I was doing to you. I realize that this is way unlike me, but that's just how I feel. I love you. More than I liked all that attention." He whispered in your ears. You twisted your head to your side and he did the same. You pressed your lips to his in a kiss that seemed to last forever.

He pulled away, and wrapped a blanket around you two.

You two stayed up late, binging romance movies and kissing.

The night lasted forever.

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