kibuki ukyo: rollerblading

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This was requested by AnimeLoverGirl4.

You glided down the street, weaving through people and animals. The in-lines you wore glowed (F/C) in the sunlight. Your ear buds blasted your favorite playlist, and you bounced your head to the beat. A blue-haired, blue-eyed boy ran down the street looking behind him instead of in front. A strong force hit you from behind and you hell off your feet.

"What the heck?!" You yelled. Ukyo gasped. Had he really ran into somwone?

"I'm so sorry, miss! I didn't mean to run in to you!" Ukyo said, genuinely sorry. You glared for a minute at him, then realized he was kinda cute. Your face softened.

"S'okay. Happens." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Well, I've got to be somewhere. I'll see you around."

"Well, nice to talk to you." Ukyo said, waving as he walked away.


You walked through the store, staring at the different options for (fav/snack).

"Fancy seeing you here." A familiar voice said. You turned around and saw.. well, who else? The blue-haired boy.

"I never did ask your name." You said, finally picking a (f/s).

"Kibuki Ukyo." 'Ukyo' said, reaching his hand out for a handshake. You smiled a d shook his hand.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You said, shaking his hand. He smiled.

"So, (Y/N). Was this the important place you were going to?" Ukyo asked sarcastically. You laughed and shook your head.

"I'm just in town to visit my cousin. Someone you might know." You said, shooting Ukyo a sideways glance as you waited in line for a cashier.

"Do tell." Ukyo said, smirking.

"Shakadera Alexander. Everyone just calls him Xander, though." You said, shooting Ukyo a smirk back. Ukyo's jaw dropped.

"Xander is your cousin?! He's my blading team captain!" Ukyo said, genuinely surprised.

"I do remember him mentioning an 'Ukyo' before when I called." You said, paying for the food.

"Well, I can walk you to the dojo. I assume you already know where it is, though." Ukyo said, offering you his elbow.

"I don't actually. Please, lead the way." You said as you put your hand in he crook of his elbow and you both.


"Heya, cuz!" Xander greeted, waving as you walked up his stairs. You ran into your cousin's arms, jumping up so that you could hug him. Ukyo smirked a bit.

"Hey, Xander." You said with a grin plastered on your face.

"Whoa! Ukyo, d'she find ya already?" Xander laughed. Ukyo sighed.

"I guess so." Ukyo said softly. You looked back at him and smiled cutely. Ukyo smiled back.

"Alright, I don't any romance in this dojo." Xander said playfully.

"Xander!" You exclaimed. Ukyo blushed and walked into the dojo.

Maybe, just maybe, you would stay long enough for him to love you.

Heya I feel like these are too short. What do you think?????????????

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