free de la hoya: raging bulls horror club

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Oh LORd does Free look HAwT in that picture.

"Hey. You're new to the Raging Bulls, right?" You said calmly to Free as you walked up.

"Yeah." He returned. You crossed your arms and stood next to him.

"We got this thing with some other members. Every Friday we watch a horror movie together, and.... we invite all the new members." You said. "It's in my room at 10:00 PM. Don't tell Shu, either. He wants us to be training whenever we're up."

"Well, I'll try to be there." Free said, nodding to you.

"By the way, I'm (Y/N). I'll see you around." You said, beginning to walk off. Free waved gently and walked in the opposite direction.


"So, you did show up, Golden Boy." You said, greeting him with a peace sign.

"'Course." He said, generally calm. If he was really truthful, he was scared as heck. He hated horror movies. They scared him. He just came because you seemed like a nice girl.

"Come on in. You can pick the movie. They're below the TV in the cabinet." You said pointing to the cabinet. "I'll get the snacks. The other guys'll be here soon."

"Mhm." He said, looking through the movies. All of them looked scary. 'The Organ Pickler'?! 'It'?! Those all sounded like rated 'R'.

"Oh, yeah. That one's pretty good." You said as he looked at one called 'Axe Murder'.

"How about this one?" Free said, holding up one called 'My Girl'.

"Oh, you're down on the romance movie shelf." You said, looking at the movie he had. "But, I guess if the #1 blade in the world wants to watch it, I'm down. I'll just tell the rest of the guys. It'll probably be just you and me tonight."

"S'okay. That's cool." Free said. You brought some popcorn and a bag of candy. Free reached into the bowl of popcorn and stuffed a handful into his mouth.

"Alright." You said. "Let's watch some romance movies."


"Wow. That was cheesy." You said, staring wide-eyed at the screen.

"Y-yeah." Free returned. In reality, he loved the movie. Free almost cried at the end when the two characters almost ended up together.

"Free? You can let go of my hand now." You said.

"Oh... sorry." Free stuttered and blushed.

"It's okay! I'm cool with holding hands with the #1 blader!" You said, smiling.


It had been 6 months since you and Free began these Friday movie nights. You and Free had developed crushes on eachother. Tonight was the night you would make Free watch a horror movie.

"What're we watching tonight?" Free asked innocently.

"Oh, nothing much. Just Friday the 13th." You said. Free gasped.

"A horror movie?!" He excailmed.

"What, you don't like them?" You asked. Free managed to stutter out a no. You retrieved the snacks and a blanket. You wrapped the blanket around the both of you and blushed slightly. Free snuggled into your shoulder and you blushed harder. The movie started. Screams eminated from the speakers and Free snuggled deeper into your shoulder. The first kill showed on the screen. Free climbed on to your lap and rested his head on your shoulder. More screams. Free snuggles deeper.

"I hate horror movies." Free whispered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." You whispered back. He gave your neck a small kiss as if to say 'All is forgiven'. "You want me to change it?"

Free shook his head.

"I wanna stay like this." He whispered. "I wanna stay like this forever."


"Because I love you."

"I love you too." You whispered. You wrapped your arms around his back and rubbed soothing circles in it.

"Actually, can you turn it off now?"

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