shirasagi lui: drama club

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Omfg sweet baby Jesus in a golden cradle lui looks so sweet in that picture

Shirasagi Lui hated you. Or at least pretended to. You see, you were in the drama club. Therefore, you didn't have enough time for him. With rehearsals and evrything, you could never hang out with him.  If he were honest, he definitely would tell you he loved you. But, being himself, he would never tell anyone. Exept for Gou. Gou, being the little shit he was, told you. You two devised a plan. You would invite Lui to on of you regersals, and make him confess.

"Hey, hey, hey, Lui!" You screamed as you basically jumped on him.

"What the hell! Stupid idiot! Get off me, dummy!" He yelled back, clearly pissed.

"Lui! I got a question. You wanna come to my rehearsal?" You asked.

"I guess. I don't have anything better to do." He replied, blushing.

"Cool! Go to the auditorium after school, OK?" You said as you turned around and started to run to your next class. "See you then!"

Time skip brought to you by Wakiya being a brat.

"So, today we'll be rehearsing the wedding scene. (Y/N) and Lawrence come up to the stage." The theatre teacher said.

Lui raised a fluffy eyebrow, but his face remained solely neutral.

"As you all know, Mamma Mia requires a stage kiss."

Lui's sat up, eyes wide. Stage kiss?! He internally screamed. You smirked. The plan was working perfectly. You and Lawrence sand the song, and got into positions for the kiss. And you kissed. Lui glared a Lawrence, and left.

"May I be exused, Miss?" You asked after raising your hand. She nodded and you walked out the door.

"Lui! Come on! What happened?  We were having such fun!" You said "And why are you behind the vending machine?"

"It was fun till you kissed him." He stated with a pout.

"Come on, Lui. It's only a stage kiss!" You said, starting to smile.

"Well, I like you! And it should be me kissing you! Not him, me!" Lui said, glaring harshly.

"You like me, huh? Interesting." You said, anused.

"Shit!" He yelled.

"I'm not going to reject you or anyhting. I like you too." You said.

" I care, idiot." Lui replied.

You shut him up with a kiss.

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