Job Of A High School Host Part 1

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I walk into the club room right as school ended, my brother and Tamaki already there. I walk in when Brother hugs me "I told you I would be here idiot," I say with a quiet chuckle but when he hears the twins but no Haruhi, "I should hunt for Haruhi, brother I'll be back as soon as possible" I say wandering off as the twins walk in. I walk through the halls, finding Library #4. I walk in to see Haruhi her nose in a book, I walk up to her steal the book and raise it over my head "Come on Uta! I have test in a few days "I'll raise your dept, come on the girls want you" I say to her and she jumps up "I'm coming, you're just as bad as your brother" She mumbles and I jokingly say "He learned from me, The queen of darkness or the Dark Queen" I say and she shivered a bit, I smirk as we wander back to the music room casually chatting "I moved to Mitskuni's place but I kinda want to spend more time with you" I say casually as we walk into the room and I was greeted with half naked hosts and a tropical theme, "Haruhi isn't wearing that  is she?" I ask and Haruhi shook her head "I only wear early spring attire in early spring" She said and I shrug "Where's mine or did little brother think I would abandon him?" I ask with innocence in my voice and Kaoru passed me the costume "Mom made it to our request, so Haruhi will have to be a little protective" Hikaru said and Kaoru smirked leaning on his older brother "You two really are perverted, you make Tamaki seem normal" I say coldly to them and walk off put on the dress they gave me and I had an evil, mad, and killer look on my face. The dress went to the upper thigh, and my f cup breasts were falling out of the dress. I walk out and Give the twins a glare "I will kill you, it will be painful, slow and you'll wish you were never born" I glare at them as Tamaki got a nose bleed and the twins went red. "Haruhi can I kill them?! They put me in a perverted dress!" I whine to her and she walks over and went red. "Not you too!" I whine again but she soon recovered and glared at the boys "That is inappropriate, It is degrading so I believe that she should be in her uniform because of how revealing it is" Haruhi said coldly to the three when Mitsu-kitty and Takashi walked in, they both go red and look away, I  smirk and stride over to them. I look at Mitsu-Kitty crouch down so my ass isn't showing, and get close "Are you jealous? I mean look at all the red faces in the room. They all want me just as bad as you" I say and steam blew out of his ears and he look like a tomato he was so red. I stand and move to Takashi who had a small blush, I pull on his tie, he was caught off guard and leans down. "you think I look hot don't you? I bet your itching to get your hands on me. Now-" I say pulling on his tie again bringing him farther down "-I think I should be going, I wouldn't want the girls to catch me with anyone but Haruhi" I say walking away his face bright red. I had put on heels so I didn't have to pull him down but I thought it would be fun. I had my fun when Haruhi grabs me, It was weird having a 5'1 person grab me, I had always been around these boys and they were taller her. "You want some action too?" I ask pulling her close when the girls stampeded in Me and Haruhi's guests got a nose bleed or fainted. I remember how short my dress was and how closely I was holding the tiny host, I pull my dress down but then my low cut top was and pulled it back up. I felt so uncomfortable with the girls staring at me, "Haruhi I feel uncomfortable being stared at like this" I say when my male guests walk in "Damn it" I mumble "Tamaki I need to go change" I yell which ended up being a normal sounding voice instead of my usual whisper, when Tamaki spoke up "No your not! This will bring in business!" I glare at him and go to the change room and change into my first uniform which at the time was too big, but now fit perfectly. It when to my knee cap and the top covered my chest well. I probably will be degraded in classes because I think that I'm not 100% pedigree anymore, I'm gonna move out and move into a small apartment, get in with a scholar ship, and start my own bakery, but I have high hopes. I've bought an open area main floor but a home area on the second floor, so I guess it wouldn't be an apartment. I open the shop after the club. I walk out of the change room in my maid outfit "There, now I don't feel like a slut" I sigh and Dark horse played, My eyes light up. This is like my theme song which made my confidence sky rocketed, my guests smirked knowing what this song did. "Dark Queen, don't let your confidence hit you too hard" One said and I smirk "Please, I always have the confidence of a goddess." I say holding my arm up "Besides I have a cafe to open tonight, I moved out and now I'm on my own, I am a top notch chef, so it's up to anyone's standards." I say walking up close as the chorus began, And I pulled the boy closer "Why don't we meet up later and have some-" I say pausing, knowing this would seduce him "-Fun" I whisper in his ear and he pulled me closer "I would love that, My Queen" He said clearly excepting to get laid. I push him off "Switch," I say coolly "Bye, I hope to see you at the cafe later," I say as he walked out, I eyed him down to see he had gotten a boner when I wander over to Haruhi "Haruhi, I'm opening a cafe do you want to visit or if you ever want to help just step in" I tell her hopping on the couch beside her when I notice that Tamaki's old guest was there "Hey there lovely lady what's your name?" I ask and she responded quickly "Kanako Kasugazaki, Pleased to meet you" She said politely I stick my arm out and she hesitantly shook it. She didn't seem like an over the top guest so I sat there and chatted with the 2 of them. "Haruhi you really are cute" She says and the girls from other tables were watching so I pulled the love act "Sorry princess but Haruhi's mine, my doll" I say holding her close and the girls at the other tables squealed, I soon say quietly "It's an act so don't believe some of my bullshit" I say calmly and she smiled "So Uta what is this dance I over heard about?" Haruhi asked and I shrugged, speaking like she should know "We are holding a dance in a few days. it's formal and you are excepted too come but I can't teach you to dance" I say calmly and she tilted her head in a creepy way "I have never been to this sort of event, so If I could be excused" She said nervously and I turn to Kanako and she looked at me curiously "Princess Kanako would you do the honors to teach Haruhi to dance since I'm so tall that I have been banned from teaching this doll faced boy" I say pushing Haruhi's chin up to look at me and Kanako sighs and smiles "Of course I'd teach Haruhi to dance the waltz, when is he needed to master it?" She asks and Tamaki pulls out a blown up picture of Haruhi  "I think Tamaki is planning to close, I'll have the Info to you by tomorrow. Thank you for accepting the request princess" I say with a slight bow as she left the room. I walk over to the boys when I hear Haruhi yell "Don't blow up my photos without asking me first!" Haruhi yells when I look at the picture, she looked quite beautiful, "Haruhi you look good with longer hair" I comment "I'm not saying Tamaki was right in the snooping to get the picture, but you look pretty good," I tell her and she goes a little pink when Pika spoke for the first time in a few days "Pika!" "You finally decided to talk huh? You furry baby" I say jokingly and she went quiet again "You're nervous too? We'll make it with the bakery Pika I know it" I say petting her head "I will ask Tamaki's dad if Haruhi can work for me, so we can make it farther with her" I say when Tamaki was going to object "The hosts can get their sweets from there with a discount, But you still have to pay because I have a business to run" I say and Kyoya spoke up "It's fine tamaki, Let the girls have their fun" Kyoya said quickly before Tamaki said anything, I smirk when Tamaki spoke "We can't have that, Haruhi will be spending too much time away from daddy" Tamaki says and I came up with a devious plan "But Daddy-" I began seductively and he goes red "-I need her, and maybe she will love you more-" I say pausing pulling him closer "-If you help me, and I am very persuasive." I say when Kyoya pulled me away from Tamaki "F-fine. You win Uta I'll speak with my dad" He said completely red "I win" I say happily walking out, grabbing Haruhi and leaving too the bakery with Pika and my shoulder.


I walk into the bakery and Haruhi looked amazed, I don't know why this is very low standard from what I'm used too. "Haruhi you serve and I'll bake, I have stuff out already so just look in the fridge there" I say pointing at the fridge in the left corner with the till. I flip the open sign and the hosts walk in, Tamaki looks off to the side pretending I didn't seduce him to get what I want. "What did chairman say? Did he deny his princess?" I ask, getting closer "He said it was fine" Tamaki blushed when I hear Kyoya sigh "You can't just flirt to get what you want" He told me and I roll my eyes "But it works. I will continue until they can deny my charm" I tell him poking his nose and then go to take the hosts orders "Strawberry cake-" I say pointing at huni "-Coffee with Caramel and milk" Takashi "Black coffee" brother "and you always change it up" I say looking at Tamaki and he placed his order as I write it down "I'll have Chocolate cake today Uta" He told me and I give the paper to Haruhi "Would my employee like anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head but I ignore that "i'll just get you a small piece of cake" I say and grab the boys things, It took a minute when me and haruhi went towards the boys "Haruhi for work could you wear navy blue? It can't be a dress since the girls will come visit" I tell her and Haru nods "Thanks buddy. today is the only exception" I tell her and she smiles at me, "Mitsu-kitty. Takashi. Tamaki" i said placing the orders in front of them. Haruhi does the same only she stays quiet "You boys will pay full price when you don't order out, call when your done" I say and Kyoya gives me an evil look and I smirk. It's just the hosts so I sit and talk and Haru follows. "baby brother what's the matter?" I ask innocently like I don't know it's the money "Nothing Uta, I'm just tired" He said so clearly lying "You were hoping I would give you a discount" I say and he looks away "untrue, well how much is the bill?""5300.35 yen($60), how would you boys like to pay?" I ask and Takashi stands up and pulls out a credit card "how nice of you Takashi, Let's head to the till" I say and lead him to the corner where I had put the cash register. I pull out the machine and he paid and went back to the boys who were idle Chatting "Boys! Manners" I tell them and they look up at me again "thank you mori-senpai" They say except mitsu-kitty who said takashi instead. I smile because nobody seemed to visit, "I guess you guys will be my only customers, I want to close by 8" I say as the boys remember we left at 6 and we had been Talking for like an hour. "Boys wanna help me tidy up? Sweep the floors and things?" I ask and Tamaki stood up "We are happy to help!" He cheers when The twins get up to leave "Hey! you selfish twins" I say and then I got an evil idea. I walk up in front of them and they suddenly look nervous "Come on you two. It will be fun, maybe have more fun later?" i ask and they're faces go a little bit pink "Come on" i say pulling on their arms and they didn't move "if I win the 'which one is Hikaru' game you two help clean up" i say and they shake their heads "you know which of us is Hikaru-" Kaoru said "and which one is Kaoru" Hikaru said "Okay let's play" I ignore them like I did Haru "She doesn't listen well" honey said and ran up to me "Doll-Chan can you play with me and Pika?!" He cheers and I shake my head "Hikaru and Kaoru" I say pointing at the corresponding twin "Incorrect" They say like it was convincing "I'll quit if you don't tell the truth" "Fine!-" Kaoru said "-You're correct" Hikaru finishes and I smirk as they wander to start cleaning. I start to clean the counter when Berholt walked in "Did I come in late?" he asked jokingly "No way Ber. do you want cake or something?" I ask and he smiles "Yeah. I'll take a coconut cake to go" he said and I put the slice of cake in the box and hand it to him "1242.96 yen ($14)" i say and he hands me bills and walks out "Thanks Uta. I'll be back tomorrow" He said at the door "Bye buddy" I say sweetly, look at my watch to see it's 7:59. I walk to the door and flip the sign to closed. "Bye boys. I can't afford to pay anyone but Haruhi so leave" I say pushing them out. I get the boys out and hand Haruhi money for the night "2000 yen?! I can't take that, I can stand minimum wage Uta" She said surprised with the money in my hand "haru I'm the boss so I decide how much I pay you" I tell her and put the money in her hand. "say hi to Ranka for me Haru!" I yell as she walks out of the cafe. I sigh and walk up to my living area. I change to my sleep wear and lay on the couch to watch T.V. "i love this" I say quietly as I surf channels and Pika jumps to lay on my stomach. I give go on Netflix and watch soul eater. I slowly get tired and pass out on the couch, Pika on my lap and T.V shut off. Everything blacks out after a few minutes

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