Big brother is a prince

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After school I had Sebby bring Kaname (mitskuni's) and Akemi (Takashi's) over from the house, I walk back into the host club to see Kirimi and Tamaki swinging her around, "Tamaki. What are you doing with Neko's sister? Kirimi get over here, we need to go see Umehito," I tell her after I hand Takashi Kaname and reach out to the little girl, "Your Scary! Like the boy in the cloak!" She cries when I pick her up and try to calm her down, but she refused then Akemi started to cry. "Shhh..." I try to soothe but apparently my kids are the only ones that know I won't hurt them. I let Mitskuni hold Akemi, while I dealt with Kirimi, "Tamaki... What did you promise her?" I ask coldly and he seemed to get nervous until he spoke, "i promised that I would her big brother..." "Your stupid, I need to get her to her servants and find Neko," I say evilly and he backed up as I headed for the door when neko walked in , "this is your brother Kirimi, not that whack job that spun you around, and we aren't that scary, He'll fight off the kitties and monsters for you," I tell her when she jumped down and ran to Tamaki... she's a real pain sometimes, "How's little Syaoran?" I ask I get a little smile, "Very well, thanks for asking, he doesn't mind the dark and loves cats," He said happily, and I smiled back, "My mini-mes are doing well too, thank god they didn't have any medicine in their veins, I would have hated if they had to hid themselves from others," I smile talking about them and I grab them back from my dears. I sit and snuggle my babies and The others are gonna try to change Neko because they just saw what I see plenty, his blonde hair and bright blue eyes... I watch from the doorway because, I just learned,Akemi doesn't like the dark. Renge is teaching him lines he shouldn't say to Kirimi, that's more for our business "Renge this is ridiculous, Neko all you have to do is show yourself without a cloak and wig, also promise to keep her safe," I say annoyed in the door way as Takashi wrote down words on an almost full board of occult terms... when I decide to mess with Renge "Oh and tell her she's as beautiful as a wax doll," I smile and she hits me and with the back lash she almost hit the two babies, "Hit them and you'll wish you were dead," I growl and she quickly moves away probably terrified. When Kaname and Akemi Giggle, Kaname is so quiet, but when he laughs or giggles his voice is very prominent, like his 'Uncle'. The two will be raised as brother and sister, because honestly, I love them the same... I love all the kids very much, but the boys have the right to try to raise them themselves, I bet Haruhi will marry Tamaki, She loved him so she left me... But I've been so happy with the two cousins, they treat me better than I could have hoped. They are everything I could have ever ask for in a relationship, caring, kind, able to cheer me up, doesn't leave even on my bad days... I watch them until Kirimi peeks in and I feel Sebby tap my shoulder, "young mistress we should head home, again thank you for letting me and Ciel stay in a time of need," "it's not a problem Sebby, I'll be down in a moment," I say waving at me dears, not really but I wanted to. I walk down to the car and I hand Sebby Akemi while I put Kaname in then Akemi into her seat. when I sit Sebby had a smile and I smiled back. "Sebby, I'm gonna hire a maid but you are the family head employee, Hannah will be helping me with the kids," I tell him and pat his head kindly. I look online for a bed for the two because they really are an adorable couple and Sebby is a very handsome man. His phone rings and he motion for me to pick up I hear a masculine voice but by her tone, it was a female. "Who's this?" "WHO ARE YOU?!? What did you do to my Bassy!??!" "Ma'am I'm his boss and he is currently driving so do you want me to relay a message to him?" "NO! I want to speak with him immediately!" "You can't ma'am, I'll have him call you when he isn't busy," "NO! he spends all his time with his brat of a boyfriend!" "Sorry ma'am I can't help what he does in his free time, you'll just have to wait for him to call you back ma'am," "Fine Tell Bassy that his dear Grell called and that she need him to love her!" She screams before hanging up. I have a headache now... was that a grown woman? "Sebastian, a crazed woman called Grell said that you must love her... How do you deal with her?" "You don't deal with that... You let her ramble and sometimes she's fun to tease," I shake my head as we pull up to my new home, 6 bed, 4 bath. I'm the top cafe in Tokyo, I hire hot people because that's very popular nowadays and it brings a slew of business, like the host club. I grab the kids and Sebby helps me in and I was greeted by Ciel, "Hello there Uta, How was your day?" He asks formally, "I told you there is no need to be formal Ciel, i welcomed you to my home warmly, and even so I don't expect any of the formalities," I smile and he nods, "Okay Uta, I'll be heading to me sleeping quarters, I'll see you when your off duty Sebastian," He said and went on his way to his quarters when I get a call after I put them in their swing to pick up, the phone to hear Neko, "how'd it go with Kirimi?" "She finally excepted me!" "That's wonderful! I'm going to invite everyone over and I ask you bring the kids but it isn't mandatory to come, I hope to see you tomorrow Neko," " Sebastian will greet us at the door or do you have a few more servants?" "I'm hiring a babysitter to help me and Sebby when needed but I don't plan to have too many more" "whatever you say my friend, I'll see you tomorrow," with that Akemi began to cry to I have feed her,while I see Kaname had wet himself to I run to care for them... It's non stop running around and playing here... But I wouldn't have it any other way.....


Hey guys sorry for all the delays lately, I'm trying to make up for it so I'll have hopefully another chapter out this month
Anyways,  Sweet Nightmares

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