Job Of A High School Host Part 2

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~~Uta (pretend the boy looks like Kyoya) time skip 1 week~~

I wake up when I see a whole bunch of guys in the living room. I jump up waking Pika up, I start to realize that it was the hosts "You fucking scared me you assholes" I grumble when Pika wanders back closer to me so she could cuddle "no Pika. I gotta get ready" I say in a tired voice when Pika almost mimics me "Pika" She grumbled and she jumped off me. "What time is it?" I ask, since they beat my 6 o'clock alarm "It's 5:30 Silly! Who would get up any later?!" Tamaki yelled cheerfully "Fuck you" I say shoving my face back into the pillow I had. Kyoya and Honey looked disheveled like they were forced to get up at this ridiculous time. "I'm getting another half an hour of sleep unless anyone would like to appose the Dark Queen" I say Darkly and the idiotic trio hid behind mori. I close my eyes when I feel a peck on my forehead. I open my eyes to see Haruhi standing in front of me. I jump up again "fine" I groan and Tamaki looked amazed. "Fuck off before I decide to kill you. I have the ice knife ready" I say evilly and the boys leave the room swiftly while Haruhi stood there not afraid of me "You think I'm bluffing?" I ask and she shakes her head "I believe you I just am not scared" She said bravely and I walk up and pull her closer "really? Your the first not to run from me" I say holding her so close we almost kiss. Haruhi went red as I peck her lips. "Shoo. Go find Tama-baka" I tell her and she walks out completely red. I smirk and get dressed quickly. I brush my hair and tidy myself up to leave. I walk downstairs to see the hosts waiting. "I could have walked you know" I say looking at the clock and I was 6:00 "What do we do till 7?" I ask and he shrugs "Why don't we have coffee or tea?" He suggests "Okay but It might take a few minutes to brew" I say walking to the coffee machine to start the brew. The machine starts and I wander over to chat with the boys when Haruhi asks "How close are you and Kyoya exactly? You seem more distant from each other lately" She said and I smile and Kyoya shakes his head "Not the picture" He says "Yes the picture" I say and show the picture of me and Kyoya in middle school (pic at top) "I have bad eye sight like Kyoya but I have contacts, Dad said I would look deplorable with glasses unlike Kyoya who looks good no matter what" I mumble the last part and Kyoya gets up to tease me "I look better than you and your the eldest of the two of us. You always said that you were prettier because you were older" He jokes and I look away from him "i was 6 when I said that" I complain and he said quickly "The coffee is done brewing" He said and I ran to get everyone coffee, other than Takashi's I bring sugar, creamer and some milk. Everyone began to make their coffee except Haruhi "Would you like tea Haru?" "No thanks, I'm fine for this morning" She rejected quickly and I smirk "are you being shy because of this morning?" I say in a low voice and she turns from me and Tamaki began to freak out "What do you mean by that?! What did you do to my precious daughter?!" He screams and I pull haruhi over and peck her lips like I did this morning. "Did you forget I'm not completely straight? I could steal Haruhi from you or I might find another love" I say looking at Tamaki evilly and he has pink cheeks. Haruhi pushes away "You forget I'm straight" Haruhi said with pink on her cheeks and looked a little love struck "Then what's that love struck look in your eyes?" I ask and she soon composed herself "I do not have a love struck look in my eyes. You are delusional" She said calmly and I pick her up bridal style and her face went pink again "Why do you go pink every time I touch you?" i ask pushing farther "I am not used to being so close to girls" She excused, I hold her in one arm, and brush hair out of her face "I'm in the war for your heart, all the hosts want you but I seem to be winning" I whisper in her ear and set her down. I look at the boys and they looked "look out boys you have a new opponent." i say and the trio blushed and brother, Honey and Mori stay calm, mostly.

~~Mori's POV~~

She is in it not to win Haruhi but to be part of the war. They all seem to want Haruhi, she has a bright personality and is carefree but Uta is just a colder version of Haruhi. It's interesting though, Uta has dated before but she seemed distant, she never has taken a real interesting in someone like she has haruhi. The showed disinterested in everyone around her, she always had a far away look in her eyes like she wasn't really here. Haruhi is the first to grab her attention. Kyoya seemed interested as well.

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