Cosplaying And Fights|Bonus|

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Tamaki came up with this brilliant idea where we would draw from a hat and we get to cosplay as that person, I glare at him as I pick a name out of the hat, and I got Kyoya, "This will be easy, I just talk a little less," I smirk as I held up the paper, Takashi switched with Mitsukuni and Mitsukuni was trying to stay silent and Takashi obviously didn't know what to say, Tamaki got to dress up as Haruhi, "Doesn't that remind you of the physical exams Tama-baka?" I ask with a mischievous smirk and he gulped, "Your supposed to be acting like Kyoya," "We haven't started yet, since I'm going to represent the vice president I choose when we start our roles," I state and he sighs and let's me have my fun. I put in a pair of gray contacts, and a shorter wig and I see Hikaru was dressed up as me and Takashi and Mitsukuni handed him the kids and he looked lost on what to do and I tried not to laugh as I hosted Kyoya's guests, "I have deal for you girls, I've made photo books of professional pictures Tamaki made us make this year, they feature your favorite hosts but if you buy them together it's only 1,330,000," "Well take it!" They squeal and everyone flooded me and I collected about 300 million yen and I ran out of books and Kyoya looked impressed as he had to act like Kaoru and Kaoru was acting like his older brother and Kyoya looked so uncomfortable and awkward and It's hilarious. I didn't have request so I broke character for all to see and I was told that I didn't need to cosplay anymore which was amazing and I laughed and Hikaru looked panicked when Kaname started crying because he has hungry, "Hungry!" He cried quietly and I picked him up and gave him some fruits and he munched on them getting his first teeth still and he kept chewing on everything, I give him back to Hikaru when Kan started chewing on his finger and he bit his tongue and worked through it and the girls were super into it which is always good to see when I see Kyoya had no more guests today. I walk over to Takashi and Kiss his cheek and he looked at me awkwardly and spoke and it made the girls go wild, "Thank you Uta. I love it when you kiss me," "Shut up, It's kinda weird having you talk to me at school... And I don't think I like it too much, Especially when your trying to be someone else," I say patting his shoulder and he nodded and they girls giggled and I walked over and Kissed on girl's cheek, "You know, Your really cute, almost as adorable as Little Akemi, don't you think so?" I ask Hikaru spoke in a shitty girly voice, "Of course! ANd I think we should all sleep over but let's have it be like our first sleepover!" "You make me sound like a whore!" "I don't know what your talking about," He said innocently and I wanted to kill him but I stay calm, grab my kids and walk into a corner and I toss Kemi up and Catch her and she laughed loudly and I smiled and I tickled her and she was hysterical and I look at Kan who was looking at a book reading to words out loud quietly and Igrab him as well and I tickle him and he laughed loudly and all the girls loved watching them and Kan tried to be as quiet as possible because he wasn't liking the spot light and he hugged me close thinking nobody would bother him if he held me with a death grip when I get up and Steal Hikaru's wig as pay back and call out, "the weave has been snatched!" I call out and hold it up like it was a trophy and the girls laughed and Hikaru grabbed it, "The host club is closing now ladies! See you tomorrow!" I call out and duck as Hikaru threw the literal watermelon they stuffed in his shirt at me and I caught it and stuck out my tongue and run and Hide, locking myself in the costume room and I hide in one of the ball gowns when I see light entering the dark room and I hear Kan's little voice, "Mommy?" "Coming!" I call out and jump out of the dress and he laughed at me and I smile and pick him up and put him on my shoulders and I watched as everyone was whispering, "What are we talking about?" "None of your business," "Fine then, I'll take ALL of my babies and-" "No! We were talking about how you might be too childish for the club to keep the reputation it has," "It has a reputation for having hot boys, might as well say by having a stripper with a different outfit is going to scare everyone away," "Why go to strippers in this?" "Because we aren't much different, Our job is to look pretty and get pussies wet," "Real classy in front of the kids," "Kan has already read mostly everything so there's no need to keep it classy," "He's 2 Uta," "And he's sat there and read my 50 shades book, I found out when I went to read it and there was tiny fingerprints in cheesy dust," "Where did you hide the book?" "In my side table drawer," "No shit he'd get it!" "He doesn't normally snoop! Besides I he can't get in unless someone leaves the door open and I always shut the door!" "You blaming me?!" "You called me a slut like two minutes ago! Who else would think to let a child into my room?!" "I don't know maybe your butlers or that Ciel Kid!?" "Shut the fuck up Hikaru!" I groan and I grab Kan looked at me and Mimicked something from the book and I froze along with everyone else, "I didn't teach him that, It was whoever let him into my room," I sputter, I didn't think he understood what he said but we all know what 'Whips' are and It wasn't pleasant to hear my son mimicking the smut book... "This will be harder than I thought, I have to go stop by the black magic club, See you later," I mumbled the first part and I walk in and Reiko hugged me and she looked me dead in the eyes, "I think Honey-Senpai has put a curse on me... I can't stop thinking about him," "Your just in love Reiko, He might not notice you now but I'm sure that one day you'll at least be friends if not dating at some point," I smile at her and she went red, "I don't think I'm in love," I just hug her as she was confused about her feelings, "Neko!" I call out with a small smile and he walked out from behind one of the areas and Kaname smiled and he waddled over to Syaoran, And he fell over and when they both fell they laughed loudly and  Kemi pointed at them and laughed too which made me smile. "Their so cute!" I cheer happily and Reiko grabbed Kemi and she poked Reiko's nose and I smile and Reiko smiled. "Do you wonder what you and Mitsukuni's kids would look like?" "Shut up! Your so mean! I told you I don't think I love him!" I laugh at her red face and she was so flustered and Kaname smiled, "Auntie likes Daddy!" He laughed and I try not to smile and Syaoran hugs Kan which is adorable. "Your kids are adorable but their troublemakers," Neko smiles and I shake my head, "Syaoran gets it from you," I smile and he laughs,"At least My kids aren't dull, I can't wait to watch them grow because their both so different," I smile and I put Kan on my shoulders and Kemi in my arms and Kan leaned down and kissed Neko's head, "Bye Bye Uncle Kitty!" "Bye Kan," "Bye Auntie," He smiled and reached down but he couldn't reach so I kneel down and he kissed her forehead. Kemi waved to them, "Bye bye Auntie! Bye Uncle!" She cheered and I waved at they waved back and I walk home with them on my shoulders... Kan on my left shoulder and Kemi on my right. "Faster Mommy!" "Okay..." I say unsure and walk a bit faster and they laugh. I smile and I take them in my arms where I can't hurt their neck, and I ran as fast as I could home. I was greeted by Sebastian and Hannah, Hannah helped me with the kids and I smile and they smile at me, "I'm so happy to be home," "I'll have to leave soon because I got a job back home for an Earl, I would like to give my month's notice," She said with a weak smile and I smile at her, "Congratulations! Don't forget about us and Visit if your ever back in Japan,:" I smile at her with a hug and she looked shocked, "Your not upset?" "Of course not, If you don't like it then you are always welcome back home, And Like I said if I see you here and you don't come say hi I will nag you next time I get to talk to you," I say with a jokingly and she smiled, "Thanks for everything," "Of course, I love you like family," I smile her and she smiled widely and I smiled at her. Kan looked at her sadly, "Big Sister's leaving?" "She'll come back one day, I don't know when but I know Big sister won't leave you," I smile at Kan and Hannah hugged him, "I gotta go pack," "You have a month to pack a small room contents, Just relax next week or the week after we'll back you up," I smile at her and she nodded excited to see what her new job entails. "I love you and I hope you do well," I smile and she nodded with a smile, "Big Sister Needs Party!" "She does Kemi, Tonight we'll all hang out tonight all together as a farewell party, Even if we still have a while," I smile and we wall nod and I bring the kid's to their rooms and I help Kemi in to her little dress and we start the party.

I'm going to add in little bonus Chapters that mean nothing to the plot of the Sequel and Provides some answers to some things I overlooked when I was writing or somethings that clear up things for the plot of this and the next book if there's things that you don't understand or something could be more clear then tell me then I can make a chapter to clarify so feel free to comment if you want to see a small fun chapter, Or something that doesn't make sense I'd be happy to write more on this story.
Sweet Nightmares,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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