The host club declares dissuolution

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Father is coming today, but the ladies said they wanted to meet my children. I wore a almost Victorian dress but it wad touches that make it more modern styles. I hold both kids in my arms as mothers and... Fathers were at the Fair... "Takashi, Please, Help me get through the next two days," I ask him as we stood beside him. He nodded as I see Chisana, in a Tux I lent him, Walk beside up beside us, Even Ciel and Sebastian came, "Family's all here," I say half jokingly and they smile at me, My shaking was almost out of hand. I See Souh and Ootori enter the room. I freeze and Stare at the floor, "I don't know If I can do this you guys," I start breaking down and Kaname wiped my tears like I did for him, Akemi held me closely when I hear Little brother call me, "Souh wants to see you," "i-I-I'll be right there," I stutter nervous, Souh is close with my father, my father was so ashamed that I was disowned, I never rose my face as I sat across from him holding the kids close, The see to feel what I do so I try to calm myself "Hello, It's been a while since we've chatted," I say looking up, hiding my anxiousness behind a smile. He looked at my Promise rings and look back up to speak with me, "What lovely rings you have, Are you engaged?" "Umm, yes, to Morinozuka and Huninozuka," "Busy lady then. I have a serious topic to speak with you about, about all the children you had delivered," "Yes sir," "Please, do not let it happen again," "I never intended to have it happen, and I'm not happy with how it happened, I'm grateful for all the beautiful children," "Get out of my sight please Uta, It's a disgrace that you had been born how you are," "You and Father must of gotten closer, You used to be a nice guy in my eyes... Asshole," I say getting up from my seat with my babies, When I hear the sound of someone getting slapped I Look to see Kyoya, his glasses off his face. I run up to him, setting the kids on the floor making sure Kyoya was okay, "Uncle Kyoya, Okay?" "I'm fine you two," He smiled and pat the kids head and I turn to father, Another sounding of a slap went through the air as my hand met with Yoshio's face "Stay the FUCK away from the people I care about, I'm so glad I'm not your child anymore, You are nothing but a no good asshole! I felt like I couldn't bring my kids here out of fear you would hurt them! I will one day buy the company and give it to Kyoya! Before the Tonnerre's get it!" My voice sounding throughout the room, the first time since the experiments my voice had been that loud. "I don't care that The Ootori's are more powerful than me! I will not have you torment me any longer!" I scream and fall on my knees and broke down crying. Yoshio's glasses shattered into pieces... When I feel a crowd around me, and so many arms around me. I look up to see my babies, Hannah, Ciel and Sebastian closest to me. Takashi, Mitskuni, Kyoya and Chisana on top of them. The rest of the host on top of them. I look to see all the adults disgusted and the high schoolers amazed, "I will tell everyone what you put me threw! I had to get 20 needles a day! Locked in a tiny room! To test birth control I had to disgusting things done to me! Chisana had Different medications but he was locked in that tiny room with me! He knew it could get him hurt but many times he tried to pull the men off me, He had many bruises and scratches before he left weeks before me!" I scream and Yoshio freezes and the crowd looked disgusted, "Don't believe the arrogant child, it was a dream she had many years ago," He passes it off and everyone believed him, Me and Chisana will never have justice I know it, "30 Billion for the Medical Company!" I yell out and he stops, "We'll negotiate later you disgraceful thing," HE said and I had lost hope, when The despicable old woman walked in.... She would realize how lucky she was if it hit her over top of her head "I'm done for tonight, I've insulted two major company heads so I should leave before I get myself in deep shit," I say and walk out the main entrance when Takashi holds me close with two kids in my arms. I cried in his shoulder, I knew I should have stayed home. "I'm sorry! I'm Sorry! I should just, leave," I say and run home and get there in seconds. I set the kids down in the living room and I go to the kitchen and grab a knife, and hide it in my bra, when Sebby gets home, It's over, I should have done this long ago, I turn on the children's show and hide in the bathroom when I hear the from door open and I hear Takashi, I quickly stab my stomach, blood dripping down the knife my hand soon covered in blood, I hear the door open and Kaname crying, "No Kaname, Mommy's okay," I whimper as everything faded and I hear his voice tremble "Papa! Mommy Help!" Everything goes black as I hear Takashi yelling, "Stay awake! Don't close your eyes! I love you! Please don't leave us!" I feel nothing, It's a great feeling,


I wake up to the sound of beeping of a heart monitor, I open my eyes to see the kids crying, and the rest of my family, sulking when Takashi noticed to faster pace of the heart monitor. He looked up and grabbed my hand and put his head to it, "Don't do that again," He said sadly as everyone started to turn their heads towards me I look to see I'm in a hospital gown and that all the walls were white... I was on the bed where the patients die... I try to get up but a agonizing pain shot up me start at my stomach. Kyoya jumped up and laid me back down. "We thought you were dead, why would you do that?" "I-I thought everyone would be better off and I was so anxious about anything that it was unbearable," Say with a small chuckle "We'll have to medicate you," Kyoya concludes and, I guess it's true. "sorry for causing trouble," I say and the two kids hug me and kiss me, clearing not letting go anytime soon the Doctor walks in and I'm waiting for Yoshio to walk in, but he doesn't "The wound just missed the important arteries, Your very lucky... You should be able to leave in a wheelchair tomorrow, we'll being giving you painkillers, Antidepressants and medications to help with your anxiety," "Okay, Thanks Doc but I would like to talk to Yoshio about business trades, If he's in the building," "He'll be right out miss," He said and I look over to Kyoya, "How much to buy it off you?" "8 million, So much cheaper than what I'm buying it for" I say happily and I pull him over and place my forehead of his to try to calm him a bit, Knowing this works well.  "Tamaki is planning to dissolve the host club," "That bastard isn't quitting on us now!" I yell as my heart shatters, I'd be nowhere without that Idiot," I start to tear up and Akemi pulled on my arm, "Uncle Tamaki leaving?" "No, I know it's us joking and that bitch of a grandmother of his drove him away, and I just can't let him leave, Mommy wouldn't have you guys without him," I say patting her head "No big brother?" No big brother," I say sadly and she hugged me, and I hold them tight as I take my painkillers and move to a wheelchair I roll myself around a bit get comfortable and Takashi lifted me up on to the bed again and with an extra single bed off to the side of the room the boys but the babies to sleep as the hosts leave. I look to see Yoshio walk in  I grab my purse and pull out my checkbook to sigh to him and he gets out a bill of sales. "Call Kyoya in as a witness to sign the paper," I tell the nurse as Kyoya walked in and we made a quick transaction "I wish that you succeeded... Daughter," I was on the verge of standing up to hurt him but I stay down. I lay down and change get the papers to sell the business to Kyoya. "Brother... Please just take good care of yourself... I'm going to cut all ties with he Ootori's or Father will have an evil plan..." I tell him and reach out for his head. I gently place my head on his as warm tears leaked from my eyes as I feel Kyoya's tears hit me face as his fell of his face. "I-I can't let that happen... I won't let him take my dearest sister away," He said through soft sobs. "Kyoya-" "No... Please don't leave... I couldn't live a month without you and what makes you think that I'd make it my life without you?" He said with a small trembling voice and I pull him into a tight hugs as Takashi and Mitskuni walk back in and look at me with concern. "Boys... I just... Don't want you hurt you... I'm not a good person to be around," I say sadly and I get surrounded with warm hugs... Tears stream down all our faces... Even Takashi was upset with tears in his eyes... "I love you guys," I say holding them as close as possible... I guess I'm not going anywhere for a while...


I'm not doing the best mentally so the next chapter might come out late... Thank you for your patience... Goodbye for a bit...
Sweet Nightmares...


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