Character description

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Name: Uta Oortori

Birthday: November 22nd

Star sign: Cusp - Scorpio, the Scorpion and Sagittarius, the Archer

Blood type:ab

Family: Kyoya Ootori, Yoshio Ootori, Mrs.Ootori, Akito Ootori, Fuyumi Ootori, Yuuchi Ootori

Personality: protective, disinterested, caring, cruel, mature, seductive, family oriented, loner, distrustful

Likes: sweets, Mori, Honey, Kyoya, Books, baking, ANIME, manga, Kendo, Pika, animals, children, internet, martial arts

Dislikes: obnoxious people, loud people, annoying people, ungrateful people, People, spicy food, being unoccupied, bad boys, Tamaki wasting the budget... Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru

Skills: martial arts, math, baking, cooking, physical labor, guns menship, accounting

Backstory: known as the Ootori disgrace she was a test subject as a child to government experiments giving her height, strength and speed. She has many enhancements because of the experiments but when she realized her father was behind the torture she was protective over the few people that peaked her interest, or to name them, Kyoya, Mori and Honey. She started her Cafe at 17 and by her 18th birthday she has a location in America​, Canada and 3 locations in Japan. She always amazes the hosts, even if they don't know about her past... She swore she wouldn't tell but when she falls in love, who knows what could happen.

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