Chika's down with honey declaration

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~~Kaname (because he's adorable😝)~~

I was playing with daddy and he gave me to mommy and walked to the door. Daddy fell off papa's shoulders and a boy flew past papa's head. "Daddy? Daddy okay?" I ask mommy pulling on her shirt and she nods at me, "Daddy's gonna be okay, He wouldn't lose to anyone in front of you," She mumbled the last part but I heard her. I Hold her close, worried for daddy, the boy kinda looks like daddy. "Uncle?" I ask mommy and she looked a bit amazed, "Yeah, that's your uncle," "Uncle Oshi?" "Uncle Chika," She corrects me and I look at the boy more, When Uncle Oshi came in. "Uncle Oshi!" I yell and mommy puts me down and I waddle as fast I could to Uncle Oshi. "Hey, there little guy!" He cheers when I hear a large thump and Look to see Daddy on the ground "Daddy!' i cry and he gets up and He had won the battle. Kemi walked over to Uncle Chika and pokes him, "Uncle Chika?" She asked and he pushed her and I get down from Uncle Oshi and hit him as hard as I could. "No, hurt Kemi!" I yell at him, I was tearing up and he looked at me, he hates me. Kemi hugged me and Mommy picked up up, "Do NOT touch me, children, I don't trust you with them, You asshole," Mommy spat and we huddled close to her when Daddy grabbed me and Papa grabbed me away from mommy and mommy slapped Uncle Chika. "get up, we need to chat," "My brother isn't good enough for you," "You have no right to say that, I love Mitskuni and we leave it at that. I'm not letting a brat like you ruin MY family,"Mommy yells at him and I cling to daddy. "Mommy would never hurt you, no need to be scared," Daddy told me when I see a girl, but nobody else could see her... She's a beautiful girl, She's as pretty as mommy and Kemi... Brown hair and blue eyes, her hair going to her feet. "Daddy, Girl!" I yell and point at her but Daddy looked at me strangely, "there's no girl," Daddy said and the girl walked toward me and I got really cold. "I'm Chi, But nobody can see me, they'll think your crazy," I nod at her and reach out to her and my hand went through her, I quickly pull my arm back. Mom looked over at me as I pulled my hand back and she walked over to me. and put her arm through the girl, She feels the cold air in the warm room, "There's got to be a ghost here, it's so cold right here," "Says the superstitious one," "Feel right here, it's really cold," "No, girl might hurt!" I yell and the girl laughs at me, "It doesn't hurt, don't worry," "Otay Chi," I say and mommy looked at me with amazed. She smiled at me, "Who Chi?" "Girl! Right there!" I point to her and mom realizes that's where it was cold but she just faded away, "Bye little boy," "Chi? Where go?" I ask when I cant see her anymore, I look around and she's just gone, I don't get it...

~~Time skip, Uta~~

We were following Chika to figure out why he 'hates' Mitskuni. Chika is just freaked out with is the obsession of cake, I'm surprised nobody knows that. I lay on the ground with the kids, I start pulling out the grass when I see a rose bush, I pick a blue rose and a pink rose, pulled off all the thorns, and hand them to my babies. "Pretty!" They both squeal and I laugh softly at the behaviour, But, I feel eyes burning into my skull but I can't find where it's coming from... When a throwing knife flew past my face. I follow it to see a schoolboy sitting there angrily, "Missed the damn kids," "You think you'll live after saying that?" I ask him and he jumps, I grab my gun from its holster, "I better not see you, or hear of you again," I hate bastards like him, Just because they try to kill my kids, doesn't mean I'm going to date them. "Hi Chi!" Kaname squeals and seconds later, "I'm Kaname!" He cheers looking at the huge cherry blossom tree. I walk over to him and pick him up and he points at the tree, "Chi!" "Who's Chi?" "Pretty girl! Under tree!" I pull out my phone and start a recording. "Who are you?" I wait a few seconds then ask another question "Why are you talking to my son?" I stop the recording and listen to hear nothing "Chi no like mommy," That scared me, "Mommy doesn't like that Chi won't talk to her, I want to talk to your friend," I say nervously and he laughs. "Chi looks funny now," He laughs and make horns with his fingers. I start to lose color as I feel a burning on my stomach. "T-Takashi... Get over here please," I start to panic and Kaname looked scared now, "NO CHI! Get away from Mommy!!" He cries and I panic and Takashi runs over to me. I pull up my shirt up to where the burning stops to see three large scratches stopping at the bottom of my bra. I pull my shirt down when Chika walk out and started to explain himself. I grab the pen in my pocket and draw a Wiccan Protection Sigil. It will hurt me again and I'll have to get this tattooed on and get my family a protection pendant. I look to see all the other hosts walking to the field but I go straight home before the spirit could attach to us.

~~Time skip home~~

I give the babies to Sebby and Draw on the door a Sigil to keep that thing out and take the kids back, I call Satoshi to talk with him, We've gotten close and h won't think I'm crazy, he believes this kind of stuff. I get to the main living area with the kids when Satoshi came in and notice I had drawn on myself which is odd for me. "Hey Oshi," I smile at him and he walks over, "Whatcha need?" "Kaname is special, He can see demons and the afterlife," I hug Kaname as Satoshi held Akemi, Satoshi's eyes widened "Akemi must have something special right?" "She hasn't shown anything if she is, Kaname is so shy and indifferent that if he says stuff about it then It would be something Akemi would talk about," I tell him and he nods and we sit on the couch and I turn on the TV and we watch it until everyone comes over.


Takashi walks in with mitskuni to see me and Oshi half asleep on the couch watching Dora the Explorer. I close my eyes when I feel myself being picked up, I look to see Takashi had picked me up and was carried me to bed but I tap his shoulder, "I have to put the kids to bed," I say and he nods and he Walks away, "Hey, I got Oshi, Go lay down, I'll be there in a minute," I say kindly and he nods, Kisses my forehead and heads towards our room. I set both kids in their cribs and I pick up Satoshi and put him in one of the guest rooms. I walk into the bedroom where the lover boys were talking. "Hey boys," I smile and they look at me and Mitskuni pull up my shirt to see the huge scratches on my stomach, "Don't you think you should ask before trying to yank a girl's shirt off?" I ask jokingly and pick Mitskuni up and set him on the bed as I sit down beside them. "I'm worried but I don't want anybody know because Yoshio will still him and torture him to see what causes him to see spirits," I tell them and they hug me, the warmth makes me smile. "I love you guys," I smile and I lay down and relax, for the first time in a while. I love them so much... 4 weeks till Ouran's year-end party, Yoshio will be there, I'll have to leave the kids at home that day, He is to leave the kids or it will become dangerous for him...


Don't mind my obsession with the supernatural and things like that, I guess I should keep that out of the book but it's all over the place anyway so might as well. Anyways
Sweet Nightmares,


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