The Sun, The Sea And The Host Club

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My eye twitches when I walk in to see 50 swimsuits "Mitskuni, Takashi! Which one should I wear?" I ask knowing I couldn't get out of it. I'm starting to sow which makes me nervous since I haven't told anyone even my boys about it. Since I was drunk and Kyoya paid no attention to me there is no knowing who the father is. But Kyoya said that all the boys entered my room and Tamaki walked to Kyoya's room about 2 hours later. Which means I have the opportunity to be pregnant with any of their children but I'll just say it's Takashi's to avoid trouble. I'll get it checked later and hope it's one of my lover's child. "T-Takashi... Mitskuni... I have something to tell you when having some time alone..." I say nervously but the have smiles on their faces. It sucks that only four years ago we had to go to school on Saturday, I can't stand the snobs at that school, the 100% pedigree is a snobby class.

('A' Class - The "Elite" or Honor Roll (Grade + Pedigree Rank 100%)
'B' Class (Grade + Pedigree Rank 70%)
'C' Class (Grade + Pedigree Rank 50%)
'D' Class - Mostly consists of children from Yakuza affiliated families (Grade + Pedigree Rank 20%))

~~Time skip~~

I walk to the beach house. I was left to put things away since I'm no longer a host without guests. I go upstairs with about 13 bags and still had about 20 more bags. I had 3 bags... I hate these guys sometimes... This will take forever

~~Time skip brought to you by the hosts bringing their ENTIRE wardrobe~~

I walk out of the Beach house to see Haruhi throwing a bucket of Sea creatures at a guy. I bolt to the rock and I got there before the girl was off the rock. I hit the man holding the girls and attacking him first had Haruhi thrown off the cliff but Tamaki beat me to jump in after her. "Uta! I told you to need to keep your speed and a few other things on the lay low" Kyoya scolded me "Well They were in trouble! I do what I think is right! It's not my fault that those things happened to me! It was our sick father!" I scream at Kyoya and Mitskuni was holding me back because my temper had finally come to an end I was ready to kill. I fell realizing I was showing the result of my past, They might try to bring me back. "They can't bring me back" I start to cry on the rock. My voice trembling as I start to go insane. I start to thrash myself around and the hosts try to help. I fade into the old hospital only the Ootori family knows about.


The scary people are putting medicines in me. I've been poked by 35 needles now... I've been here for a year... I miss Kyo, Mitsu-kitty and Taka-nii. They brought a black medicine this time but I struggle but like always it does nothing... I need out! Dad help me!! Why won't you come help me, dad?! They keep telling me you told them to do it! It can't be true!! I won't believe them, dad! I know you love me! Rivers of fear stream down my face as they keep torturing me... Dad... Brothers... Help me... Please... I can't take it anymore!


I wake up in bed with Kyoya holding a pregnancy test... "You know this is dangerous to go through with Uta, you know the medicine will make it so you have at least 5 kids... We need to abort them..." Kyoya said worriedly. I can't just waste 5 human lives "1 life to 5 is something I'm willing to risk mine for 5 innocent unborn children," I tell him and he hugs me "you can't die on us! You'll die if you go through with this!" He yells, losing his cool for the second time today. "I am not wasting 5 human lives!" I yell back at him when Takashi walks in to bring us to dinner "Dinner's ready, Uta I would like to stay back with you for a moment" I nod and Kyoya exited clearly upset. "I heard the argument... Are we sure nothing happened while we were drunk?" "No... I'll test the kids when I can get a physical piece of DNA" "What happened to you as a child?" "I'll tell you and Mitskuni tonight" I finish as I start towards the door "You comin'?" I ask and we hurry downstairs to see the awkwardness. "so.. do any of us remember what happened during the party?" I ask when I walk in but everyone shook their head except Kaoru. "What do you remember Kaoru?" "Everyone except Kyoya was in your room... and stuff happened..." "So I could be pregnant?" I ask trying to hide the true facts "You could have stopped it, you had been sober enough" Mitskuni looked beyond pissed when I hug him and whisper in his ear "I'm pregnant... we don't know who the father or fathers are... I love you and I want you to help me raise them," I hug him firmly "why not tell everybody?" "I could if your okay with you' i tell him and he nods "Takashi?" he nods so I gather the guts to speak up "I-I'm pregnant but, because of childhood complication the minimum of quintuplets... five children but I do not plan to abort any of them or give any of them up..." I say quietly and they look at me amazed. "Mitskuni... Takashi I'll tell you the complication later" i say quiet enough for anyone not to hear. only my two boys heard, I look around "Well, let's eat! What is for dinner? Sorry I couldn't be with you guys much today" I smile and they still looked shocked, "We're having crab! You should sit with me and Takashi Mitskuni smiled but I could tell he's insanely jealous."Sweetie, I know your jealous but I promised that as long as I live I will be loyal. While I broke the promise once but i promise you two it will never do it again, I love you two" I tell him and I peck both of their cheeks as I sit to eat a crab in a few seconds which amazed everyone except Kyoya was surprised "Your having issues today Uta... I told you twice today to slow down big sister" "Stop treating me like a baby... I just want these two know that I won't hold back my complications around them" I say pointing at the two lover boys. I don't need him to tell me how to live my life. He rolls his eyes at me and I kick his leg under the table, and give him a mean look. when Tamaki stood up "Kyoya please escort me to my room." He said and Kyoya also excuses himself . I was left with the twins, Haruhi and the two lover boys... Everything was awkward... really awkward.. I sat there uncomfortably as the boys glared at each other when I hear thunder and I know Haruhi is afraid of it so I walk to Kyoya' room since I saw her run with her mouth covered. I slowly walk up and when I get to Kyoya's room I saw... That Kinky bastard... "Who knew you were a BDSM pervert?" I ask when the twins walked up behind me and put their arms on my shoulders... We all just sit there... I think It was less awkward at the table...

~~Time skip~~

"I can't believe I almost let you get away with that" "I told I wasn't doing it with a dirty intention!"Tamaki screams while I sat away from all of them, Last night I told the 2 love boys that I was an experiment. I look at the drive "Drive" I say and he starts to drive and about 3 kilometers away I had him stop, "You rally are a doll Sebastian. I might have to buy you off the Ootori's when I have more money" I say happily "I'm simply one hell of a butler my lady," He said with I smile and I pat his head "You sure are you cray at man" i smile "I could quit and work for you cheaply. I jut need enough to keep me an my boyfriend a float. His name is Ciel" (I AM A SEBACIEL SHIPPER!) I smile at him "well I pay at least 300 yen a day" I tell him "I think I could do the interview tomorrow young mistress" "Uta stop stealing my employees" Kyoya said and I smile "Sorry! I can't help that I pay better!" I cheer playfully when Sebastian spoke up "After this ride I quit... I found a job better suits me" The British driver said and I smile. "You emigrated from Britain right?" I chat with him and we have a pleasant ride home

Sorry my keyboard is being a dick and half the time the keys don't work so it takes more time to type this out. Non of the host are available at the moment...

Hosts: *Muffled yelling and screaming*

They were bad so they are being punished... NOT IN A DIRTY WAY, YOU PERVERTS!! They did the bad with Uta so I'm dealing with them.

Uta:*Walks in* What the fuck? SA-!

*Slaps Uta*

My name is a secret, you peasant!
Anyways, Sweet Nightmares


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