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It was Monday Night Raw again. Lita was trying to find Trish. She looked every where. Lita had one last spot to check: the women's locker room. The Hardy Boyz were in the ring right now and they turned around as they saw Lita on the titantron. The camera man follow Lita. The Hardy Boyz were confused. They saw as Lita opened the door.
"Trish are you-," Lita stopped at mid sentence as she saw Maria making out with Edge and Candice making out with Test. Lita was shocked at what she saw. The Hardy Boyz were furious and confused in the ring.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," Lita apologized.
"You did interrupt something, Lita," Candice said and continued kissing Test as Lita closed the door. The titantron went back to normal. Both Hardys walked to the backstage and into the women's locker room. Matt burst the door open.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Matt was about to explode.
"Jeff, I can ex-"
"No need to explain, Candice because you and I are through!" Jeff walked out.
"Same goes for you, Maria. Why don't you sluts continue kissing these worthless men," Matt closed the door with a slam. Lita was wondering through the halls looking for Trish. She was about to turn a corner and bumped into Jeff.
"Oh sorry," He said.
"It's fine, next time I should watch where I'm going," Lita said. She looked at Jeff.
"Is everything fine?"She asked.
"Yea, I just broke up with Candice. Turns out she cheated on me." Jeff looked at the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Lita said.
"Don't be. If it wasn't for you, then I wouldn't have found out. If I didn't find out, then she would have kept doing this behind my back," Jeff smiled.
"Have you by chance seen Trish anywhere?" She asked.
"Yea, she was actually by your locker room trying to find you," Jeff pointed backwards.
"Okay, thanks," Lita rushed off. Lita hurried to her locker room. She opened the door and saw Trish.
"Finally!" Trish said looking at her.
"I was trying to look for you!" Lita defended herself.
"Ready for your match?" Asked Lita.
"Now I am," Trish finished tying her shoes. They both went to the curtain.
"Do you want me to go out with you?" Asked Lita.
"Yeah, sure," Trish replied.
"I saw what happened with Candice and Maria." Trish was warming up.
"Mhm. I'm glad I caught them," Lita said as Trish's music started playing. She went out as usual. She pointed her finger in the air and both girls walked to the ring.
"Making her way to the ring being accompanied by Lita, from Toronto Ontario, Canada she one half of the WWE women's tag team champions... TRISH STRATUS!" Lilian Garcia caught her breath. Both girls were now waiting in the ring. Molly Holly came out.
It was half way through the match when Lita saw the Dudley Boys come out. They had lost their tag team belts that night, so they were angry. Lita looked at them confused. Why we're they out here? D-Von went into the ring while Bubba grabbed a table. Without noticing, Molly Holly was grabbed by D-Von. The ref rang the bell. The math had ended. Molly gave D-Von a low blow and ran out of the ring to the backstage. Trish was clueless as she was holding on to the ropes. Bubba got in and set the table up. D-Von grabbed Trish and the fans all knew what was going to happen. Trish tried to fight out, but it was no use. A few seconds later Trish was in the middle of the ring. Wood pieces were scattered. The Dudley Boys went to each turnbuckle and taunted the fans. Lita grabbed Trish's foot and slid her out of the ring. Lita tried her best to get Trish out of there. Both Dudley Boys grabbed another table. There were now two other tables in the ring. Trish and Lita were half way up the ramp when suddenly Lita was shoved to the floor. The girls both fell down. The Dudley's then proceeded to carry the girls back into the ring.
"Not again! Put them down!" Cried JR. Suddenly, the Hardy Boyz came out. It was too late though. The girls were already put through a table again. The Hardy Boyz started to attack the Dudley Boys. The Hardy Boyz threw both D-Von and Bubba over the ropes. Jeff and Matt looked down at Lita and Trish. Jeff grabbed Lita and Matt grabbed Trish. They put them on their shoulders. The crowd went crazy. Jeff and Matt took Trish and Lita backstage and into their locker rooms. Jeff set Lita down on the bench and Matt followed.
"Thanks," Lita said.
"Yeah, thanks. If you guys hadn't come out there, lord knows what they would've done to us." Trish added.
"Don't mention it. You guys helped us by making us realize that Maria and Candice were cheating on us. It's the least we can do," Jeff said.
"Well, we have a match soon. You girls try to rest. We'll be back to check on you," Matt and Jeff walked out of the locker room. The girls both looked at the floor. They heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," Trish said. Candice and Maria walked in.
"Can we help you?" Asked Lita in a rude way.
"You two better stay away from our men! You hear me? Just to make sure you two aren't even a foot close to them we have someone to keep an eye on you. Boys, come on in," In walked Test and Edge. They grabbed the girls bags and then grabbed the girls by the wrist.
"Let go!" Trish demanded. They both tried to loosen the grip, but instead it got tighter.
Edge and Test took the blindfolds off of the girls.
"What are you doing?!" Lita asked.
"Shut your mouth!" Edge said. Lita was so confused.
"Tell me where we are!" Lita demanded.
"I told you to shut up!" Edge said and slapped Lita across the face. Trish's eyes widened as she saw what just happened to her best friend. Trish looked around. They were in a locker room!
"We have a match! When we get back, you two better be here!" Test barked. The girls nodded as the boys left the room.
"We are in a locker room right now. I'm guessing the boys locker room?" Trish said.
"We need to find a way to get out. Wait, if this is the boys locker room then a boy will soon walk in. We just need to wait," Lita said trying to move around. Her hand were tied behind a chair and her legs were tied to the chair as well. The girls waited for about 10 minutes.
"So strange that not a single man has walked in," Trish looked at the door. Suddenly the door handle moved. Lita and Trish looked at each other. The door was locked.
"Umm.." Said the familiar voice outside the door.
"Open this damn door up right now," It was no other than Stone Cole Steve Austin.
"I'm going to whip your ass if you don't open this door right now!" Austin furious tried the handle again. The girls started to move the chairs towards the door. They were going so slow. Trish was the first one to reach the door handle. How was she going to open it?
"How the hell do I open it?" Asked Trish.
"Turn it with your mouth," Lita suggested.
"Do you know how many germs are on that?" Asked Trish.
"Do you want to stay tied to a chair?" Lita said.
"Fine," Trish gave in. Trish tried to open the door with her teeth. She unlocked the door and Austin burst the door open. He flipped Trish with the door.
"What the hell?" He was confused.
"Why are you two girls tied to a chair?" He asked.
"Test and Edge." The girls answered.
"They're in the ring right now. I'm about to open up a big can of whoop ass on them!" He untied the girls, and told them to walk back to their locker room and lock the door. Austin walked to the curtain and his music started playing.

It was the Hardy Boyz vs Test and Edge. The boys stopped and looked as Stone Cold walked down the ramp. Austin was trash talking the whole way to the ring. He ran in and started hitting Edge, who at the moment was the legal man along with Jeff. The referee called for the bell. Test came in to help Edge, but instead was greeted with a stunner. Edge got to his feet and ran into a stunner. Austin slid out and grabbed a chair. He then got into the ring and started hitting the back of both men. Jeff and Matt stood in the corner catching their breath and watched. Stone Cold then threw the chair and grabbed a microphone.
"You damn son of a bitches think you can mess with my family?! Well let me say something... EH EH! Next time you decide to tie Trish and Lita to a chair, you'll find your sorry ass' in the hospital. Do you understand? I don't need to you answer because I hope you do. And that's the bottom line cause' Stone Cold said so!" Austin threw the microphone and his theme started playing. He called for two beers. He opened them, then pushed them together. He then poured them into his mouth. The Hardy's were walked up the ramp.
"Trish and Lita got tied up to chairs?" Jeff asked worried.
"That's what he said," Matt answered. The boys walked backstage and looked for the girls. They knocked on the door. Trish opened it. She was holding her sore back.
"Are you girls okay?" Jeff said walking in with Matt behind him.
"Yeah, you know Maria and Candice wanted some payback. Looks like they don't have the brains to actually do it," Lita answered.

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