Encounters At The Beach

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   The girls were walking to the beach. They had their bikinis on with a cardigan on top. They turned the corner to the beach.
"Isn't that beautiful, Li?" Trish spread her arms out.
"I'll tell you what's beautiful," Said a voice in the back. They turned around and saw two men. They both cat called the girls. The girls walked quicker. They noticed that the two guys were following them. They were basically running at this point.
"How are they so damn fast?!" Lita whispered into Trish's ear.
"Shut up and keep walking." Trish answered. The girls felt the sand on their feet. They turned back.
"Why the hell are they still following?!" Trish was nervous.
"Shut up and keep walking." Lita mocked Trish. Trish rolled her eyes. They found a spot where there was people around them.
"Sit here. If they do anything to us then we scream. People will be able to hear us right here," They both laid their towels out and sat down. Lita looked to the left. She saw Jeff and Matt. They weren't too close, but they weren't too far away.
"Turn back a little and see if they're still there," Trish told Lita. Lita slightly turned her head. She saw both men leaning at the entrance. They were coming closer each minute.
"They're there, and they're coming closer each minute," Lita said. Trish let out a sigh.
"I don't want to get kidnapped, Li!" She said.
"Neither do I. We have to find a way to get them out of here." Lita tried to come up with something.
"Well let's relax for right now. Like you said, if anything happens then we scream. Plus, Jeff and Matt are over there," Trish pointed to Lita's left.
"I'm sure they'll help us out," Trish and Lita relaxed with their elbows holding them up. Lita looked to her left again.
"How the hell?! They went from over there to over here," Lita pointed to where Jeff and Matt were. They had moved a couple of feet closer.
"Everyone wants us, Li!" Trish joked. Both girls laughed.
The boys looked over and saw the girls.
"Look bro," Matt slapped Jeff's chest and pointed towards the girls.
"Let's move a bit closer," Jeff grabbed his towel and dragged it.
"A bit? You moved it like 7 feet closer," Matt laughed. He dragged his too.
"You like Lita?" Asked Matt.
"Why?" Jeff asked.
"Is it that obvious?" Jeff added.
"So you do?!" Matt elbowed Jeff.
"Haven't you known since we were kids? I mean I know you had and probably still have a crush on Trish," Jeff replied.
"I still do," Matt admitted.
"Go get her, tiger," Jeff teased Matt.
"Shut up!" Matt punched Jeff's shoulder. They looked over and saw two guys approaching the girls.

  "So then he started writing on my wrist," Lita continued her story.
"What did you do?" Trish asked.
"Nothing. I just let him write on it," Lita answered.
"I would melt if Matt did that to-." They both felt hands on their shoulders. They quickly turned around. It was the two guys.
"What the hell?!" Trish yelled at both men.
"We have a feisty blondie," Both men laughed. This angered both Lita and Trish.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Lita asked.
"We want you girls." Replied one. He got closer to Lita. The girls backed away. Lita felt another hand on her arm. It pulled her away. She looked over and saw Jeff. Matt had done the same with Trish. Those two men weren't as tall as Lita thought.
"What's going on here?" Matt asked.
"These men are bothering us and they've been following us to the beach," Trish answered.
"Well I'd suggest you leave them alone!" Jeff held Lita back.
"And who the hell are you to tell us to leave them alone?" Asked one man.
"Either you leave or we'll knock the teeth out of your mouth. We do that for a living, and we sure as hell are not afraid to do it to two punks who love intimidating women." Matt said.
"Oh, we'll leave, but only with these two women." Said one. The one who said that tried to go around Jeff and grab Lita, but Jeff turned around and protected her.
"Your leaving by yourselves. Definitely not with these two women." Jeff responded. Lita held onto his hand a little tighter. He squeezed her hand. A police officer saw what was going on. He walked over.
"Is there a problem," He asked.
"Yes, these two jerks are trying to take us with them!" Trish answered.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave the beach," The officer said. 
"Trying to take them with us? We're married to them!" Answered one of the guys. Lita and Trish opened their mouths.
"You damn liar! We don't even know you!" Lita barked at the guy. The officer tried to get the two guys out of there. They fought back and bolted toward Jeff and Matt. The guys knocked them down. This caused Lita and Trish to fall back.
"I need backup at the San Diego beach!" Called the officer into his walkie-talkie. The police man grabbed one of the guys. Soon there was another police officer. He ran toward where they were and grabbed the other man. They got arrested and taken away. There weren't many people on the beach, so not a lot saw what happened. Lita got up and helped Trish.
"I think we should go back to the hotel. Thank you so much for standing up for us." Lita said.
"We will always stand up for you guys," Jeff said wiping the sand off of himself.
"Thank you," Trish said.
"Don't mention it. If you ever need help then you know who to call." Matt answered.
"I think we should walk with you girls back to the hotel. We don't want you girls getting kidnapped or anything," Jeff suggested.
"Yep, just let us gather our stuff," Matt added. Both Hardy's walked over and gathered their belongings. The girls did the same. 
   "Thanks, again," Lita said as she opened their hotel room door.
"Any time," Jeff said and winked at Lita. Lita felt butterflies in her stomach. The boys left and the girls entered their room. Trish closed the door and locked it.
"What a day at the beach," Trish let out a huge breath and went to go take a shower. After Trish got out, Lita took one. The girls fell asleep an hour later, and they left this horrible day in the past.

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